![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011, 12:54 AM
![]() Hey.Doubt anyone is reading this,But if there really is,I dont think I'll edit this blog anymore. So check my twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/AmeliaNorman Or ; My tumblr : http://lifeisequaltoawkwardmoments.tumblr.com/ So yeah,I dont really have a following who reads my blog anyways,so I'm abandoning you,so yeah.Goodbye I guess. Saturday, February 19, 2011, 2:36 AM
![]() Hello . School had been horribly terrible,but not all bad.If that made sense.I honestly dont know what I want to do with me life right now. haha. See ya when I see ya. ![]() Saturday, January 15, 2011, 9:52 PM
What a piss off.
![]() You know what pisses me off? Homophobic pieces of shit.Ignorant spiteful idiots.I dont understand you people.I really dont.I dont know why you must be such hateful people.I am not saying that I am gay or whatsoever,however I strongly believe that everyone is special and unique,hating on that is just disrespectful.Please have a sense of guilt and shame for once. School.Band.Twitter. Those three above are what that has been taking over my time for the past weeks.hah.Pretty pathetic,but I'd rather be pathetic than be anything else :P Just came back from sending MuiMui to the vet.She's undergoing some operation :/ Hopefully she turns out fine. ![]() Bye. Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 7:28 AM
Dear 2010,you are amazing....In bed :B
Told ya I'll come back and post something.lol.Okay,what have I done for the days I havent updated... Well I did alot of shopping.Alot of outings and ALOT of sleeping.HAHA.Holidays are coming to an end,meh.That's very disapointing ): Moving on,2010 memories and 2011 resolutions ; 2010 memories. 1) Probably the most vivid and heartwarming memory of 2010 must probably be the time that I meet Mr Adam Lambert.Yes,I know,I know I mentioned this COUNTLESS of times.It's getting cliche and all but in all honestly,I will never forget that,and even if I were to somehow managed to....Well I cant think of a comeback for that.Going to the hotel he was staying at with my buddies(lol) and thinking,"Why the fuck am I here?I'm supposed to be in school" and randomly seeing Adam across me just feets away,eventually being upclose with him,yeah its was flipping awesome.lol.The day after,when I rushed home with Huda to change after school and rush to Universal Studios to be in time for Adam's showcase,HAHA.Went home at midnight,and giggled and felt like the happiest idiot ever,and waking up at 6AM on a saturday,and going to Bugis Junction the next day for Adam's autograph session,waiting under hot sun for 8 hours and finally getting to be infront of Adam himself,groped his left hand and making myself look like a total mental lol. :P 2)GlamNation 2010 Singapore.LOL.Yes,another AdamLambert-related one.GlamNation is only once and I managed to witness it :P The sheer over-reactment of myself when I got to know that he was coming again for a concert,the hollow and heartwrenching feeling when I thought I couldnt go at first,then the "THANKGOD I HAVE AWESOME FRIENDS WHO HOOKED ME UP WITH TIXS" lol.And the aftermath,a really overjoyed Amelia who went home in a taxi cab at 3AM in the morning,face messy with glitter,hands shaking.Yeah IT was that epic :D 3)CHR Musical Moments 2010.HAHA.Dear Band mates who thought I forgot about you guys,NOPE I havent,unfortunately,HAHA I'm kidding :P The endless hours of band practices.We grew a strong bond with each other because of that :) The 16 hours being on and offstage,rehearsals and all.The actual performance and the adrenaline rush when you realised,Nope this Is'nt another useless dry run,this is the actual thing! lol.All in all,I had a great time talking,laughing backstage with my band mates <3 Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 12:47 AM
December ?
![]() Hello. It's decemberrrrr.Ugh.That's incredibly fast :/ I'm flipping bored.damn.Went for some job interview thing with Denise just now.Waste my bloody time.Seriously.No offence.lol.Had lunch then took the train to AMK,bought koi and took the bus back home.Supposed to have a sleepover at Shak's house.Plans changed.meh.Heartbroken okay.LOL. Last weekend,I went shopping with my mom.Bought Chanel Chance perfume.Smells AMAZING.Bought some cosmetics,mascara,compact powder and pencil liner from mac.Meh.And more random crap.The next day,went to buy grey leggings,magnifyer mirror and a flower print shoe <3 LOL. MCR.OMG BEEN YEARS SINCE I LAST FLAILED OVER MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE AND GERARD WAY.OMG.Havent bought their new album but I got their songs in my iPod lol.I'm bored ttm now.OH! GlamNation tour is over ): After 7 months of touring,Adam and crew can finally take a break :) I think I'm going to make a 2011 Resolution post at the end of December.Yeah.List down the good days of 2010.LOL.i'm gonna miss 2010,man.I mean I met Adam this year.Like,that's NUTS ! Gosh.LOL. ![]() Gerard Way #FTW! BYE. Friday, November 19, 2010, 12:20 PM
heh ?
![]() Believe me,that's Adam above there.So adorable *_* Oh Hello . Been weeks since i updated and posted,lol.Seriously what is up with those random people tagging on my blog ? Like seriously ? wtaf ? Anyways,been busy,going for band practices and mainly sleeping and tweeting.lol. I'm such an insomniac.Its currently 4:30AM and I'm still awake,lol.Cant sleep.Holiday insomnia is kicking in i guess! lol.Been playing Sims3 with my brother for the whole day,so tiring yet very entertaining ! Lol.But,time wasting to the extend :/ As shameful as it sounds,being a big fan of Harry Potter,I havent yet managed to watch it on the big screen,YET.A hundred and million percent watching it after next week :B hehehe.Speaking of next week,its the school year end concert this coming wednesday ! Nervous and excited right now.I'm kindof scared to step on the stage :/ But whatever,to whoever coming to watch the concert,here's a very advance " have an amazing night" wish to you guys LOL.I dont make sense,at all. Heh.I felt the need to get a new handbag,so brother gave me just $50 to get a bag so I went down to Wisma originally to find for one,the F21 there is does'nt have much choice so I painstakingly walked all the way to somerset just to get a $55 F21 bag -.- havent worn it out yet though.Originally wanted a river island bag,but nah. I'm finally getting my Coastal scents palette.Yeah,slow but whatever.Mom agrees to get me one so,hehehe :B Oh wow it's been long since I had posted for atleast more than 2 paragraph (excluding my Adam flashback post) ! Speaking of Adam,Dont you guys think the guy below,Andrew Garfield,the extremely adorable guy,looks so much alike Adam ? Right ? So hot.I tell you.He's an actor.meh.But,Adam is still amazingly adorable and incredible :D Atleast to me of course,lol.I miss Adam.I miss seeing him in person.Sighs. ![]() ![]() Bye. Monday, November 1, 2010, 12:49 AM
![]() Hello. Guess what, i got back my report book today :/ I dont know why I'm actually posting but I feel like it.Heh.Halloween last night! Fun to the max,reached home early,school [the next day] lol! I just realized random people been tagging on my blog.Fucking random. I left my Lemon Tea under the class table -.- waste of money.lol.Dude,Adam is a VAMPIRE yet again for halloween.Retarded!But cute nevertheless.End of year concert in 3 weeks (?) not much prepared.NEED MORE TIME,Fucking hell ): Need to train them newcomers ASAP. Like seriously,Im so fucking DELIRIOUS to attend intensive classes :/ [obviously im not,duh] Well,Ive ran out of ideas already. My plan this holiday is to go : 1) Bungee Jumping [if nothing else fails] 2) Marina Bay Sand skypark,for the fun of it. )Sleep for more than 48 hours. 4)Get a new eyeshadow palette.[Damn unsatisfied with the recent one :/] 5) Get more cat toys for beloved MuiMui. 6) Have fun ultimately. Fuck you and go away you non existence piece of wasted space.Nobody likes you.Jump off a cliff and rot in hell :D ![]() Bye. |