![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 8:10 AM
Posting again....
I'm just bored so I'm posting the second time now.Saturday:Maybe gg to the concert.Think I wont go If only both of us (sec 1) gg.... Sunday:I really wanna go out with ARON. I can't concentrate on my paper coz of aunts death... Friends thought I was happy....I think I'm not.I dont want them to care.... So,going to funeral sometime this week...Its been ahwhile since I see ppl carry out funeral.The last was six years ago,My grandmother's funeral. Ok,going off byebye. Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 10:48 PM
failing is what I'm good at...
Hello...I did'nt come to school yesterday... Today,Literature and Math paper 1 .... I know I will fail math coz I did'nt bring my fcuking calculator... !! Literature do anyhow...I forgot everything just now... Recess with Upper sec....YADAYADAYADA....... Then math paper,Did anyhow.....Only an hour so I was happy it ended fast.... Then go causeway buy hot fudge...BLABLABLA Go home.... PLANS ON HOLIDAY/WEEKENDS. Labour day:Going to aunts funeral... Saturday:really wish I can go to the concert thingy instead of going to my father's sister's house.Just hope I can go ! Sunday:maybe going to sormerset with ARON!I dont know why...HAHA ok byebye yes,aron is my best buddie ! Monday, April 28, 2008, 2:49 AM
I miss paul.
This may sound weird but,I miss Paul Twohill....I have no idea why....Its so random... Yah,whatever I'm being stupid,Paul twohill,I'f your'e reading this,(like as if he would read..) I miss you like aloooot...Where are you ?The last time I saw you is the cormmercial From channel 5 ... HAHAHA... I MISS PAUL TWOHILL ALOT.AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY.... Maybe he is my first inspiration ?Lol....Byebye.... Paul twohill rocks eventhough its been 2 years.... 2:09 AM
BBG is the cutest of all !
HelloMonday... MT suck... CME too...slack....blabla...change seat. Recess I ate like alooott ! Math was a bore. Science I pass class test ! yay ! History copy notes ... APC do CME file..then do roses and thorns ...I wrote BBG makes me happy in th petal... Then was supposed to go for science remedial but I skip. :) Then go CWP buy donut !! Then go home... I never saw Bobby the whole day.... Sunday, April 27, 2008, 5:48 AM
Huda,thank you !
![]() Credits to umairah huda bte sahri. For the cute BBG icon :). hers very nice...BLABLABLABLA... EMI,if you reading Hello ! haha tag lah...read then nvr tag.... Bobby cozin....byebye Friday, April 25, 2008, 1:03 AM
I have homo clones
Hello..Today MT paper was difficult.I can't do paper 1 and paper 2.I dont understand what they are saying.Sheesh,gonna get scoldings from MT teacher and parents...I'm so dead. Today,Break only 10 minutes ?WTH ?Lame.....Just 'enjoyed' sushi.Searching BBG then when he turn around I was like 'oh ok i see olready.'He confirm know ... Go home then my I saw my brother still at home,He late... Then 2nd brother go home with frens....he said somemore frens coming.... -_- Party issit ? My english may disturb some viewers....I dont type like this...I need to go anyway... No time to use brain...watever bye. Thursday, April 24, 2008, 6:08 AM
Fighting wont resolve in anything.
Hello...Fought with garett just now.He though I was lying.God,how stupid can he be. How am I supposed to go for jamming while sitting for a test at the same time. Idiotic guy.Quitting my band.Trying to convince garett to quit but he wont listen. haissszzzz frustrating lah.... byebye. 2:36 AM
I HATE BEROK.I HATE BOBBY. I HATE SCHOOL. I HATE LIFE. I HATE LOVING WHO I HATE. I HATE THIS WORLD. I HATE LIVING. I HATE BEROK. I HATE BOBBY. I HATE BOBBY. I HATE BOBBY. I HATE BOBBY. I HATE BOBBY FOREVER. FUCK.I DONT EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FUCKING FACE ANYMORE ! Back to real post. Today was english MYE.An easy paper.Recess with upper sec.Saw pocket,saw 2nd,saw bobby. I hate bobby.I hate bobby so much i feel like kiling him.After school,went to causeway go KFC .Then bought icey-creamy.Walk walk then saw some people.BLABLA. Go home.BLABLA again. I saw BBG !I wanna see BBG again tommorow ! ByeBye. I hate bobby forever and ever. Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 2:14 AM
Wednesday is dooms day.
Hello...I really did'nt want to go to school today.But I did.Why,Coz I wanna see box-bag. But unfortunately,he's not there.Whatever.Without box-bag,I feel pathetic. I really miss him like aloooooot !I dont miss Bobby coz he is everywhere. I see him almost everyday.Trying to move on with him !! argh School was normal.Nothing weird or bad happens... MT,just did letter writting. ENGLISH,some worksheet. RECESS,bought food and eat. FTC,mr danny got this smelly curtains. MATH,my calculator was out of battery. SCIENCE,the teacher did'nt come again,so slack blablabla. ART,slack again....I did'nt do anything. Then after school bought bubble tea,go home. Was watching a video of chris crocker.HAHA. He supports britney,like me!! But I so hate gay guys... They are scary. ![]() Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 2:17 AM
Tuesdays suck
Hello..Why must every tuesdays suck ? I hate MT. I hate PE. I hate MATHS. The subjects I hate are on tuesday.But on the bright side,I did'nt go home alone. And I love Nicholas Braun. Anyway, MT,just copy back the compo. PE did standing broad jump. Recess ate sushi and drank lemon tea. FTC,sat according to register number.I was sweating like mad there. Math,was ok. Science the teacher did'nt come.So I did my math homework. BLABLA.After school.I keep on playing with dhiviya's umbrella. Then went to the DnT workshop finished up my project.Then go home. Watching videos of nicholas braun. HAHA. ![]() Monday, April 21, 2008, 6:30 AM
Yadayadayada ...
Hello.Eventually,everyone will know my secret. So monday.Not the kind of day I expected It to be. Came to school so early. MT,the teacher keep on shouting. CME,was slacking,carved BBG at my table. Recess was usual. Math class I wanted to go to the toilet.Too bad the teacher dont let. Science teacher punished the class for no reason.I ask to go to the toilet like three times finally she gave me the damn pass. History,just copy some notes whatever. Then assembly,a talk about saving the EARTH. After school.He walk pass me.The smell of deodarant + perfume. Haaahaa.The i do the hand waving thing as say.See,the smell of deodarant and perfume. I think he heard.HAHAA.Heck cares. Then me,roseanne,huda,aishah,eiffel and emmanuel walk to vista me and emmanuel bought slurpee.Then at the busstop saw pocket.Took 900.Then huda wanted to go library.So,we went to the library without roseanne.Then at the library I saw sabrina.Intended to do homework,In the end,Talk crap... Then go home .I'm sick because of the rain now.I dont want to go to school tomorow. Friday, April 18, 2008, 12:39 AM
I thought you were a nice guy.Guess I was wrong.
Hello.Finally its friday....MYE's nearing.Haven studied a damn thing. Tommorow got geography remedial.Should I go ? Guess I should.I failed geography CT should pass MYE. Whatever...I'm a good girl.(as if) Today was a short day.Did'nt expectit to be so early. Reading was quick.Geography lesson was somewhat fast.Recess seemed long. English was quick too.How time flies.Then Chapel was quick. Walk around causeway again.Bought apple pie then eat go library. Then buy the spring rolls.Go home.How time flies. i hope you are reading this;mr arrogant. why are you acting so arrogant'ly' ? I'm so frustrated.you piece of **** can't you be more normal ? good bye. AM EL ia Thursday, April 17, 2008, 2:00 AM
Bobby or BBG ?
Hello.Brought home my DnT project which was disgusting and horrible...But people liked it. Saying that it's cute and all.BlABLABLABLA.Its still fugly to me.Waited for huda to finish HMT. Me,aishah,eiffel and emanuel talk crap....BLABLABLA....Then HMT over we talk crap with Tze yang and some band members....Then while walking to the busstop emanuel keep on shouting MAN U ROCKS. !! Then I join him ..And some girls keep on shouting Liverpool rocks.. then they say man u sucks....WTH...So irritating....Took the bus go walk around CWP again. Then take the bus go home. PLEASE OH PLEASE JOIN BACK BAND EMANUEL !! Bobby knows I like him.... is that supposed to be good or bad ? Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 2:08 AM
Bobby suceeded.
Hello.Bobby suceeded.I tried to act as if I don't care.I have to.Well,he suceeded,making me feeling sad as ever.Whatever.Life goes on.And I'm trying to move on. School was the same.Boring,slacking.Math period I played with my calculator pressing me name and all.Yea lame.Was so bored.Got back the class test.Pass but not the marks I expected.I expected more.Then after math was science.As usual the teacher looked like she was taking drugs. ~~~~~YADAYADAYADAYADAYADA~~~~~ ART.Was the worst.Had to redo my drawing like 5 times or more.REDO-REDO-REDO. Until the end of the lesson I was so happy.Then dismissal waited for huda to come out of her class.While waiting I dared roseanne to throw the oreo packet down.Eventually she did it. We were laughing like mad cows.Then went down to the canteen bought myself something to drink.Then while walking to the busstop I made up this line : Bobby and Bobah made a baby called babi. Then I keep on saying that line when suddenly bobby and bobah was just infront of me. Then took the bus walk around causeway then go library.We did'nt do homework just talk. Take the bus go home.Blahblahblahblah.... Take not that Bobby and bobah are not real names. Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 12:20 AM
Tuesday sucks .
Hello.As usual.Tuesdays sucked.I'm gonna be random . Lets call 'him' bob.I have no idea why.The name just popped in my head. So from now on lets call him Bob. :D Had running.Mr ho said its a test ?He said that fail nevermind still have 19 more tests.... Crazy old man.Just run a little bit.Talk all the way with Jasmine.As usual,fail.I hate running. After PE.recess.The que was damn long.In the end,I bough sushi.After recess FTC then MATHS.I hate the sub and the damn teacher.How to pass ? After math science.As usual slack.Sleep arnd 25 minutes.Then class dismiss.Then go vista then take bus.Saw afiqah,amanda and afiqah's couzin too at the busstop. That's all. Amelia Norman Hates Math.Hates tuesdays.Loves Bobby. :D Monday, April 14, 2008, 7:03 AM
A new week begins
Hello.A new week begins.Nothing much happen.I did'nt see him much around.Just at the parade square.Whatever.I see him everyday.Had to 'sing' the school song.As usual,did'nt sing. The jokers of my class sang high pitch.Or whatever that was supposed to be phrased. Class was boring.I managed to sleep during math.Then I woke up.Drew some stuffs at my notebook.I need a new notebook Its full of shit and stuffs.Drawings of ppl walking pass my class,drawings of the subject teachers and his names all over my notebook.WTF. What I do during lesson.The usual.Everyday slack. After school,Went to the wooden bench.Wah...plan to do homework.But we just stand there.While I keep on msg-ing my friend and looking arnd to find him.I slack alot. Still haven do homework yet.GOSH.Gonna a get a helluva tomorow by that biased guy-look-alike. I hate tuesdays. Bye.AMELIA PS.MR ARROGANT is still quite arrogant today.Just quite not all arrogant.Great job MR ARROGANT.I'm proud of you. -____- OK lame. Saturday, April 12, 2008, 7:51 PM
We were hoping that you would come.
Hello.So,yesterday had band practise.I dont feel like coming but I have to.I want to ace my attendance.Practise that damn song.I hate the song.Its boring. ~~~~Yadayadayada.~~~ MR ARROGANT is still very arrogant.We dont talk and that's about it. After band practise we went to national stadium to watch the display bands syf. Just go there to see KT band and WEST SPRING band.After that took the MRT go home. Look through the book I RECOMMEND,SOE and the damn song.That sickening song. Goodbye, AMELIA. Friday, April 11, 2008, 2:25 AM
I'm making a grave mistake.
Sometimes I feel like quitting band.But sometimes I feel like I need band.Shit always happen during band.If it happens again I going.Leaving for sure. I love band.But the things that happens in band makes me feel pathetic and useless. I feel like I'm not a part of it.Not a family.Last practise made me cry. Sobbing like a stupid small kid. I hate my school. I hate my CCA. I love my CCA. If it happens one more time,I'm going. Thursday, April 10, 2008, 11:48 PM
The end of the week.
Hello.Today is Friday.How time flies. I hate school.Enemies here and there,people gossiping,rumours, and how arrogant a certain SOMEONE is at school.How I hate school. Some people who I dont even know starts to call me by my name. I even heard rumours about me.WTH ? I'm a fucking newbie in the school and I have enemies ?I have never plan to have freaking enemies.Hate or love your'e still a person.I dont hate you.WHy should you hate me?What have I done that make you give me that fuckface.Besides,fuckface or no fuckface,you're not beautiful.FRANKLY SPEAKING.YOU LOOK LIKE SHIT. YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT TROWN IN THE TRASH CAN.So,stop giving me that look that fuckface.I'm sick of it.One day I'll eventually kidnapp you,Trap you with monkeys which is your family background.Die with them.You fucking piece of shit. Wednesday, April 9, 2008, 1:33 AM
What a day.
Hello.Today.I have seen stuffs that I am not supposed to see.I dont want to accept the fact about the things I see.I feel like crying whenever I think about it.And today is supposed to be Gerard Arthur Rush Way birthday and the day is like hell for me. I just found out that gerard third SMOKES. Why smoke ?OMG.And worst still the someone is with the other someone. What else ?I still have stuffs to pay.Buy a guitar pick.Damn depressing. Enough about the sad stuffs.Lets talk about the opposite :D I'm 'chosen'(as if.its what the paper says)to go to INDIA .OK I know lame.But I really want to go.The things that will be doing sounds fun.And my friends(note;my friends are not indians) are going too.I hope my parents let me go.I can't wait for tommrow.Coz there's no mt,math,sci.Only english,litetature and DNT.Then finish school.Then BAND !! Till here then,Do tag.Or else I wont post. :D Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 3:58 AM
YAY ! I missed jamming -_-
SHIT.I missed jamming.Garett is going to kill me.FUCK. Why can I remember ?Every tuesday ?My god. School is like shit these days.I feel like dropping out of school.I think I'm going to fail math test.I did'nt even learn for that stupid test.The teacher looked like a transgender. Still have to pay for the science practical book-shit. Yesterday ate the briyani and I can't even sleep in class.Can't even concentrate. HAHA.I sleep in class almost every monday and wednesday.Only not at times when that basri roam around the whole school minding other people's bis'ness eventhough its not related to him.That sick bastard.I hate him. Till here then.Bye fucktards.Do tag. Saturday, April 5, 2008, 1:37 AM
Garett is LAME.
Band was great today.I finally know how to play march together. at last I had time to update my blog.Post,change skin..etc Friday had jamming with VAMPIRE inc.I was laughing like mad the whole time.Can't concentrate. Garett was like :Amelia,you got extra pick ? ME:nope,I using yours. *SMILES* Garett:How can like that.You use yours lah....Give me back lah. ME:I dont have.I bankrupt cannot buy :( Garett:gives me the WTH look and said use lahx2.GAY lah walau... ME:GAY?what gay.you gay ? Garett:Sometimes when I feel like it.... ME: -_- ??LAME . Garett is so LAME. I missed 3 jamming and I just found out that they made a new song ! which I dont know how to play :( . I hate going to school.The thought of school makes me sick. Exams are nearing. OMG. BYE ! Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 2:45 AM
WTH,i'm having a bad week
What the fuck,I'm having a bad week.Things are starting to worsen everyday.from bad to worst.Haven't been updating this blog for days.I'm neglecting this blog. I'm just bored.So i'm posting crap. tuesday: came to school.Had stomach ache till the end of the day. PE SUCKS.I hate pe.Had to run 3 rounds at the track.finished.Came back feeling cold and hot at the same time.Went home alone coz roseanne have Volleyball and jean did'nt come to school.Reached home.Syakira called asking to lepak.So met her at my void deck. Chit-chatted till we remembered there was homework.so went to the library.Shall not elaborate anymore. wednesday: Saw gerard number 3 practising oral.And he keeps on smiling.I started to melt.So adorable. Supposed to go for learning syle make-up lesson but we skipped and loiter around causeway. went to the library coz roseanne wanted to see 'fancy socks'.. go around the whole library and found out that it rained.went home after that. till here then. You have no idea how depressed I am right now. |