![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Monday, June 30, 2008, 2:48 AM
Mission Failed.
Hello.Yesterday went to collect specs.Then took the bus to Suntec convention centre.G to the toycomic thing.Met brother's friends there.Got a free comic.Then walkwalk then met brother at bugis.Oh yah.Bofore tht,had swesens.The guy working there looked really familiar. Dinner at some place at bugis.Took the bus home.Reached home around 12++. Today woke up late.Reached school around 7.20++.Huda was later then me.She got detention.LOL.Then School first thing saw BBG crossing LOL.Then at class kena comment about my socks and hair.WTF.Told yifa to be the loudspeaker thing.Did'nt actually ask.Bustard him.LOL.Then after school.Walked around the school.Then aishah was forced to go for netball.Good thing when she went for netball huda finished detention.Then wanted to go home.But suddenly I thought of stalking BBG.LOL.Stalker LOL.Then waited and waited and waited until he walk tried to stalk but failed.Did'nt know where he was already so went home.LOL.Waste time.Band was cancelled .Was looking forward for It the whole day.But I was cancelled.Screw it.Okay byebye. Saturday, June 28, 2008, 8:31 PM
ZnA ?
Hello.Yesterday,band.Normal.Aishah emo-ed ystd.Watched some DvDs.Pei jia was crazy.Went home after tht.Then went to Yishun.Bought new specs.LOL.You will be seeing me with new specs tommorow.LOL.The colour's weird.I like it.Then met dad at burger king.Went to some coffee shop.Saw many old people drinking.HAHA.Sms-ed Harley tht.Then went home.Played brother's PSP.Slept.Dreamt of ZnA.LOL.Then today.Woke up damn early.Around 8 -__-.Comp-ed then Mom forced me to follow her go market.Went to causeway first.Coz she wanted to pay bills.Then to market.This indian guy was lame-ing thruout the convo.Then went home.Comp-ed again now.Ltr will be going to yishun again to collect specs. 11 MORE DAYS TO MY BIRTHDAY !! Friday, June 27, 2008, 1:02 AM
BBG merajok siol.
Hello.Today not that bad.Not like yesterday.But,BBG merajok .Macam phm gitu.To me he looked merajok-ish.LOL.So,Was not late just now.Yesterday was such a badday.Okay back to today. Art.Slacked.Walked around the class.Trapped roseanne outside the class.How naughty can I be ? Did it like 3 times.Then sat back at my place.Yifa tht stupid idiot who does'nt speak proper english told me to do his Chinese Hmwerk. Yifa:do my homework. Amelia:you go die ah.Stupid. WEE.He smiled after tht.See ?How stupid.Then walked around the class again.Mr lim either did'nt see or did'nt care.Then MT.EEEW.Mt nothing much.Was tired the whole period.Good thing he did'nt disturb me again.Then recess.BLABLABLA.Then Literature.Mr chow .Cute.Smells nice.LOL.Then ms Foo came in my class.Told us she will try to ask Mr Danny to reconsider being our form teacher again.WEE.Well atleast .Getting my hopes high.Then science teacher did'nt come.Again.Walked around the class again.HAHA.Played with the volleyball HAHA. Then sat back at my seat.Yifa,I'll really kill him. He said something about playing with slime thingi.Then I told him to mind his own biz. EEYIER.YUCKS.I so hate tht Yifa.So irritating.Then went to the AVA for chapel.Bored.Watched some movie.Then went home.BBG nakal eh,kat class ckpckp.LOL.BBG,nakal eh,balik cptcpt. BYEBYE.My birthday is in 13 days.Prezziess !! BBG merajok lagi,tak suker lagi ah ... haha.Aishah said tht to me.But another topic.LOL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GWEN ! Thursday, June 26, 2008, 4:42 AM
I feel guilty.
I hate school.I'm having a bad week.I feel cold.I'm sick.I feel like vomiting.I cry.I dont like school anymore.Sucks.So many bad things happen in this week. I feel so guilty just now.I cried.Yes.I hate the place I'm sitting.I hate the person next to me. Not pei ying.I hate BOBBYh for no reason.I'm hating BBG.I'm sorry.I'm weak.I dont feel like going to school anymore.Depressed.I hate my new form teacher who SUCKed HUGE time. I dont want to end up like last time.BBG,I know your not reading this.Well I'm saying this anyway.I do (fill in the blanks.).I really do.I dont want to end up like last time.I dont want to hate you.OOH.BOBBYh,I did'nt intend to act so shitty infront of you.I'm sorry.ESHA.I know youre still mad at me.Once again,sorry.There's too much going on.Once again.I'm truly sorry to anybody that I may have had hurted you. BBG ILY (: Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 2:08 AM
Thanks Harley.
Hello.Really had no mood to go to school today.I know its going to be a badday.Indeed it was. MT sucked as usual.I hate Misai .I wonder why I have this luck.PE.Change PE teacher.Felt like crying seh.Screw the new PE teacher.I so hate her.Go fly kite stupid loser.Hate you and forever will.Recess.Then FTC.Found out that we changed form teacher.Again I felt like crying.No I cant adapt to changes.Did'nt feel like talking to anybody just now.I guess I never really appreciate things before they were really gone.Math.I feel so down.I just slept .Dont really like the math teacher.Science.Tried to sleep.Can't.Wanna cry.Tears was coming.Controlled.Slept.After school.Went to Vistapoint.Bought stuffs.Went back to school. Met up huda .Was acctually going home.Then Harley called.WEE.Met up with him. Told him about some issues.School,problems.WEE.Such a nice guy.Bestbuddy (: Love him to the core.Heard something happened to Garett ?IDK.I really do miss him. Okay.Emo-ing.BYEBYE. Monday, June 23, 2008, 5:06 AM
Hello.Holy toot.Fuck school.Especially CHR. EEW.One word fucking EEW. Shitt siolzz tommorow got PE.Worst sub ever.After MT .Shiittt.I hate school. So,today woke up 6am.Who the heck's excited for School ?Then reached busstop arnd 6.30+.Reached interchange arnd .6.50+.Reached school first thing.Crap with roseanne.Then assembly.Yannick was beside me.He was making lame jokes.Then he disturbed sharifah then he disturb me .-__- Then cut off MT for more then half hour.Roseanne was literally praying. MT just copy some stuffs that 'MISAI' wanted us to bring. CME.Forgot to bring my report book.LOL.Then craptalk with roseanne till recess. Recess was okay.Ate sushi !-__- Math.New teacher.eewee.So eew.Yucks.But he is much better then 'Woon'. Science.Fuck,screw her.Slept for ahwhile during science. History.Teacher did'nt come.Roseanne gave me her one dollar American dollar.LOL.Stared at it. Assembly.I slept ahwhile.Was damn tired . Then band.Sectionals was rather fun.Played the drums.Anyhow anyhow . Went home.I so hate my brother.Kill him If I can. BYEBYE. Sunday, June 22, 2008, 3:04 AM
Lets make this work.
Hello.Been days since I update so I'll update now. Monday did'nt come for band.Woke up at 8.30am.Then tuesday rotted I think. Then wednesday rotted I think.Then thursday,band.Did the same thing.Then friday went out with emi and huda .Pogkai badot.Then walkwalk go home.Then saturday,band.Aishah did'nt come yesterday !Talked with syahirah.Then went home.Was damn so fucking tired so I slept. Brother woke me up.Then met up with my mom at some coffee center.Then went to IKEA .LOL.Idiotic right.Then go there buy lampshade.Then went to GIANT since it was right across IKEA.Then shopped there.Oh yahh,I saw a guy who looks like BBG at IKEA.He was buying paintings lol.I dont know why I like the song Can you hear me by enrique Iglesias. HAHA.SHIT,Tommorow school siolz..Byebye. Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 9:42 PM
He called for beer .
Hello .I did two quizes . LOL.I received a text from someone saying tht he bought his first beer . Dlted tht msg .Scared my parents read it.Gonna get a helluva .Idiot who cares you just bought your first beer -__- .Corrupted seh .Im bored.I'm sick.I'm broke.I'm hungry . Less then a week to school.Part of me is excited the other part thinks I'm too lazy to wake up .School, whothefuck creates it.Gonna really type the letter.Tommorow band . HAIZZZZ.BYEbye. 10:46 AM
Another quiz,Another heartbreak.
I'm doing another quiz ... LOL.A: yadyada..dnt wanna write the rules cus i think everyone noes blahblah.. B:hais...tag blah blah bleh bleh...8 ppl yada yada blablabla.. 1-What do you think an ideal bestfriend should be like? They should be funny ?Friendly ? 2-If you had a dream to come true,what would it be? I will be a well known musician .(: 3-Whose mouth would you like to shut? The ego maniac. 4-What would you do with a billion dollars? I'll buy a house,I'll shop and I'll save 5-What's your ideal lover like? Brandontyrlcruz . 6-Which is more blessed?Being loved by someone or loving someone? Duhhh being loved by someone .... 7-How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? I give him 3 years. LOL. 8-Is there anything that made you extremely happy? Yes.BBG is a drug.Everytime I see him,I feel high (: 9-Define the term friends. I thought I've done this question bfor ? 10-If the person you like is secretly attached what would you do? I will kill the girl ?No I'm not tht evil.I'll let go of him . 11-How would you see yourself in ten years time? I can't see the future. 12-Who are the most important people to you? My family.OHH Brandon and David Cook. 13-What kind of person do you think tagged you? My friends. And ego maniacs . 14-Would you rather be rich n single or married n poor? Rich and single (: 15-What is the first thing you do when you wake up? I look at the clock. 16-Would you give all in a relationship? No ... I take it slowly 17-If you fall in love with two people simultaneously,who would you pick? The better looking one and the richer one .LOL. 18-What type of people do you hate? Ego maniacs ... LOL. 8 ppl ... UMAIRAH HUDA !! haha ... do this quiz ! Aishah ESHA !! You are now at vietnam ! Grace Flutoot ! Some other 5 who wants to do ... I can't think of anybody else . BYEBYE. Monday, June 16, 2008, 10:50 PM
Quiz ?
I can't believe I'm doing this quiz.LOL.instructions . 1.do this quiz 2.Remove 1 question from the quiz 3. Replace it with your own question 4. Tag 9 people to do this quiz 5. Post this quiz in your blogHave fun ~! o1 ) who is the most important people’s in your life My family,Friends.And Bradontyrlcruz 2) what will you die without? My heart ?My Brandontyrlcruz. o3) what will you do if tomorrow is the end of the world? I'l bitch slap tht someone and I will bathe with cash. o4) do you believe in angel’s or fairy’s? No. o5) what did you eat this morning? Mars bar. o6) what did you do, during 10am today? Idk,Maybe watching tv ? o7) who was the last person who lay down on your bed? My brother.LOL. o8)will you choose to live in an island alone or to live with an island full of annoying people? why? Alone.why do you care ? o9) what was the last text in your inbox?who was it from? I dlted my msgs. o10) what was the last movie you caught? Kung fu panda. o11) who was the last person you talked on the line? Aronedward . o12) Do you believe in fairytales in real life? I hate fairytales. o13) do you have a crush? Let me see. o14) what’s your favorite cartoon Spongebob . o15) What was the oldest message you received in your inbox?what are you doing now? I dlted my msgs.I'm doing this damn quiz now.Odd question. o16) who is your bff? Why do you care ? o17) Do you have any nickname? What are they? Why should I tell you ? o18) are you currently happy? No. o19) what are you proud of ? My brandontyrlcruz.OOHH And David Cook !! o20)define the meaning of friends Why ? O21 ) differentiate what is love and what is like Why ? O22) are you bored now? Yeahh O23) do you prefer strawberry ice-cream or a hot coffee Strawberry ice-cream O24) black or white? Black. O25) do you believe that dreams do come true? If its dejavu-dream . O26 ) what was the meanest thing you had done ? Shoot the old lady with an air gun. O27) are you in love? Why do you care ? O28) what annoys you most? Right now,Ego-maniacs. O29) who annoys you most? Tht ego-maniac. O30) Have you ever done crimes? No. O31) what’s the color of your room? Why do you care ? O32) would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars? Yesssss. O33) who was the last person who lay on your bed? My brother. O34) do you have a life? No.I dont acctually. O35) who was the last person you dreamt? David Cook. O36) do you walk with your eye close or open? Should I answer this question or should I ignore it ? O37)have you ever learnt any musical instrument ? Yessss. o38)does the person you like knows that you like him/her Yes... Its scary. 39) do you speak other language other than English? Yesss. O40) do you play games often? Yessss. O41)if you have to choose between friends and love which will you choose? I dont get this question. O42) what are you doing right now What does it look like I'm doing ? O43) which primary school are you from? Toiletbowl primary school. O44) who do you admire the most? David Cook. O45) which month are you born? 7th Month. O46) where are you now ? I'm in the toilet. O47) At which age you wish to get marry? I'm getting married tommorow. O48) when was your last time you sat an airplane? Last week,In my dream. O49) who are you missing now? Idk.... Bobby ? o50) Do you believe in love at firsrt sight ? No. 1)RARA 2)Fitriya 3)Sabrina 4)Syakira 5)Sharifah 6)Roseanne 7)Michelle 8)Pei jia 9)Syarmin. Finally I've finish tht damn quiz.BYEBYE. 9:04 PM
I'm guessing rotting ?
Hello.I changed my blogskin.The other one is irritating.Guess today will be rotday. Grace told me to do the quiz but Can't copy from Her blog LOL.I feel like quitting band . I Dont like this.Dont ask me why.Because of some people.Maybe I wont.Hopefully.For them. Next year comp ? Oh shit . Okay lets change subject.I like the show friends.Eventhough Its an old show.Say they making new season ?Brother is going NS this year.The news.Made me so scared.I'm bored.I feel like watching movies . BYEBYE. 1:33 AM
Father's day .
Hello.Yesterday father's day.Went to thompson road for lunch.Then went to orchard road window shop.Was great.First we went to robinson then look at clothes,shoes.Then we walk to OG .Did the same thing.My dad kept on saying the word cardigan.Then we went to bedok. Then took the bus home.The guy infront of me was diggiing his ears while the one sitting next to me was digging his nose.EEWWW.I felt like vomitting.Yuckss ... Then met my brother go expo.Then go home.Did'nt go for band today.I overslept.Woke up arnd 8.30 .Aishah told me they played rossroy,singapura suite and another one.Missed out alot.Well since they wanted letters,gonna type one now.BYEBYE. Saturday, June 14, 2008, 8:46 AM
Great . Spams ?
Hello.Ignore the last post.I was tired that time.So,I'l post about the hua yi thing again. So,Yesterday,I reached arnd 5 minutes late.Then took the MRT.Wrote the numbers at the scores.Then when we reached Jurong,We waited for joyclyn .I have no Idea how to spell her name.Then we when we waiting for the bus to the school grace found out that she lost her phone.So,she went back .When we reached the school she and Badperson was already there. So,we went to their bandroom.Which was twice as big as the AVA room.It was cold there.The aircon was 'melting'.Then we practised a little bit.Then mr Mitsuo Nomami.Came.He made jokes and stuff.But when we practise,he kept stopping that made me so irritated.Then break.Then went practice again then finish.Then we took the bus.Took the MRT back home. So,Today.I woke up late.It was 7am.So,I rushed .Then reach.I was early. -_- So,had band.I yawn and yawn like mad.Then finish Huda had to go early.Then Aishah's mother picked her up.So,I went home with grace.Took the bus.And reached home.Watch TV.Then dlt some 'things'.Then slept til 7pm.Woke up watch TV .Play comp again. Tommorow going to toa payoh with huda and fit.I need to topup my exlink. BYEBYE. Friday, June 13, 2008, 6:01 AM
Hua yi ? nomani sa ?
Hello.So,Yesterday has band.Was okay.Then today went to hua yi.We had to go there ourselves .PFFT.So,I wasted like $3.4 of my ex-link.Then go MACS with cristine and Aisyah . Then I go home.Then I'm posting.So,tommorow band.I dont feel like coming.Then sunday go drumzout.I dont knw .Then BLABLABLA.BYEBYE. Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 9:08 AM
Hello.Its damn late and I cant sleep.Monday went to ubin.Was a great trip.I hate riding the boat.It made me sick.So,rent a bike.There were alot of dogs and cats.So,bikebikebike.Was tiring but it was fun.Then walkwalk to donno where.Then lunch was okay.Zephra told me about her classblog and something about david cook and cookies ?I dont know.Then boys were talking about NS.LOL.Then me,huda and aishah talked about random stuffs.Too random as I can say. Then walkwalk.Me and Aishah talked about certain people.How we hated those certain people.And how noncentical they are.Was fun talking about them.Can craptalk about them.We should talk about them often,Yes ?So,then some people climb tht thingi.I felt like doing but I would rather sit down and see them do it.So,then walkwalk again.Then ride the bike again.Then rideride.There's slopes after slopes.Was damn fun.Then zephra keep on saying david cook ?I think and something about david cook ?I dont know.Or issit someone else ?I dont really know.Then we reach the so called place.Then we had coconuts.Talk about certain someone and calling her shitty.I hate her so much.Gosh.Then ride bike again.Riderideride.Then stop at somewhere with ramps ?I was sivering eventhough it was a hot.Then went back.Then went to changi some coffee center ?Me,Huda and aishah talked about ghost lol.Then took the bus and went home. Yesterday went to cozway watch kung fu panda.Okay so budget go cozway and watch movie.Huda can't go very far coz her brother was there too.So watch the movie.Then went to bugis library.I dont know why.I feel like going there.So,went there talked to my brother.Then we went home.LOL.OMG.There are some other things but I'm too lazy to post.So,byebye. Saturday, June 7, 2008, 2:47 AM
Somebody knew.
Hello.I can't believe certain someone is so sombong.Sombong.Yes very.Totally pulled my mood down.Feel like killing her.Nevermind.Have to adapt to situations,remember ?Well,I'm really in need of cash.Mom bought for me this white colour cardigan.Okayokay lah.I dont like the purple dress.Well,tommorow must follow mum go wedding.Shiitttt .... I hate weddings. I'm damn tired.But I can't sleep.Everytime I try to sleep I keep thinking of things. Is it normal to act normal infront of the person you truly like ?I have no idea why I'm asking you this.Okay gonna rot more.BYEBYE. Thursday, June 5, 2008, 11:44 PM
All I need is the air I breathe.
Hello.There is really nothing to do at home.ROTROTROT.I dont want to spend my hols rotting ? Mom and Dad refused to give me some money coz I did'nt wash the plates that my idiotic brother used.Then mom screamscreamscream at me.And it was'nt even my fault.How dumb can she be.Then I was in my room,mom nag said that i'm lazy BLABLABLA.Then stupid brother scold vulgar at me.I scold him some words too.BLABLABLA.I feel like killing my whole family. Then I went to my room walkwalkwalk around explore.So,What I did today.Too much rotting. Suffering of boredness.Oh,I watched iCarly just now.Its a good show.Wanna watch it again. BYEBYE. Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 10:46 PM
Brandon Flowers?
Hello.Changed my blogskin again.I'm rotting at home.Was bored.My gosh.Can't go out coz I'm broke. So,I woke up.Watched TV.Play game.Then play comp.Update this update that.There is nothing to do.How boring holidays get.I can't believe I want to go to school.Really need something to occupy my holidays.There is nothing that I'm looking forward during hols. Well,chat-ed with Huda just now.Talk about how we wish we got money to go SingFest. I really want to go.How I wish money would drop from the sky.I'm really stuck. David Cook or Brandon Flowers ?I'm so stuck.Well,there's nothing more I can say.So,byebye. 3:21 AM
Take a look at this people.
David Henrie.![]() Neil Patrick harris.If only he's not gay. ![]() Brandon Flowers. ![]() LOL.Yeah,I'm just so freaking bored.I'm posting pictures. Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 8:33 PM
![]() ![]() Hello...Look at the pictures.We are doing the same gesture.Cool.I'm bored and I'm crapping again.WEE!Later My brother sleep I go play his PSP.LOL.Got Sims castaway ! Later at 2pm Gotta meet stupid Aron at WestMall.WTFF....Look at this... ![]() I'm nuts.Cute ?Honestly,no.LOL.Okay meanie !I dont really find it cute.BLABLABLA.Take a look at this pic. ![]() I find this very cute (: Okay next picture. ![]() BLABLABLABLA...HOTGILERMAUT.Okay I'm done byebye. ![]() Monday, June 2, 2008, 10:10 PM
I'm in love with MnMs
Hello.I really Want to change my blog song...So damn irritating.LOL.I'm looking for one now. Last night Garett the guy who does'nt believe me called asking me re-join VAMpire inc ? I told him I'll think through first.I really dont like his attitude.I feel like killing him. Aishah kept asking me why I quit.There's like a million reason.I truly so hate Garett. I'm like the only girl there.I think I wont re-join ?I'm done with them. My brother just came home with his new PSP slim.WTH.He bought white.Okay,at least he got Sims castaway.Damn bored lah.I wish there's something good to do.BYEBYE. 1:52 AM
I'm dead bored.
Take a look at this video.He's amazing here.There's this part where he sings 'touch me,savour me' or something.Okay.I'm saying something so obsence.LOL.I can't believe I'm posting two times in a day.I got Billie jean by of course DC.I listen to it over and over again.I'm dead bored.I'm tired.But I want to sleep at 3am tonight.Now I'm listening to I dont want to miss a thing covered by DC.Wow.I'm loving him even more.My idol.See this. I'm basically dead bored.So I'm posting all this. well byebye Sunday, June 1, 2008, 11:46 PM
Babybop BJ barney.
Hello.A million apologies for not updating this blog.Was busy.Yeah so woke up at 6am.Slept for ahwhile.Woke ap around 6.30am.Bathe.Change.Do hair.Then went out of the house around 7.15am.I dont want to be late.So reach school around 8-ish ?Then BLABLABLA. I kept on looking at my watch.I was terribly late.Band ended at 11++ then I was supposed to meet Garett at marina square at 12pm.So,I told him I can't go.Hylmie SMS me.I replied lame-ly.Then to causeway.Then home. Yesterday I went to jurongpoint.In the bus.I counted like 8 over people sat next to me. So,there saw gays,hothot people.And OOHH !I saw this dude who looks like David cook. But he dont have tht beard.Then I was at excraft,I saw Bobby's bag.LOL.Then went to metro. Then home. Ubin boy !What are we gonna do at pulau ubin ?Wee....byebye |