![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 11:53 PM
That's an insult,BLACKFUCK.
Hello Did'nt update this blog for 3 days ?Okay so I'll update nw.BBG.MISS.YOU.LOL. Monday.Woke up late.As usual.Came alittle late.Lesson BLABLA.Then was insulted hell loads of times.BAND.BLABLA.Was boring.Then went to watson's to see BBG's clone.Sadly,he was not there.Then went back .Saw someone at the entrance.LOL.HAHA.Then saw ADILAH at the interchange.Talk with her in the bus. Tuesday.I came late.But I was'nt late.Came with zuliana.Lesson BLABLA.PE was fun.HAHA.Then BLABLA.The whole class had to stayback for like 1 hour coz everyone was noisy hell load.Then waited for huda.Went home.BLABLA. Wednesday.Today.Okay.I did'nt come late(: Then lessons.BLABLA.Went home with huda.Did'nt see BBG today :( SADSAD.Nevermind.Lets hope I see him tommorow (: HEY LOOK! MARCO AMELIA !! Saturday, July 26, 2008, 2:56 AM
Pathetic loser.
Hello.Gosh.I'm bored.Dead bored.Did'nt go for band.Reason.Stated at previous post.Niways.Last night me and my brothers can't sleep so we stayed up and played MONOPOLY.HAHA.Was fun.I bought queen astrid park and own two houses there.Brother had to pay 6,000 when he landed there.Then I bought nassim road.Then my luck changed to hell.I was thrown to jail like 3 times.Then I had to pay stuffs.Then I landed at some of my brother's houses.In th end,I had like $950 .From like $10,000 to $950.Initially,my first brother had like $250 left.2nd brother was the richest.LOL.So,we stopped the game.I was tired by then.Brother's played GTA.I went to bed. Mom woke me up.Not the typical wake up.She was screaming coz of the smell of my room.LOL.Then did my homewerk.BLABLA.I tried to cook spaghetti.The spaghetti was dry,the sauce was too thick.I can't even cook something simple:( I got a pathetic 2/30 for my math test.WOW.I did'nt even pay attention to the teacher.I can't pay attention during class nowadays.I dont know why.Imagine. 2 OUT OF 30.I almost cried .Need to study up algebra and angles now.I dont want to fail again.And I'm guessing I will fail literature test too :( Friday, July 25, 2008, 5:18 AM
I'm number 17!
Hello.So,Friday.WTHH.Did'nt see BBG the whole day :( Then Art.Did some painting .BLABLABLA.Then MT.Halfway went to the prayer's hub for some roadshow.Did'nt do anything there.Enjoyed aircon.HAHA.Then recess.BLABLABLA. Then assembly.SMS-ed Harley.So lame ah.We were talking about sports then suddenly he said his teacher scold him coz of his hair.-__-Then blabla.Literature then Science.Science teacher did'nt come so,Miss rab took over.We planned for the class tee.Choosed a number.Quite common.Its black and red.BAHH.I got number 17.I wanted 9,Taken.10,Taken.I think.In the end took 17.Its a nice number(:Then went to the hall for chapel.Some anti gambling talk.Oh yah.During literature.There was Garett's name on the book.But it was spelled as Garret. Did'nt have time for break.Went to the AVA room immediately.Stupid jean pangseh all of us.Saying she wanted to go canteen.I hate her sia.Anak puki siol.Then blabla.Set everything at the parade square.Rain-ed.Went to the shelter.Practise and stuffs.Then went to the parade square again.Rain-ed again.Went to pack up.SMS-ed ARON!WEE.Quite weird to suddely in contact with him.Then BLABLABLABLA.Then went home with aishah.Eiffel puked ?LOL. Then went home.Those hooligans from qihua was making such a ruckus in the bus.I feel like head shot-ing them one by one.Wont be going for band tommorow.Had some stuffs to attend tommorow.Then sunday will be going for the SP concert.WEE.Okay i'm mentally retarded. JONATHAN HAS A TWIN BROTHER ! Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 12:22 AM
Insist on posting.
Hello .Emo-ed the whole day.Coz some people just can't be trusted and huda did'nt come.Nevermind.Was a complete loner just now.But someone with his bag cheered me up(: Okay so,I dont understand why people can't be trusted.Told you a secret and reminded you not to tell it to anybody else.Yet,you told other people.In which part of your brain can't you understand the meaning of TRUST?I'm frustrated and now you are blaming me.Sick people.Really sick people.I feel like slapping your bloody face.Gosh. Okay whatever about tht nonsense. Monday-Tiring day/naps day. Tuesday-The bad-thing-always-happens day. Wednesday-EMO day/Boring day Thursday-Best day for the week/cooking day. Friday-Hope-there's-no-chapel-today day. Saturday-BAND?!?/outing. Sunday-Meet ups/outing. My calender.Mood-Bored.Frustrated.Depressed-Confused. BYE. Monday, July 21, 2008, 4:50 AM
lets cry together.
Lets jump down,bleeding and crying.I dont have any mood to post. Saturday, July 19, 2008, 3:46 AM
as time flies.
I'm like posting the 2nd time.I'm dead bored.There's nothing to do.So,pissed with imeem.Stupid imeem!!Thinking of changing blogskin ?But must do fast.Ltr parents come back nagging siol.Shittt.Garetttt !!He called .Okay I think i'm gonna rejoin vam inc?Most probably though .But I dont know how to cope with school and stuffs? Or maybe reconsider ?ARGHHHH.I pity garett,dann and vyn.vinn acctually(: ARGHHH. Been ages since I saw them ?Changed maybe.AHAHA.Boredddd.I'm crapping lahh.Again,I hate imeem.Damn slow uhh.Can't wait for next friday.why ?something to do with BBG and MARCHING and FUNNY ... HAHA.I cant find a nice decent blogskin lahhhh.think i'm gonna log off now.BYEBYE. Labels: Harley rocks.BBG rocks.EFF rocks alittle. 1:30 AM
Lets forget were not perfect.
SERGIO RAMOS(: I have no idea why i'm so addicted to him.WEE.Okay.I'm currently sick.Really sick.Fever,flu,sore throat.Band just now.I like the grand march song.Coz its easy.WEE.Then went home.Mom and dad and brother went to eat durians LOL.Other brother have soccer match.Well,I'm home alone(:Nothing else to post so,BYEBYE. Friday, July 18, 2008, 5:22 AM
My blog is DYING.
Hello ! My blog is DYING of maybe cancer or AIDS ?Well,just now stayed back after school 1)main goal in life;BBG for huda;MILTON. 2)Disturbed GIANT coz of the way he drank his MILK. 3)Did'nt finish up my homwerk/correction coz I was distracted by HUDA who was talking NON-STOP. 4)waited&waited BBG.LOST.MILTON.LOST. 5)Took the bus.Saw BBG's little brother.Not real lah.The jacket says little cute boy.LOL.We were talking about him in the bus. 6)Bussed home with hazim,taufiq and there's DIDI. LOL.Then slept. I want to longer my post so I want to post pictures LOL. When we went to BEACH ROAD and walked to kampong jawa.LOL. Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 4:55 AM
Under pressure
There's alot of things that's pressuring me.I feel like scolding certain someone strings of vulgarities.I have no idea why.I feel sick.People always wants to much.Waking up and knowing things would be alittle better is the greatest gift.I would rather die now then to suffer another minute of this life.One pathetic life.Then you die.No more.Its so easy.CCA is giving me such a hard time.Really.But it dont look like it.I want to but for the sake of them,I wont.And if some of you would,I have no other things to say to you.And you know what I mean,people.But,being in the CCA really impacted something in my life.But its not something good,Sorry to say that.I'm expressing my emotions.Certain someone is giving me headaches.I'm confused.I'm truly sorry.Reading this is such a waste of time for you people,guess I should just end this pathetic post now then. I will one day do something that I will regret for the rest of my life.I could feel it. Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 1:52 AM
So,whats up you ?
Whassup people ?HAHA.Since when I turn Hippyhoppy ?BLAH.Okay came to school today.Like shit siol. MT that person was lame-ing .GoBLOGgoBLOG.LOL.Then PE.Running shittt.Failed lah.I was wearing the wrong shoe.FUCK.Then recess.Then FTC.PE teacher came in coz she was our co-form teacher.-__-Then english.Then math.BLABLABLA.After school met the BANDPEEPS.Then went up to look for WhoDar?? And ESHA.LOL.Then went to Woodgrove coz WhoDar?Wanted to play her drum fees.Then we walked around Fairprice coz we wanted aircon LOL.Then went to Seven-eleven.ESHA found out she lost her EZ-LINK .Searched for it.In the end her EZ-LINK was at the counter.LOL.Then went home.BLABLABLA.Finished researching for the stupid history project. I knw I can be a little childish(: Deal with it assfuckers. Monday, July 14, 2008, 5:11 AM
Trillions of stars.
Hello..Its been days since I update this blog.I'm DEAD tired after school everyday.Well. So yesterday went to BEACH ROAD.Ate there.Found out Huda went there too.But we never found each other.Then went to KAMPONG GLAM.HAHA.Coz mom wanted to buy perfume.-__-Then went there.Took a pictre of the street name JALAN KUBOR.LOL.Bored.Then walkwalk. Brother was forced to carry mom's handbag.He acted gay.I took a vid of him.LOL.Then went to Robinsons.Walkwalk.Brother wanted to go TAKASHIMAYA.I have no Idea how to spell it.Then went there.Buy the topman shirt.Then went home. Monday.Stupid day.Came to school took the same bus as Huda.Then got to know got science homewerk.Then science teacher never come.So,copied homwerk.Then Geo.Drew alot of BBG.I drew BBG on my hand.LOL.Then recess.Then History.Half dead during history.Then MT.SHITT.I copied rohaishah's homewerk.LOL.Misai lost me and rohaishah's papers-__- Then Math.Teacher was lecturing us again.Played with the water babies.LOL.Then APC.Did the timetable.Whatever.I can't believe I wrote Self-study.LOL.Then band.Stupid.Band.Sectionals.Then Miss I-SUCK came asking us to play the majulah singapura. Like which band in the world can play it within 30 minutes of sectionals ?Idiotic siol.Then Still she ask us bring instrument home and ask clarinets and flutes to stay back.FUCKKK.I dont want to stay lah.Only guaii people stay ah.Idiots.Quitting band after speech day.BYEBYE. Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 4:40 AM
Happy advanced Bday to me !
Hello.You wanna know something.I OFFICIALLY hate AZRI ZULKANAEN BIN NORMAN. Why?coz he sucks like a fucking vacuum.That's why.I will really kill him someday. Tomorrow's my birthday!Tomorrow's my birthday !I'm so excited !!! -__- So,today went to school with roseanne.HAHA.She got swollen eyes.LOL.Laughed so hard. I was damnn high just now.Then In the bus jenny and nathalie disturbed the baby.Then reached school uniform was wet.Blame the rain.LOL.Then went to 1/2 talktalk. I like to 'gentik' aishah.So fun LOL.Then went back to class coz cherr came in the class ? Then I went high with felicia coz she told me about the convo with the robot.LOL. Then science partner with roseanne.She did almost everything.HAHA.Then math. Somehow I feel pity for mr tan.He tries his best to teach yet the class does'nt pay attention.Everyweek,without fail he will lecture us how much he tries.LOL.Then recess BLABLABLA.Then FTC.Cherr ask me go down to take the english journal.Went down slowly. Then IT.Xin yi's answer was so pathetic.Laughed like mad againnn.Then english.Did some test. So easy.After tht test I listen to songs and sleep.LOL.Then after school.Went for the chinese convo thing.Waited for umairah's class to finish and went home (: Do you now that I miss BBG truckloads ? TOMORROW'S MY BIRTHDAY ! Monday, July 7, 2008, 6:24 PM
Zachy n Frankie
Guess what.I did'nt come to school today.Woke up so late decided not to come .Zachy and frankie almost looked the same. LOOK. zachy ![]() Frankie ![]() I'm bored. (: 2 DAYS TO MY BIRTHDAY !!! 5:58 AM
Youth day ?Fuck bitchhh.
Hello.Im TrYiNg tO TyPe liKe FoR ThIs sEnTeNcE (: Okay.back to posting.What I did on sunday.So,went to gayland.geylang with aunt and mom. Reason I hate rotting.So,I dont get indonesia people.They come to singapore and eat Indonesian food ?Weirddd.Then met brother and dad at harboufront MRT.Went to vivo. Coz dad wanted to terminate Starhub.So,dont have cable vision anymore :( But dad wanted MioTV.Fuckkk.Then we had dinner at RAMENTEN (:Ate dried ramen instead of the soupysoupy one as last time ate the soup one I did'nt really finish it.It was greatttt. Then took the bus home. Youth day.Wait its not acctually youth day today.Well public holiday day. Went out with FITRIYA & DINI and her friends ?Went to Jurong east.Intended to go Ice skating.In the end,we went to watch The stranger.WTFF.I dont get the show.After the movie. Mom called asked to meet up at yishun.I had a SEVERE stomach ache.So,did'nt meet mom.I felt so guilty coz everytime Mom ask to meet I dont want to coz I have other stuffs.OOH. FOR MY BIRTHDAY,I REALLY WANT THE BLACK PARADE IS DEAD DVD ! I saw it just now at CD rama.And I really desperately want it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOHHHH FUCKK TOMORROW SCHOOL.SHITTTSS. 3 DAYS TO MY BIRTHDAY ! ![]() Saturday, July 5, 2008, 8:18 PM
MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 4 DAYS !!!WEEEEEEE !!! BYEBYE. BBG.BBG.BBG.BBG.BBG.BBG.BBG. <33333 ignore the date ^^^^^ OKAY. Friday, July 4, 2008, 2:37 AM
Greattt .I still hate you.
Hello.Thursday,Normal day.Everything was perfect except for some people who ruined it. Band .New score.Then break see huda.Flying fox.WEE.Took a video of it.LOL.Then finish band.WEE.Saw BBG.OMGOMGOMG.Sajer jer aku ckp sini.ALAMAK.Pasal ah.Then go home. Was dead tired.And there's still homework. Friday.Normal day.Art,draw fowers ?LOL.I thought my drawing was shitty,they say its nice. Blind probably.Then MT.Misai disiao me againnn !!I was hoping he wont siaaaa.He pronounce my name like AME*$#!.Then he asked me what subject I like.I hate you misai.Seeing you gave me goosebumps.Then recess.Then lit.Literature was boring.I was yawning the whole time.Science,finally I can understand something.Then met up with huda,aishah.Back form camp.HAHA.Was high just now.I dont know why.WEE.BBG.lagi skali.Then went home coz was with her campbag.Fought with brother.I hate him.Then slept.Woke up.Play computer. Chatted with grace and roseanne(: 6 DAYS TO MY BDAY ! Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 12:38 AM
I want to sleep and never wake up.
Hello.So,came to school not tht late.Came with roseanne.Then Lessons.Science,Shanshan disturbed yifa as usual.Then Math,BLABLABLA.Same thing.Then Recess.Then FTC.Miss Rab wanted to change community members.I wanted to be changed as I really dont like being english rep.-_- Then she changed to dhiviya then suddenly she say amelia remain as english rep ah.-__-I went Shit ah.Who the heck wants to be english rep.Then IT class.Mr Danny was the so called teacher so quite okay lah.Then,English.Watch a video about excorcism.I dont know how to spell.LOL.Then finish school,Stayed back do the CME poster thing.I really dont want to go honme early today,so stayed back.Then dododo.Went home.Saw 2-IN-1.Donno what's 2-IN-1. Tell you in school.BYEBYE. 8 DAYS TO MY BIRTHDAY ! I dont know what's been with me.I'm stuck.I'm sorry I know I'm weak. I've been restless this few days.I'm sorry to BBG,to BobbyH,To other people.I'm so sorry. Maybe I need somemore days to adapt to this.Please.BBG Still merajok seh.I'm sorry.BYEBYE. Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 12:26 AM
No ditention WOOHOO !
Hello.Did'nt want to go to school today.But because of BBG,I came(: So reached late.Huda was late.Later then me.Then mr Basri lectured khalilah.He let me go. Donno why.Did'nt get detention !LOL.Then went back to class.Mr rahman did'nt come ? So,we talked and talked outside the class.Coz the door was locked.LOL.Then PE.Played this game .Then recess.BLABLABLABLA.Last class to leave.Then FTC.Then English .So the WTFF. We have to write the lyrics to the damn song.Beautiful girls ?Shit .I went OMG.My eyes.My ears !Coz we had to listen to the song too.Then math.Damn.So suay.Kena do the quiz on the board.Anyhow do.Khairul gave me the answer.He went Amelia:Eh how to do ? Khairul:*tells answer* Amelia:Serious ? Khairul:Serious lah.Swear lah. HAHA.Then slacked.Disturbed yifa like mad.Especially shanshan. Shanshan went yifa go around fucking ppl.Yifa responded saying that he fucks shanshan's mother.LOL.Then shanshan went ask miss foo check you got LJ first.Then she say after checking go pull it out.EEW.That line.Made me vomit in my mouth.Then went home.Intended to wait for BBG.But then roseanne did'nt want to so we took the bus.To cozway the home. BYEBYE. 9 MORE DAYS TO MY BIRTHDAY ! |