![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Sunday, August 31, 2008, 11:43 PM
Mad TV rocks.
Hello..Its an old clip from Mad tv But I was laughing like mad watching this vid.LOL. The url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgZKjJt-TkU Just finish cleaning my room.Cz mom was nagging for weeks about my room.LOL.Well,lets see if she continues nagging later.I still have science homework,physics sucks.Math homework,algebra worst.History,I studied.I totally slacked this term.So,I'm gonna make a miracle.I'm gonna study my ARSE off this whole week.No more slacking.Not gonna drop to NT.Gosh,still there's heymath.Tests and questions.Well,i'm fasting.So,I cant curse tht teacher for making us do so many math.Algebra clearly SUCKS.Oh well,Since I'm too good,I'll do my heymath now.Dont disturb me,its math. BYEBYE. 3:43 AM
Words are more hurtful then a sharp knife.
Hello.Okay so tommorow strt fasting.Like damn fast ah.I remembered last year fasting month.Me and friends were playing catching and perspiring like mad.Then we were so energetic.How is this year gonna be ?Everybody gonna be half dead like zombies ?LOL.BLA,Laming,craping.I'm so not ready for hari raya.Havent buy anything yet siol.AIYOOO.Still EOY.babi sakk. I'll miss my brother like hell ah.He gg NS after a week of fasting.So sad.I dont want go school on the day he gg NS siaa.I wanna see him go .LOL.Goshh I'm bored lah.All alone at home.Maybe will be watching drillbit taylor on comp later.Yeah,so late then wanna watch.HAHA. Just nw went to czway with huda and aishah to buy for someone something.HAHA.Huda was half hour late siol.Aishah and me were so angry at her.LOL.Then we walked around to see what to buy.HAHA.Huda bought the most ex thing.Aishah second me last.All I bought was the box.LOL.And I treated huda MCflurry.LOL.Okay then called mom where family went,they at plaza singapura siaaa.Like what ah.Say wanna go bukit panjang.Then go plaza singapura.Not fair siol.LOL. Okay happy fasting to those muslimin and muslimats out there(: BYEBYE.BTW,HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACEEEEEEEE !! Friday, August 29, 2008, 7:34 PM
You will be the end of me.
Hello.Okay so,yesterday teachers day.I really didnt want to go to school.But I went to school.Somebody forced me to go.Then I went to school.Reached school.Wrote some stuffs cz donno who ask me write for miss rab.Then assembly.BLABLABLA.Went up class.LEE MING told us to stand at the door.Daisy gave me the huge card to give to miss rab.Among all,why me ?LOL.Then 'suprised' miss rab,gave her the card.And such.Didnt get anything for any teacher cz I was damn broke somemore alot of ppls birthday were coming.LOL.Then we had free period.IDK.Was supposed to see the inter-house games thing.But we were slacking at the canteen the whole time.Well,we managed to see netball.Students vs teachers.Badminton.And table tennis.LOL. Then something really gt me so pissed happened.FELICIA AND PEI YING did some stuffs.Like fuck ah.Force me to go somewhere.Then keep on pulling me.I dont want go means I dont want lah.Making him know siaaa.Eventually I said'I like him cz I like him bag'.Then I walked away.Sat down.Calmed myself down.Then went to the staircase.To see the netball games.Afterwhich,walked around the school.HAHA.Then went up class.Then miss rab came in.Then she was like 'want to go down play frisbee ?'LOL.So we went down and played frisbee.HAHA.I dont know how to play.I anyhow play.Then went up class again.1/6 ppl came in.LOL.Then aftertht went to the hall,watch some time-wasting concert.Went to czway cz huda wanted to give emi the present.Then went to take the bus.Then afiqah called asking me to go back pri school.So,I went to primary school.Then met adilah,syakira,afiqah,hazim,amanda and some 6 faith peeps.Everyone growed.LOL.Then I went up to mrs wong 'You still remember me ?''Yes,you are amelia(:' YAY !LOL.Then we walked out,saw bari.I think he went to northlight.Poor thing.LOL.Then we went to playground. Then we slacked at the playground for ahwhile.We missed the playground.Its our everyday hangout everyday after school.Fit wasnt around so it wasnt so chaotic.LOL.Then they played games at the playground while I was busy reading afiqah's book.LOL.I'm not a bookworm KAY,I just think the tittle was attractive.LOL.Yeah right.Amanda was busy playing hazim's or hafiz's psp.LOL.Then they were tired.We decided to go buy drinks.Buy drinks.We all share.Then bought Potato chips.LOL.Then we went to fushan played with the stuffs there.Mom called wether I want to buy a new wallet.Then I said yes.Then we dispersed.So sad.Wish we could hang longer.So,walked home.Bathed changed met mom at czway.Bought me wallet.Went home afterwhich,was a fun day.Rather long day.Good and bad things happened on the same day aye ?LOL.Okay byebye . Thursday, August 28, 2008, 4:09 AM
Mud siol.
Curse the fucking rain.My shoe is drenched,fucking smelly,muddy.All coz whole class had to go to the 60 minute challenge.Why cant they just pick another class.Why must 1/7 ?Of all classes.Fuck CHR.FUCK YOU.ASSHOLES.I'm pissed with certain people.I'm not gonna say who.And there's still fucking band.I wanted to skip.But no,I go.Like fuck lah.How am I supposed to go to school tommorow.I have no shoe,socks.Both are fucking wet.My extra shoes and socks are missing.I think I dont want to go to school tommorow.But what about the report books.FUCKKKKKK.Really bad day siaaaa.Fuck you losers.And BBG,i hate you,Dont give me tht freakishly idiotic face of yours.It irritates me.I feel like slapping your face okay.Go fuck your oh so beautiful girlfriend of yous fucker. Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 12:47 AM
Gerard way.
![]() 12:08 AM
Hey Emo,go kill yourself.
![]() Hello.I came late just now.Didnt get detention.WOOHOO.Khairul kept on talking and making jokes about the word 'NANDEK'.I dont know how to spell it.When science cher was talking about a person may get burn if he donno how to control the fire in the hot air balloon then khairul screamed MAMA GORENG !Everybody was laughing like hell.Then Math class.Khairul didnt joke about the nandek.I forgot.LOL.Then recess.BLABLA. Then FTC.Aidil threw the eraser at the cher and he denied it.Almost the whole class know it was him siaaaa.Everybody kept on telling aidil to admit.He denied.HAHA.But eventually,he admitted.LOL. Then IT class,we must make the safety poster.Amanda wanted flying fox.But all the research images came out bats,fishes.Then she found one photo.She kept saying one word I forgot.Damn funny.Seriously.I forgot the word.LOL. Then english class.Me and pei ying were playing.She kept playing with the curtain and said you look horny.LOL.Then finish school.Waited for roseanne.We went to cozway after tht.Ate at MCS.Went home afterwhich.BYEBYE. Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 12:23 AM
If I had an artificial heart.
![]() ![]() Hello. So,tuesday.Was okay.MT was boring.PE was again,fun.LOL.Recess,normal. FTC,nothing lah.English,did some compre thing.Math,paid attention LOL. IDK,sitting way infront made me learn stuffs ?Sitting way behind made me slack alot.HAHA.Then went home with roseanne.Reached home damn early.Finally had time to finish my homwerks.BYEBYE. Monday, August 25, 2008, 7:18 AM
Think happy thoughts.
![]() Think happy thoughts.Okay so,Today is quite okay.Lessons were super fast(: Math cher wanted a letter cz I did'nt sign math paper.Give me a break.Everybody makes mistakes lah.WTH.CBG was so shitty and short(: Okay I'm mean.Tommorow is tuesday !FUCK,But I'm looking forward for PE.But if its running then,tht suck.I wish there's no MT like just now.So fun ah.SLACK.LOL. Okay BYEBYE. Labels: Frankie so cute. Saturday, August 23, 2008, 1:43 AM
Fuck yourself and die.
![]() If only I have the guts to do it,I will do it.BAND was sucky just now. Not gonna elaborate anything about just now.Huda didnt come. Aishah pangseh-ed me.I have no comments about Grace. Brothers were assholic monsters.My earpiece is a part of shit now. Everything is becoming from bad to worst. Now I have nothing to believe in.Ignore me.I'm wasting my life. Thursday, August 21, 2008, 6:03 PM
I'll stop eventually.
Hello.Did'nt come to school today.Reason too personal.Ask me. No mood to post.One sentence may change the world. 'I hate BBG so much I cried at night cz he's inlove'. I also dont understand.blabla.Have a good day peeps.While I admire my new scar(: What a bad week.Failed Math common test.Miserably.By adding the word miserably it is .I got a pathetic single digit for math upon 25 .Why cant I concentrate in class ?Why am I always daydreaming.What a loser.Failing.I know I'll fail geog.Science too.FUCK.That's when BBG was a part of my life.I dont hate you.I just think I hate you.But I dont.I know the same thing will happen again.I was scared.I'm sorry.A pathetic stupid loser.You may not know it,but you hurt me inside out.I'm blaming you.No I'm blaming myself for loving you.But its fate.I cant choose.I'll forget about you.Then I'll treat you like how I treat BobbyH.I'm sorry I have to do this.Goodbye. Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 4:08 AM
ZBG ? Or BBG ? Or MR younique ?
Hello.Okay I'll post now.Previous post is nothing okay.I was sad cz someone changed something about him.LOL.Nevermind.I'm okay with it now.HAHA.like only.Soooo, Tuesday. I wanted to come late,in the end I reached school around 7.10 -__- Then I really wanted to go back,unfortunately, mr krishna,locked the gate olredi.I went back.HAHA.Then morning assembly.BLABLA.MT class,teacher did'nt come again ?Then PE.PE was funny.SO fun siaaa. Somebody accidently pushed amanda.But amanda did'nt fall.She was tying her shoe lace.Then we were like 'OHHHH YELLOW CARD''PENALTY''RED CARD LAHH'. Then when the ball was out we were like 'OUTTTT !LAST TOUCH ITS OUR BALL.GO TAKE LAHH'.LOL.Then we played fair.No pushing and stuffs.Other team did'nt want to play with us anymore.LOL.I think we irritated them.We won all games(: Then recess.Then lessons.I went home alone.LOL. Wednesday. Didnt come late.Or early.OKOK.Then morning assemblied.Then first period was uhh,science ? Science teacher forever never come.But another science teacher came in and teached us.LOL.Then math ?Math cher go karimun.So,did some work.Anyhow do lahh.Then recess,was pissed with some people.NVRM.Lets not care FOR ONCE(: Okay then FTC,Miss rab,karimun,so sub teacher came.Then IT class.Something happened to yu jie ?IDK.IT class damn funny.Amanda go play with the motion path thing and the arrow went around the whole presentation.LOL.Then english class ?I think miss rab,karimun,did some stuffs.Whole day no teacher so fun siaaa.OH NOO !Tommorow Home ec,my food not nice siaaaa.FUCK. Friday, August 15, 2008, 4:55 AM
A nothing day.
I have nothing to post about today.Its a boring day.I can't call you BBG anymore cz your not BBG anymore. I had a nightmare about your BB.I cant say it here.Other people are reading.I hate you cz you changed your B.I find it hard to look at you just cz of your B.Maybe it is because of ur B?I dont know. I know its lame.But that is like the whole point of calling you BBG. Your BB is what makes me call you BBG.Nobody else calls you BBG. I miss your BB so much I dreamt it.I'm sorry,I love you. BYEBYE. Thursday, August 14, 2008, 5:17 AM
Its socks day(:
Hello.Today was rather weird... So,yesterday,me and roseanne made a deal to wear LONG SOCKS to school.Well,I brought my LONG SOCKS.She wore to school.Then roseanne forced me to changed to my LONG SOCKS so I changed then Miss aisah came in.Then I quickly changed back to my normal socks.HAHA.Then had geog paper.I think I will get like 5 ?LOL.I did'nt study at all.What I dont care.Then acctually wanted to wait for roseanne and sharifah.But something else happened.LOL.The most out of the blue thing happened while waiting for them.LOL.Not gonna post it here(: Then after recess.Went up the class.Miss rab was moodless ?LOL.Well,she showed a powerpoint about how dissapointed she were at our class.Well,then we had math.Daydreamt all the way.LOL.Then english.Got back english and history papers.Passed both.But my marks were not something to celebrate.Like shit .History got 17/30.FUCK SIAAA.BLABLA.Roseanne got both test highest in class.I think she will get highest in class for math.Then dissmissed.We acctually followed miss rab cz we wanted to claim our books back.LOL.But we went off cz we were too lazy to wait.LOL.So,then we bussed to czway.Walked around czway.Roseanne was bragging about her marks on and on.Saying tht crappy line 'You must believe,then u will achieve' Yeahh right.Read the book then the luck will pass on.We were joking about some lame stuffs while walking.It is always fun crapping with roseanne.Then we got tired.We went home.That's all. BYEBYE. Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 4:21 AM
You are inlove.
HELLO.12.08.08. Came to school with zuliana.Then morning assembly and stuffs.Roseanne got a new shoe.I lost my calculator.Well,had to do the paper anyway.So,then had math common test.Was an okay paper.Then lesson and stuffs.Someone cheered me up,without knowing lah.Indirrectly(: Then after school,went to causeway with roseanne.We had lunch at long john's.Then we walked around czway.I showed her BBG's so called Brother at Watson.Then we went home. 13.08.08. Came to school alone.Then morning assembly and stuffs.Afterwhich,headed to classroom for history common test.Paper was okay but one I cant do one question): Okay so then math.Then recess.Then FTC.Then IT.Then english common test.Hard siaaaaa.LOL.Then end of class lah.Then went down meet huda.We walked around the school.Playing this game.You have to walk on a straight line .Bored to death,we went home with aishah and taufiqah.Took the bus to czway.Walked around and saw Milton.Then went home.Slept.Onlined.That's all. BYEBYE. Sunday, August 10, 2008, 7:31 PM
Crappy pictures.
Hello. I really miss BBG(: Hope to see BBG tommorow.Just wish tommorow PE no running.My shoe is still wet! Okay so,Grace ask to go library today?I dont knw If I'm going.LOL.I want money.LAHH.I'm short of cash.Bored there's nothing else to post.I'll post some crappy pictures. Saturday, August 9, 2008, 3:32 AM
Happy National Day!
Hello.Okay so,I just finished blogging at class blog.So,just now.Woke up like 5.Headed to school.Gate was still locked.HAHA.Then after that we went to do our instrument and stuffs.Aishah came late so I did her clarinet and took her stuffs.See good friend(: Then we took the bus and headed to IJC.Then rehearsed for ahwhile.Then the real thing.Well everything was the same like yesterday but there was fanfare and drum solo.I really thought huda did a great job with the drum solo.Atleast did'nt stop playing.Then went back.There's another BBG and watsons again.LOL.Oh yah,yesterday I dreamt of BBG.So,cute so short(: I'm like insulting him coz of his height LOL.Okay so,I want to watch NDP now.LOL. BYEBYE. Labels: I want to be friends with you. Thursday, August 7, 2008, 11:40 PM
Lethargic strikes.
Hello.Back to posting.Such a tiring week.Monday camp.Tuesday camp.Wednesday camp.Thursday camp.Friday(today)Speech day.Saturday-National day,performance at IJC .Then next week common test.WTF.I'm super tired. So,I'm so not gonna post about camp.I hate camp.Super hate it.Seriously,I cried.WTF.I know,BLABLA so lame.But I just can't help it.I hate it.I dont know why.CAMP SUCKS.No offence.I was so happy when break camp.So,went home then bathe .Changed.Went back to school for BAND.-__-.I came late.Then went home.BLABLA.Next day,today.Woke up like 5?Reached school arnd 6.10?Then speech day.Then BLABLALBLA. BYEBYE.OHH ya,to those who knows who is BBG,PLEASE DO NOT SPREAD,KAY.I DONT WANT LAST TIME'S INCCIDENT TO HAPPEN AGAIN(: Saturday, August 2, 2008, 6:15 PM
Hello.So,yesterday woke up like 6.15am coz there's rehearsal.Tired lah.Then went to school with Aisyah and pei jia.BLABLA.Somebody just can't take jokes huh?Skip that part.Then grace's flute lost.HAHA.But in the end,it was'nt lost.Then walked to innova jc.BLABLA.I almost lost my cover.Then rehearsed like 3 times.Then walk back to school.Then BLABLA.After that.Went home.Was dead tired.Bathe.Slept.My parents went somewhere without me.Then woke up.BLABLA.Slept again.That is all(: BBG! Friday, August 1, 2008, 7:30 AM
Hello.BAD WEEK.Cried in school coz- 1)BBG was'nt in school. 2)I am sitting with the most irritating person. 3)Was tired. 4)Miss BBG alot. 5)Changed PLACE!?! repeated 6)MISSED BBG ALOT. I hate the place that i'm sitting now.FUCK. I only got 2 seconds to see BBG after 4 days.FUCK. &FUCK,I'm crying now :( BAD WEEK. INEEDBBGTOHELPMEBEHAPPY. |