![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Monday, September 29, 2008, 12:17 AM
You dont knw tht I love you like fuck.
Hello.Didnt go to school today.Not gonna tell it here. Was supposed to meet Alfred yesterday.Tht red elf.Hahaa.Didnt.I ditched him. Brother went back to camp yesterday.He's coming back tommorow night LOL. So boreddd.I watched videos on youtube.Brother got me addicted to brothers & sisters. Yeahh and I didnt know matthew Rhys had an accent.You probably dont knw what I'm talking about so I'll stop now.BYEBYE. If you had cared for me,you wouldnt have done tht. I'm the one who should be asking you tht question. I HATE YOU .BBG.I HATE YOU.BBG.I HATE YOU. Friday, September 26, 2008, 6:32 PM
Hello.Goshh,I'm sick.Sore throat,blocked nose,sneezing.And worst still,its exams week. Friday. MT paper 1,I drew nonsense on the extra paper.HAHAA.'SETAN SESAT' . Whatever you wont understand.was freezing.Cz it rained.I shivered infront on BBG ): Then he gave me a 'look' .Infact,everyone gave me tht stupid look.You dont need to pity me.HAHA.Goshhh.Then second paper,harddddd.I dont understand some meanings.I paniced.LOL.Went home with Huda.Slept.Mom called.Met mom.Bought Contacts.Then went home.Went out again,to czway,HAHAA bought bedsheet.OOOH,I saw linJun.LJ.LANJIAO.HAHAA.Whatever.Then went home.Slept. Saturday. Brother coming back.So,'fetching' him back.My stupid ezlink cant top up.WOOHOO. I miss him truckloads ... !! Next exam is math and literatureeee . BYEBYE. Thursday, September 25, 2008, 1:21 AM
You're telling me to give up on you indirectly.
![]() Find the above picture disgusting so,I decided to post it here.So,english paper.Hard.First paper effing hard.Second paper.Harder.OMG.What about math ?Surely damn hard.Nothing much to post nowadays as lifes turning mundane everyday.Ohh yah,BBG hurted me so much.Wanna knw why.Ask me.I currently hate him.Yeahh if he would even be reading this,he wouldnt even care .So,BYEBYE. Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 4:56 AM
I saw you turn to see me(:
Hello. Morning,rained.Went up class BLABLA.Talked with sharifah bout some people.Then science.Suddenly,mr rahman called me and khairul out.Dont want to tell it here.Then after science,math.Tried to focus.But I feel so suffocating trying to understand him.Somemore,it was effing cold in class.Recess.Walked around 1st floor.Talked to LKY. FTC.Go through english paper.IT.Played the online game from the asknlearn webbie.Was so bored decided to play the wordsearch.Roseanne and me kept on laughing cz we found a word 'BOOF'And 'JOCHERBYS'.Gibberish siol.Then english.Go through english paper again.Then had to stay back cz we need to do the math retest.Its alittle hard.Went home with roseanne.Reached home.Slept.Woke up.Break fast.Onlined. Will be last minute mugging now.BYEBYE. Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 2:03 AM
Bahasa melayu saya sedang merosok.
Hello.So,monday. Huda didnt come to school.No reason siol. Lessons were super boring and super slow.I almost slept in class. Nathalie cant stop with 'pisang bodoh'.LOL.And khairul cant stop with 'LALAT'.LOL. Crazy class.Didnt want to go home early.But Roseanne wanted to go home.HAHAAA. I wanna see tht BBG.HAHAA.Saw alittle bit.Alittle only.Reached home.Tired slept till buka. Tuesday. Came to school with roseanne.I kept on saying tht I wanted to talk to the weirdo. MT.I couldnt do anything without refering to the textbook.I really dont understand.Whats with me.I have a feeling i'll fail MT.Lets just hope not.PE.Damnnn fun.Yeahh.Since when I'm inlove with PE.No but seriously,we played with the sponge.And I was supposed to be grouped with they all.But in the middle of the game,cher changed me and felicia to the guys group.Khairul,syakir and lin jun sucks.They kept on splashing the water at me.Then blabla. Recess.FTC.English.Math.I slept ahwhile during math.HAHA.Lessons were seriously,dead and liveless.Slept woke up cz I dreamt of someone .BBG.Crap. I dont know.I feel like I hate you even more everyday.I'm sorry.BBG ILY. Saturday, September 20, 2008, 6:36 PM
One day vacation.
Hello.So yesterday went out like two times.Woke up like 5.30+ then reached clementi arnd 7.30+ boarded the bus headed to custom and stuffs.Then at johor.I was looking out at the window.Siol so many graveyards.Scary siol.Seriously,ALOT.Like the cemetery but what I saw wasnt a cemetery.Then first stop.Bought the 'kueh'.Shouldnt have came.Suffocating.Cant even get to another side of the place.Everyone was cramping on the same spot.LOL. Then boarded the bus again.Journey damn long .I managed to sleep while half listening to MCR and half listening to the tour guide.Then I dont know,kotaraya or something.Bought cakes there.Then bought some more stuffs.I dont know.I forgot.Then took the bus .Then to angsana or something.Bought food.LOL.Then took the bus headed to singapore.Again custom .BLABLA.After that,went home.Break Fast.Headed to GAYLAND.No lah.Geylang.Dad wanted to pay the zakat.Walked around BAZAAR.Or bazar ?Cramped like heck. Went home afterwhich.Reached home around 1++ ?Then blablabla. OMG.Tommorow school .... ALARRRRRR.So fast siol.Well, Going to mug .BYEBYE. Thursday, September 18, 2008, 12:07 AM
I didnt get to know you better.
![]() Hello. Thursday.Came to school with roseanne again.Morning assembly. I was supposed to stand coz I didnt bring MT book.Sharifah gave me a page to read.I slide it like a cover over my math book.HAHA.Mr chow,teachers,mr koa all didnt realised.LOL.Lucky siaa.Home ec.Did the stupid rocket.My rocket cant even stand.Stupid rocket.Shouldnt have make rocket.Aidil and I think khairul did rockets too.But my rocket is different.Then recess BLABLABLA.Then FTC.Auctioning people to go for the stupid $80 dinner.Then math.Math test.That I know I will fail terribly and miserably.English.BLABLABLA.Hairhairhair. Went home with roseanne too.She seems unpatient to go home .The person who lives so near to BBG.Guess what,some gayguy is knocking on my door for god knws why.Dont talk to strangers people. My hair isnt your concern,dude. Chill,your too old to go around getting angry at people's hair. Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 1:38 AM
You're an idiot.I know I'm your idiot(:
Hello.Came to school with rose-ee-anne ?We wanted to turn one round.So,chatchat in the bus.I was the last to reach school by back gate.HAHA.Then sit down.BLABLABLA.Went up class. Science.Then math.HAHA.BBG ?Then recess.BLABLA. Scolded.Reprimanded.Threathened.Bout my hair.Fringe only.Fuck lah.Clipclip ah.Fuck your self ah CHOWCHIKEN.Then acctually wanted to finish up history homework.Saw ORANGE.Laughed so hard.Orange.DOTDOTDOT.HAHA.Then BBG came.Went off with orange. GAY.GAY.GAY.GAY.GAY ORANGE.GAY BOX.GAY.GAY.GAY.GAY.GAY.GAY.ORANGE BOX. So,saw kotak clone.or Klone.Word from huda.Then went home.Kept thinking of orange .So funny.So,no more bobby.Orange is better.Fresh fruit.Fresh and cold haircut. Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 1:33 AM
Ray toro .
See this.Teruskan bersama galaxy ? LOL. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRHTMIB8xVI byebye. Saturday, September 13, 2008, 7:25 PM
Harley,I do.
Hello.Friday. Didnt come to school cz brother go NS ?Well,just went to his camp and stuff. Afterwhich,From Dover we took the bus to Bedok ?Then to Terminal 3.Dad and Mom bought new handphones.Dad bought for brother a phone too.Guess,I'm stuck with my phone.Didnt really want to change cz all their phones in display were sucky.Then we took the bus to ANG MO KIO.LOL.Break fast.Then went home.Really felt different without brother.Waiting for 27 sept cz he's coming back home ! Saturday. I realised I woke up around 6.30am.So,I didnt fast .HAHA.Then I slept again woke up.Bathed.Changed.Took the bus.BAND.Yeahh.Last practise til EOY ?Syahirah and Aishah ditched me.I was the only 2nd Clarinet there -__- Expect me to play alone ?WTH.And Mr Tan kept on disiao-ing me.Afterthat,walked around czway.Dontknow why.Then went home.Played PSP.LOL.Then slept.Woke up around 8pm ?Then watched TV.BLABLA.Slept. Sunday. Today.Planned to cycle around woodlands.HAHA.No lah.Dontknow.Bonding session and chatting session with AFIQAH AND FITRIYA!!HAHA.Really miss them like FFF.Yeahh so,4pm meeting them.Cycling siaaa.BYEBYE. I miss your BOXBAG siaa. Seriously,Change please. I knw your'e not reading this, but I wish there's a miracle and you decided to use you BOXBAG (: ILOVEYOU. Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 3:52 AM
Corners of my mind.
Hello.Tuesday. Finally have time to post.I dont know why.Tht even if I pay attention in class,I find myself not learning anything from tht teacher.Its like as if he's talking giberrish.Well,I'll have to live with tht .So,yesterday.Disasterous.Well not exactly.MT,no teacher.But I had to to stayback till like 5pm+ cz I didnt pass up english papers.Like homework n shits.I didnt care of homeworks last time but now,I will.LOL.I dont want to stayback until so late . Wednesday. Then today.Loads of things happened.Saw funny people.Gave LKY the prezzie huda aishah and I bought for him.Well,came to school as usual lah.But the driver made a wrong turn .HAHA.I wanted to laugh cz I could hear ppl saying 'where is this bus going?''We all take wrong bus?''New turn ah?Why never tell sia'LOL.Then the guy sitting next to me kept on changing the song he's listening to.Then morning assembly.Saw BBG.Okay,he changed his bag.But not tht bag lah.Your KOTAKBAG !Then science.Effing slacking.Need to do some project.I just ended up colouring the stupid rocket anyhow.Then I coloured saturn BLUE(: Was tired.Anyhow colour.Then I dont knw why I wrote WOOHOO ! On the paper.Then Math.BLABLA.Was trying to focus and pay attention.But ended up poking melissa with my pen.LOL.Then recess.BLABLA.Then FTC.Then IT.Always IT class.Amanda never fails to be nonsentical.HAHA.Then english.Then waited at the canteen for LKY.Waited.Then gave him the prezzie. Thursday. Wanted to come to school lil early.HAHA.Like only.Reached early by 5min only.Then Mr Chow say something about hair and stuffs.And today,I forgot to bring clip and comb.-__- Then Home econs.Did the craftwork drawing thing.Then recess.Aishah said Mr Chow taking pictures of girls hair.I dont have clip.I avoid Mr Chow .Then FTC.Then Math.Same.Pokepokepoke. Then english.Then band.Band was normal.Huda got shutter shades from shakinah.She say it looks like animation.HAHA. TOMMOROW AUDI ZULKANAEN BIN NORMAN WILL GOING TO NATIONAL SERVICE AT MAJU CAMP. HOW AM I GOING TO LIVE WITHOUT HIM ?I WONT BE GOING TO SCHOOL TOMMOROW.OKAY. BYEBYE DEAREST BROTHER. Monday, September 8, 2008, 5:10 AM
I K E ?
Hello.So,first day of term 4 ?Must drag the stupid clarinet all the way to school.Good thing,roseanne accompany me all the way through school.So,I wouldnt be stared at the whole time. So,science was fun.Poovan kept on talking bout meet dave.The way he talks funny.Then I kept on making jokes about the lesson.Then geography.Change cher.The cher damn freaky . She kept on smiling eventhough she scold the class.HAHA.Then went recess.Sit there talktalk. History.Damn tired,ppl were drinking infront of me.Then I didnt underdstand cher much.Then MT.Copy some stuffs.I was tired.Copy all anyhow.Then cher ask me to read,I read anyhow.Then everyone laugh.Well,I think Its funny too.So,ppl arent laughing at me,They laughing with me(: Then mathh.Boreeeed.Was about to sleep.Then APC.SEX TALKKK.LOL. Was rather funny cz roseanne kept on asking 'when are we gonna learn about Bi's ?Then cher said Nw I'm gonna show you a video.Then the first thing in my mind was EDUCATIONAL PORN !LOL.Yeahh then band.Wanted to skip.Since huda didnt want.So,stayed.Ohh yeah,saw BBG.I hope you change your bag .Please. ILY. Friday, September 5, 2008, 5:37 AM
Chariot ?
You are The ChariotTriumph, Victory, Overcoming Obstacles. The chariot is one of the most complex cards to define. On its most basic level, it implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory. Either over enemies, obstacles, nature, the beasts inside you, or to just get what you want. But there is a great deal more to it. The charioteer wears emblems of the sun, yet the sign behind this card is the moon. The chariot is all about motion, and yet it is often shown as stationary. It is a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. Control is required over opposing emotions, wants, needs, people, circumstances; bring them together and give them a single direction, your direction. Confidence is also needed and, most especially, motivation. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again. What Tarot Card are You?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 5:27 PM
I dreamt of you,I do love you.
Hello.Wanna know something?I dreamt the same dream for two days straight.Its bout BBG): Goshh,whats with me ?HAHA.Okay so,updated some stuffs in this blog.It seems dead. No huda's one is dead.Didnt update for so long -__- Relink felicia. Replied all tags. Relink people who's links cant be found ?LOL. Updated about me.Tht oso want to tell.LOL. Been listening to some tenacious D songs.HAHA.Funny siaa.Was scrolling songs in my phone then I found some tenacious D songs.Should listen to some of their songs.Their lyrics are funny.HAHA. Links to their lyrics.HAHA.Not forcing you to see,just showing. http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/Tenacious-D-lyrics/B787B8A6AD15E26448256B72000C5547 Well,byebye. |