![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Thursday, November 27, 2008, 2:04 AM
My bday twin rocks :D
HELLO.Well,there's really nothing much to update since I've been rotting at home the whole week.I found luke Macfarlane at Seal's music video,love's divine.Then I watched some videos.I found a new Bday twin.Means he shares the same Birthday as me.So far,I've found two.Gong Yoo & Alec Mapa.Now I have three.And the latest is,Gale Harold. Look at how much he resembles Ashton Kutcher,the older version. Gale Harold. ![]() Ashton Kutcher. ![]() This really shows how bored I am.If YOU want to see my other Bday twin,gong yoo watch Coffee Prince 6pm everday(exp sat &sun) Channel 9.LOL.Now I have nothing else to say.So, BYEBYE.(did I mention Gale is supercute eventhough he is turning 40 when i turn 14 ?) Sunday, November 23, 2008, 3:52 AM
Come on everybody,lets go zoo !
Hello.Saturday. Woke up,bathed,changed,took bus,headed to school.Lectured by bandteacher.Aishah & Huda was late,couldnt blame them though.Then had drills.BLEAH,what a drag.Drills for hour or so.Break,Sectionals.Jonathan teached me some bars from the setpiece song.Full band.Home. Slept,woke up thunderthunderthunder.Bathed,changed,took bus,headed to marsiling.Dinner.Then go to my uncle's house.Everyone talked&talked.Watched QuaNtum of solace.Then went home.Watched The Heartbreak Kid.Slept. Sunday. Woke up,so tired.Bathed,changed took MRT to kranji.Bused to the ZOO.Had this family day thing at zoo.The first 5 hours were such a waste of time cz they were having these lucky draw thing.And some magic shows and some weird,lame,questions&answer .Then we walked around the zoo to see the animals,duhh.OOH,ISOLOVEINUKA&SHEBBA !I I think its shebba.Forgotten.LOL.But,they are Polar Bears.My fav animal(: Well at the end the shebby was waving so cuteee.Took loads of pictures.Cant upload now cz phone have USB problems.Suckks.Then walked around.Touched The snake.And stuff.The crocodiles were scary.Then went for early dinner at czway.Went home.Been ages since I've been to the zoo.OOH,the white tigers were so cute,they posed !LOL. BYEBYE. Thursday, November 20, 2008, 11:57 PM
What an understatement.
Hello.Yesterday went out with PWTS.Which was ironic cz we also went out on a thursday,last week.ANW,we went to orchard.Walked around.Met some weird people.Some were telling us how to save water,asked us to write our names on their notebooks,an ex-convict asked us to buy a card.LOL.So,then we walked around Plaza Sing to try out double-pedal.I didnt try it,Huda did.We walked around,see some instrument.Looked through some music tabs,Starter kits and oohh I saw a Coldplay book thing which some of coldplay's songs on guitar.Super cool. Then we went through CDs.Couldnt find Circus.Then we took the MRT to City Hall.Walked around peninsula.Saw a really nice bag.Wanted to buy,thought again.Nvrm,mom can buy for me(: Then we walked around Esplanade.Went to Basement 2.Sat down on the floor.Huda 'clapped' then the lights came on.LOL.Then got shocked.Took the MRT back.Me n Huda actually wanted to have dinner,ended up watching Madagascar 2 !LOL.I wanted to watch it for so long.At last I watched it.Then went home.Saw two Lizards outside my house.EEW. WEEEE.Justing won Majide,I survived A Japanese Game Show.Then watched Ugly betty.Slept.Too tired to stay up late.BLABLAHH.BYEBYE. Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 7:38 PM
So,I've been told.
Hello.The first thing I said in the morning was 'SIOL,GILERBABI !' cz someone took my _____ .And I've been saving tht ____ for so long.And I know who the culprit is .He is going to get a hell out of me.And its my awful brother.The contractors,person upstairs,and the person who is playing the piano is really irritating.Smashkepalakaualamakkkk. So,I really want to go out.I want to watch Madagascar 2!But alot of people arent free.And BBG clearly ____ cz he _____ .My gosh.I want to be a republican so I can own a gun.Hate democrats.Want to ''READ'' something random ? ''That Sexy Atornney'' .LOL.Okay so,feel like gg out pleaseee and do beep me. BYEBYE.(I'm out of jamming cz of tht stupid guitar) Sunday, November 16, 2008, 8:14 PM
PWTS rocks !
Hello.Didnt post for so long cz my comp problem.So,last thursday went out with PWTS.Took the MRT and by the time,you would read at either huda's or aishah's blog,we got recommended as calefares LOL.So,then we walked around vivo.Had lunch at MACs.Then we planned to go esplanade ?So,we got lost,no didnt get lost just alighted at the wrong stop.LOL.Then we ended up at plaza singapura.I saw a proud gay couple.HAHA.They were holding hands.I got a problem with gay people,not negatively,positively.I've been told.HAHA.So,took the mrt.Went home. Then yesterday,saturday .Went to school for band ended up going home before practise cz I was having a real bad stomach ache.My whole family had stomach aches LOL.Cz of the curry that we ate the day before.LOL.Then had to go to cousin's house cz of my cousin's son's bday.His younger brother Andrei is superly cute.Really cute.He was crawling then his pacifier came off,he took it wipe it abit and put it back on his mouth.And he is not even a year old.SO CUTEEEE. Sunday,rotted at home.ROT.ROT.ROT.ROT. Monday.ROT.ROT.ROT.ROT. I like if I were a boy by beyonce so much.So,byebye. Monday, November 10, 2008, 2:27 AM
I hate quizzes.
(Gracelauaskmetodothisquiz)Rules :#1 do all questions #2 pass it on to at least 7 ppl #3 quiz is meant for Friendster/tagged/facebook/blogger 1) what is your dream job? Ice cream making business or laywer. 2) Who are your 5 bestest female friend in class? Roseanne,sharifah,felicia,pei ying,amanda 3) Who are your 5 bestest male friend in class? Idont remember them. 4) Who is bestest friend (only can have 1)? Not being biased here. 5) Who is your crush? BBG ? 6) Decribe is your dream guy ? Like Shawn Pyfrom. 7) If you have to choose between your friendship or love which will it be? Both ? 8) What is your dream family like? Cool,laid back parents,awsome siblings. 9) What is your fav cartoon when you were a young kiddo? Sesame street,spongebob squarepants. 10) In your class who is the most chatty? Chatty what do you mean ?is it even a word ? 11) In your class who is the most unsociable? Aloof ?Umm,yifa ? 12) In your class who is the most sociable ? Pretty much everybody . 13) Who is the prettiest/handsome in your class? Nobody.LOL. 14) If you like someone will you confess to him/her? No.I'll keep it a secret. 15) How will u confess? I said I wont. 16) What animals do you like? Snakes and rabbits. 17) What animal do you hate? Cats.And pigs. 18) If you can be someone else in the world, who would you wanna be? No idea. 19) If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what will it be? Why ? 20) What is your wishes? Change my phone,migrate,have amnesia and forget that I used to lived in singapore. 21) Are you popular? I dont know. 22) Elmo or cookie monster? Elmo. 23) Stitch or mickey? Neither. 24) Kelly Clarkson or hilary duff? neither. 25) Rihanna or Mariah carey? neither 26) Jonas brother or busted? neither. 27) High school musical or camp rock? neither. 28) Computer or laptop? laptop. 29) Apple or orange? orange. 30) Sushi or lamb/pork chop? sushi. 31) Dog or cat? neither. 32) Pink or blue? pink . 33) Purple or green? Purple. 34) If you could do something impossible, what will it be? Create a time machine and redo every mistake than I'v made. 35) Which is your favourite fairy tale princess and why? No idea. 36) who i have tagged/commented to do No one. Saturday, November 8, 2008, 4:04 AM
my league is coming out.
Muhammad Asher Bin (Vanity)SMILES.FROWNS.SMILES.FROWNS. Amelia Bte Norman. Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 10:00 PM
Artist : HinderTitle : Without you No Copyright Infringement intended Lyrics ; I just wanna be alone tonight I just wanna take a little breather Cause lately all we do is fight And every time it cuts me deeper Cause somethings changed Youve been acting so strange And its taking its toll on me Its safe to say that Im ready to let you leave (CHORUS) Without you, I live it up a little more everyday Without you, Im seein myself so differently I didnt wanna believe it then But it all worked out in the end When I watched you walk away Well I never thought id say Im fine Without you Called you up cause its been long enough And you said that you were so much better We have done a lot of growing up We were never meant to be together Cause something changed, you were acting so strange And its taken its toll on me Its safe to say that Im ready to let you leave (CHORUS) Cause something changed, you were acting so strange And its taken its toll on me Its safe to say that Im ready to let you leave (CHORUS) Im fine, Without you Without you Without you Without you I just wanna be alone tonight, I just wanna take a little breather Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 10:11 PM
My great people faded away.
Hello.Okay seriously,I'm irritated by the following advertistment: Avenue Q Singapore Ok Cashmere Mafia Goshh.Eversince dad cancelled Cable tv,I'v been watching channel 5 and OKTO.Makes me sick everytime I turn on the tv.I want cable tv.And this stupid computer cant read dvd.I want to play SIMS !ARGHH.Well,then I've been playing PSP.Playing force unleashed and guess what,suddenly the file corrupted.SHEESH.What more.I'm rotting at homeee.I wanna go out.Seems people are way to busy to go out,and they have been canceling plans alot. When Huda was away,taking care of her lil brother,me and aishah created a clique called 'Party With The Sick' Short form.PWTS.LOL.We will be adding more members next year.LOL.Advertise much.BYEBYE. Sunday, November 2, 2008, 5:03 AM
I know how it feels,so just let me feel that way it hurts.Weeks after weeks .I'm sorry. |