![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Saturday, January 31, 2009, 1:00 AM
BAND?Not today (:
Hello .School was tiring this week .I didnt had much sleep .Just came back from the Airport .Mom is back .She bought so much Chocolate 0.0 Nah,I dont care much .Bleah,what a joke . Happy Bday Mom.Shit I missed band today .Monday taking video of the marching SYF thing .Must wear blazer ?WTF ?I cant even remember the song .HAH .I'm gonna get a helluva on Monday .Lets prepare for the worst . I'm gonna chew my ass off the chewing gum my mom bought . Syakiiiieeee I'm not Emilieee .I'll shut up if you shut up,Syakiiieeee .WORD . I'm so happy I'm so happy .Cz,MCR got new Music Video !! YAY !I'm so happy !And GerardWay have Twitter too.I'm so Happy .WEEEE .But,I dont understand anything about twitter.Stupid .Well,I dont care .I'm just excited that GerardWay has twitter !And the Website was updated like long time ago.They making new album .I'm so Happy *drags* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!! But,nobody cares to tag ): .... TAG PEOPLE . Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 1:17 AM
I love you too (:
Hello .I'm obsessed with Gerard Way again ?Shit . So school was okay.I reached so early .So its been a week since a teacher scolded me of my hair,I'm happy now.No more a target.YAY !I seriously dont understand science class.English,relieve teacher came in.Recess.FTC.Math,I know how to do algebra weee .Home econs .Stupid class just cant seem to keep quiet.So freaking annoying . After school stayed back cz Huda wanted to see The australian dude.LOL.Then czway .Then home.I'm going 'GaGa'(what huda said) over Gerard way Again .Fcuk.Nice spelling .OMG so cuteee .Thats random .What Huda told me ,what shakinah told her . As a huge fan,you must be happy for him (: .How can I be happy when the girl is superugly ): ARGH who cares .Shit tmrw swimming and band -__- Haiyooooo . Well,I've nothing else to say . BYEBYE . Sunday, January 25, 2009, 8:09 PM
Mcr,Desolation Row ?
Hello, I'm so excited.Excited.Excited.WEEE .Coz,Mcr is making a new album .now.WEEE.Excited .And They made a song,desolation row for the Movie Watchmen.WEE.I'm so happy . I was looking for something when I found that I still had overdued MT homework since last year.How nice.And I still have tons of homework now.And now band is upgrading to 4 times a week.EEYERRR.Its for the best .I know.But wtf,The only free day,tuesday and Friday .Haiyo .My wednesday's goneee .I think I'm gonna cry .My whole life is about Band ): Nevermind.Atleast its not as bad .As you know that one CCA where every guy has to go thing .I'f you dont understand,then good cz its not for you to understand cz I'll be dead if you do.Again,I'm so excited.I'm so excited.I'm so excited.I'm so exciteddddd.Something is wrong with this comp.There's this window which refuses to close.Wow that line sounds like a tittle.HAH .Like Huda,I've also been dreaming awkward dreams.First zombies.Now,a cough- under-a-roof-virus ?I dont get it too .Well,there's nothing else to type anymore. OOH,I made a Twitter account .Add me if you have one (: Friday, January 23, 2009, 2:26 AM
Dengdengguy says a singlish word !
Hello .I didnt really want to go to school.But,I felt like coming idk why.Stupid.Waste time only.But got lessons hahaa.Its totally unfair .Cz of some reason. Roseanne came late and I didnt.HAHA.School was boring.As usual.I knew something weird about BBG .Which I dont care .I'm so happy there's no band tommorow.I'm more happy cz monday and tuesday,no school.WEE.I'm supposed to meet dengdendguy at City Hall at 3.30pm.I called him convo so weird. Eh,dont need go can ?Wah,heng I still in school seh !HAHA,so Dengdengguy dont get his dengdeng today .PoorAron ): I feel like cooking a soft toy.Hmm,lets try .Maybe Hello Kitty ? Oh !PWTS DIED ): Gale Harolddddddddddddddddddddddddddd :D Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 2:11 AM
No more orange .
Hello.So it seems like orange has not dots anymore so,I'll stop calling orange,orange .HAH . School.Woke up early.Went out house early.Came to school not that early.First period was science.Boring.English.haha bulldog.Nice going BQ .Recess.Walked around.Saw some people.FTC.Math.Someone sprayed perfume and the teacher wanted to call DM to investigate.What nonsense .Home ec.Cooked pizza bread or something.Gilson seriously didnt do anything.Like fuck ah.Stupid.Everything I have to do.Then czway.Home. Gale Harolddddddddddddddddddddd (: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 12:48 AM
Make my day .
Hello .I'm so tired.I want to sleep.But,I cant .Mom's gone.Coming back on her Bday .Cool.Yesterday sent mom to airport.Flight delayed,fuck waited till 12am .Reached home at 2am .Slept at 3am .Wake up at 6am.School,6hrs ?AHHA .I didnt even have redbull or coffee .And I'm still awake (: I have been listening to Jason Mraz alot.All the songs rhyme.Idk if I spell it correct.Anw,it rhymes so cool.LOL.Brother gave me his not even a year phone to me .I'm so happy.I gt a new phone !School has been okay.Classes ended so fast .And Chinaboy is sitting 5 feet away from me so,its partly good .I went home alone for today and ystd .YAY !Nuts .I missed BBG .No actually. GALE HAROLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD :D Friday, January 16, 2009, 12:01 AM
No excitement in life .
Hello.I thought a new year would be better.Guess it's wrong.School sucks.Life sucks.Everything sucks especially you,you stupid 'eraser' .I wish you would die of dehydration you stupid arsebitch. Umairah didnt come to school.Roseanne left for volleyball tournament.So,I stayed back after school to help out chinese new year deco.Then met Grace Lau,went home.The sucks like fuck.The whole week sucks like fuck.I want to cut my fringe.I'm too tired of teachers lectures. I hate rubber.I hate BBG.I hate orange.I hate Chinaboy.I hate arsebitch.Die you motherfuckers . (hours later) I'm re editing this post.Since I've recovered from hatred,I'm thinking of posting.Actually I dont want those people to die.HAH.I'm am going to kill Umairah .This wasnt my week .What a sucky week.Its a good thing today is friday.I hate swimming.How I wish swimming is finished.Gosh.I finished QAF whole season .Started watching it since last year and I finished it today .WEEE.I'm so happy.Brian Kinney !Nuts .Kacangs ! That was pure nonsense .What else,Monday mom will be gone for 2 weeks.ARGHH.And I'm supposed to do the housework.BLEAH.FREAKKKK . BYEBYE. Labels: 2009 2 weeks. Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 2:58 AM
Brian not Gale (:
HelloSo,I dont feel like posting too long. 12/1/09 Late ahah.So funny,principle saved the day,weird . 13/1/09 Some(one) decided to sell clothes.Yannick hit me lots of time.Chibaikia . I wish Brian Kinney is my bestfriend. Labels: 2009.sitting with Chinaboy:DAY, SEVEN, SIX Saturday, January 10, 2009, 6:17 PM
Cocked up .
Hello.So yesterday,Sec1 thingy.Played awfully .Stage fright ?LOL .Control so hard not to laugh.Then after performance still had practise.How sad.Overture,overture.Talked with Syahirah.Then after practise.The sec1 thingy ended.ARGH !Not fair .LOL.Then helped take stuffs up.Then dismissed.Oh,we cocked up,but few people knew.HAHAA. After band ,went to banquet for lunch.Sec3's watched movie afterthat.Me and huda went home.Home,how very studious of me,I did my homework.LOL.Then I slept.Dreamt weird stuffs.Scary at the same time.Got zombies and,BBG ?HAHAA.That was the scary part.Then brother knocked on my room,I missed the part where I was a zombie,so sad.Then bathed,changed.Went to Ayer Raja for dinner .I didnt feel like eating there.So cramp.Claustrophobic-ed.Afterwhich,went to aunt's house to take luggage cz mom is going to prigilmage.Or something.I forgot how to spell.Then went home. BYEBYE. Friday, January 9, 2009, 5:23 AM
Khawin tak tengok jam -__-
Hello,School was okay today.It's 9.30 p.m. and gt the kompang sound at the comunity centre .Shit.So noisy.Khawin tk tengok jam,bodoh . Again,principle talked&talked.Now,even Vice-principle.Music.Music teacher got accent,cool.-_- Then Math.BLABLA.Recess.Walked around school.Didnt feel like going to the canteen.Then FTC.Art.Literature.Chapel.They only started to show the starting of the movie when Chapel ended.HAH.Then finish school.Home really think of slacking outside. BYEBYE. Labels: 2009.sitting with Chinaboy:DAY FIVE. Thursday, January 8, 2009, 6:05 AM
Swimming,swimming .
Hello.Today was okay in many ways.Didnt come almost late so that was good.BUt,Principle talked&talked&talked like non-stop.Which was a bad thing.Missed Home ec,I dont knw if thats good.Recess.Normal.Changed to stupid swimming suit -__- .Lessons were okay.Which was good cz I wasnt tired.PE was swimming which was at first good but ended up bad . Band was great.Cz I was laughing and laughing while playing .Well,technically.Syahirah played and made funny noises out of it and it sound funny.Couldnt control myself and started 'gagging' .LOL. Then I tried to stop and concentrate still couldnt cz she kept making tht funny noise.In the end.I tried to ignore it and stop laughing.How weird. Khalilah Joined band.Some china guy joined too.Saturday gt sec 1 recruitment thingy.Must perform.How shitty.But I'm looking forward for it.HAHA.Well, BYEBYE. Labels: 2009.sitting with Chinaboy:DAY FOUR . Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 3:54 AM
Fuck Swimming .
Hello.Almost came late with Roseanne.Went up Hall for Morning Assembly.Hair here Hair there.MT class.Superboring.And me and sharifah had to sit all the way infront.Afterwhich Science.Worst.I dont get why I'm forced to sit all the way infront.I dont make me concentrate better it made me miserable.And why is ChinaBoy next to me ?I cant even have a stupid Conversation without China slang.How Irritating.Suffered through science .Recess. English.Nothing to say .Math .Toilet-ed 10 minutes cz math was boring.History was okay.Actually not.I dont want to sit at where I'm sitting.What did I do wrong.Stupid .Stupid .Stupid .I'm cursing to you,you stupid babi .After School.Vista point.So long nvr went there.BLABLABLA.Home.Sleep.Onlined. I'm trying to think why did he change ?I hate school.I hate school.I hate school.I hate school.I hate school. BYEBYE. Labels: 2009.sitting with Chinaboy:DAY THREE. Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 2:00 AM
BBG not BBG anymore ):
Hello.School was okay.Dont really have time to type anymore. BBG not BBG anymore ): New principle talked&talked&talked. BYEBYE. Labels: 2009.sitting with Chinaboy:DAY TWO Monday, January 5, 2009, 6:40 AM
I hate you ChinaBoy !
Hello.So,School was a drag.Roseanne left without me.Luckily,Huda came when the I was in the bus.Morning had to go to the Hall.Talktalktalk.Then to class.I think its FTC ?Then MT.We went to 4/6 I think cz there were no space for new students.BLEAH.I dont knw why we went there though. Then lessons after lessons.I dont really paid attention to the teachers.I just wanted school to end.Then after school had Band -_- My gosh.Was supertired.And there was still drills.After band Causeway point.Bus.Home.While waiting for lift.Mom was in the lift.Followed mom to shop for groceries.Then went home.The house Agent came again.I'll be moving soon !Probably Bukit Batok.EEW. Labels: 2009.sitting with Chinaboy:DAY ONE . Saturday, January 3, 2009, 8:19 PM
![]() So I support A Homo .That doesnt make me one. I still love Neil Patrick Harris . & Britney Spears as a fan. I know what I'm gonna do with my seat next to Chinaboy.I'm gonna make a countdown.Let's see how long I can live with Chinaboy sitting next to me. I'm gonna start tommorow. BYEBYE. |