![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 3:29 AM
1: Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed? Ans :Hmm,cheek LOL .2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning? Ans :Tired Lo . 3: Who was the last person you took a photo with? Ans : My brother .lol. 4: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? Ans : No,I dont get what I want . 5: Would you ever donate blood? Ans : Maybe ? 6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? Ans : YES !AronEdward the best opposite sex best friend everr !Yes,I just praised you,DENG ! 7: Do you want someone dead? Ans : If that doesnt drive me down to hell,YES ! 8:What does your last text message say ? Ans : No way,I'm sick too so not spreading 0.0 9:What are you thinking of right now? Ans : Toilet .lol. 10: Do you wish someone was with you right now? Ans : No actually . 11: What time did you go to sleep last night? Ans : 2am . 12: Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now? Ans : No idea. 13: Is someone on your mind right now? Ans : Hmm,maybe ? 14: Who was the last person to text you? Ans : Aron lo,best friend what lol. I skipped the questions about the people who you want to tah thingy cz I'm too lazy to think of anyone . School. Haiyo .Nothing much happened.I had phototaking yesterday.Wonder why though,I cliped my hair,nice .I'm such a nerd,I actually understand algebra .wow.I hate math so much .And I'm such nerd,I read books .I'm such a nerd,I actually do homework .I'm such a nerd,I like a nerd.weeee .I''m so stupid,I cant understand english teacher.I'm so stupid,I demotivated myself thinking that I will fail .weeee .I'm so sick of school.Cant I stay at home and sleep all day ? byebye . Friday, February 20, 2009, 3:52 AM
Tell me what to do .
Hello .I was really dizzy in the morning .Mom refuses to believe .Ate Panadol infront her then believe .I dont lie people . Me roseanne n iana came late today .The bus came at 7.20am .And we were walking as fast then the tcher still can say we have no sense of urgencies .Well,you have no sense of sight lah .Freak .The coucillour said I was 2 time late when I said I was late 5 times.HAHA .So,I sat down with Atiqa.She kena scolded for using the blocked nose thing .HAHA .Then still can say '' if the person having ashtma then the tcher scold for using the inhaler too much ?Ambulance come seh '' LOL. Class was okay .History was the role playing thingy.Then math .Recess .Ftc,tcher told some story .Then geo .Then Lit .Chapel .Super boring in school .Then had lunch with roseanne.Went home .Too tired to go somewhere else .Had to come half hour early for band tmrw .Haiyo .And its 12.20am now .I dont care lah .Goodnight . BYEBYE . Thursday, February 19, 2009, 5:00 AM
Repeated words dont mean the same anymore .
Hello .I am going to say the same word that I used in previous post.What another boring day in school .So boring lah .Sighs again and again.I'm so sick of school .I'm so tired of school .I hate school .Haiyoo . Somebody kept on changing my chair and its ben going on since last week.I want my chair back .I snapped at khairul .I hate you .Stop irritating people you sick shit .I hate you .Even his allies irritates me .I never do anything to you,why you must irritate people .Dumb .My facebook got ''hacked'' by some virus thingy .Stupid . I didnt swim today .I still sick .But,I dont have money to have MC ,have to suffer through school .WOW,I'm so moneyless .Still have to pay Classtee .Penniless ,made me cry ): Mom wants to sell my White colour Sony Ericsson phone.I felt devastated .But,I need money to pay stuffs .Parents dont care,brother refuses to give some money to me .Selfish people .I want to cry .I want to run away .Haiyo .I dont want to go to school tommorow .Haiyo .Huda also not coming not fair .I'm sick too .Stess . We played the Ponyoponyo song during band .The song super cute !I ignored you cz I have no mood for you .Haiyo .I'm thinking of quitting _____ . BYEBYE . Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 2:44 AM
I've got this ringing in my ear and none on my fingers .
Hello .What a boring day .I kept on sighing in class.How boring can the day get .Sighs.I got really dizzy during english .Then after recess,math nothing entered my brain .Science was taken over health screening .Then band .Everyone didnt want to go .Everyone wanted to pon band .But,We pitied joycelyn so we ended up going .Regret lo .Bring up instrument all the way .Then bring back instrument 10 minutes later .Other classes got test .Then dismissed lo . After band .Me,aishah,huda,grace and joycelyn stayed back and talktalk for dont know how long .Then we went home .I dont want to go swimming tommorow lah .I told my mom to write me letter not gg swimming .I'm too sick to swim .Walau .Sighs.Aron thinks Benji is a someone .LOL.I really laughed .Classmate also .Hahaa .Friendster is getting boring .Nobody cares to comment .My profile has gone haywire .I've been listening to FOB and Metro Station,so not Amelia Norman lo .YAY !Desolation Row played in Radio already .I'm so happy . Watch Gale Harold on DH every monday PPL ! BYEBYE . Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 1:43 AM
Orang lawat negara negara .
Hello .Tuesdays are always the boring day of the week .Ever since last year .Lessons were so boring .One after another .Did the kaleidoscope thingy today .I just helped around .Didnt bother to care about it .Daisy didnt come to school .I was forced to do it with china .WTF .I feel so loner-ish .Which sucks .I guess its taboo .Dont get it .Nevermind .Math was ever so complicating.I couldnt get my brain to stop wondering,thinking about certain people and it makes me dizzy .English was so boring.Change english teacher.I dont feel the need,the force to pay attention to the teacher .MT was boring as usual.But there was oral which sucks cz tcher asked whats my ambition .Then had math supp after school . Copied sharifah's answer .Eventhough her answers were wrong .HAHA .Then did it again .Go correct lo .Algebra,like we need it .Waste time lo .Then after school waited for umairah .Then czway .Talked .Saw Syakieee .haha,Khairul and the guys kept on calling me Apambalik or something.Cz they said it rhyms with my name.Stupid Paiman .I hate you .I want to see you .I want to talk to you .I'm scared .haha .Sorry .I got homework I think . BYEBYE . Monday, February 16, 2009, 5:07 AM
I F U S(c) K a M Y .
Hello .Today is such a dirty day .HAHA.Read and you will know why . Morning came with roseanne to school .Almost came late .The science practical.MT,as always super mendak .Recess .FTC .Math .English.Nonsense began .Khairul tried to sniff glue .Sniff UHU glue .Then Xin yi,amanda and sebastian was watching sometime then I came to see.They watch porn in class .haha ,aidil was "tahu nk tengok porn jer '' ''aku tengok sikit jer kan .'' Then they laugh2 then sebastian show me the video then laughlaugh like mad .Xin yi laughed until her face red .The girl was bouncing then of course,immature they laugh .Then assembly super boring .Waste time only . Band .I got name my Clarinet already,Benji Buffet Gerard !B B G !Played some scores .Anyhow lo .Then full band .Then after band .Jon told the joke super dirty .Then the Britney Spears song.If you Seek Amy .hahaaaa.Super dirty .Then mention about the song,I would laugh like shit .So funny the way she sang it .OOH,watch Desperate housewife ppl got gale harold !!! BYEBYE . Saturday, February 14, 2009, 6:57 AM
CCSS n CCSS ppl rock !
Hello.Had bad exchange at ChangkatChangi .Took the bus there.The poeple there were super friendly .I wanna meet you guys again .Actually another two band supposed to come but they didnt come then only CCSS n CCSS Band there.Then certain person had to ruin it and accuse for no reason fuck off la .Ruin people's day only .Its a solo right,of course dont need to play lah .Dumb ar ?Stupid .Then took pictures with them .They superfriendly .Then got someone look like Taylor Lautner .LOL. Then after that went back school .Me,Huda n JOycelyn walked to vista to meet emilyza then walkwalk saw Keng yip .Then meet Emilyza,she give the cookie so cutee (: Then went home .Supposed to meet Aron ,I was too tired.Almost slept in the bus .Then went home sleep .People kept sms I keep on waking up and replying .HAHA .Then watched tv,Desperate Housewife commercial got Gale Harold WEEE .My Wish came true,but I hope they play QAF.hahaa.I was ''eh,season5,gt Gale *watching*eh gale Harold bdaytwin YAY !''*screams .Crazy . Happy Birthday to Shakinah and happy Valentine's day (: I still hate you,spoiler .BYEBYE . Friday, February 13, 2009, 12:43 AM
Damsel In Distress .
Hello .I have no idea why I feel so emotionless today .Heck,Maybe the fatigue is killing me .Medicating too much .Not much rest .And I've been having goosebumps for no reason .And I've been feeling nervous for no reason . Thursday . School .Had to do summary .Certain people raised up their hand when principal asked .WTH .Did during swimming .I was too lazy to swim .Lessons after lessons .Carved the carrot during art which was really dumb .Haiyoo .Then walk to SSS did summary .Played volleyball with roseanne aisyah ru rong and pui fong .I anyhow play accidently hit regene .LOL.Me and Roseanne high-fived .LOL .Then hit some other people .I'm not a volleyball player .Sorry .Then band.Super tired.Slept super late last night .Then went home. Friday . School .Friday The 13th !I missed the bus in the morning.Comfirm late uh .Then reached school 7.20+ .People still standing .Weee .So lucky .Then yadayada .History .Math .Recess .FTC .Geo .Lit .End .Then went to Mcs at admiralty .Met roseanne friend .Then went to roseanne house.Talked crap.Went home .Suddenl I missed Gale Harold,my BdayTwin .Shit tommorow valentine ,poor aron .Sorry I have band at changkat changi seh ): I miss him lo .BYEBYE . I am still emotionless .So,I think I'm gonna take some medication and sleep (: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 5:48 AM
Your head 2000words .
Hello .So I came to school today .Sharifah made me sit all the way in the front with my hair like that .Clever girl .Clipclipclip .ReadReadRead.LipsyncLipsyncLipsync.Mrs Yeo talked which made me happy cz missed half a period of Science.Hopeless tcher .No offence .English .Stupid class still dont want to shut up .Annoying eh .Tcher ask write 2000word essay still never learn lesson .Dumb class . Recess .FTC,science tcher came in to somehow solve the case,theresa so funny .I wanted to laugh but controlled .Math .Nothing much .Afterwhich was Home ec.Cooked muffin or cake or cupcakes .Partnered shanshan again .WEE .So funny .Then yadayada .Class ended .I did the 2000word essay in school.I didnt finish the whole thing .Just one topic .Then went up band .Sectionals were super boring .Aishah said its fun .Where got seh ?Play what?Animation only fun .Others,super boring. Then after band.Went to Popular cz Christian Bernard wanted to buy band file .Then we headed to library .Finished up 2000word essay .Anyhow write .Handwriting sucks .Everything scribblescribble .Then at bus que,saw roseanne and her friend wei heng I think.Got busbuddy .LOL.Then reached home. Bathed.Homeworked(I'm such a good person) onlined.Emilyza started the superpoking hahaa .Never ending super poking at facebook . Syakir keeps on calling me Emily .The guys especially .Annoying badut .Especially you .Syakiiee .Alamakk . BYEBYE . Monday, February 9, 2009, 7:10 PM
I'm such a clever person
Bfor the post read this .''Meyer reported on her website that the four most popular fan suggestions for actors to play Edward were Hayden Christensen, Robert Pattinson, Orlando Bloom and Gerard Way .'' Read through at wikipedia,no idea why I found this at Edward Cullen's biography .Hahaa,Gerard Way as Edward Cullen .Cant picture that !Hello , I didnt attend school cz I was sick,haha .but seriously I'm sick but no one seems to believe .Well,I have to go to school tommorow cz its home ec practical .But I missed science practical .How clever .Yesterday was a blast .Fuck sacarstication . Band yesterday was a pack of shit .I dont feel like blogging about it.Makes me sick .But I will tell you verbally if you ask .Who the heck wants to know about it .Stupid .Well,get ready on thursday people .Since now I have loads of time to do stuff at home,I'm gonna download as many songs as possible,watch movies .Older brother is coming back home soon.Wth . Band geeks !I want purple colour for band tee can ?PLSPLSPLS .The class tee had already been destroyed colours black and blue dont destroy band tee too ... Stupid,you think you big fuck can bully people ?Shit,the garbage truck is super smelly .In house also can smell .Hmm ,I love facebook .I love twitter .Hahahaa .I hate friendster .Yesterday some bitch pointed at me.I feel like twisting your finger .I have no idea what to type now.Everything is so random . I dont know if I'm supposed to be excited,10 april whole family like cousin and people planned to go johor fishing.Kelong or something.What aunt said .Wth,sounds so boring .But,I'm forced to go .Bleah .I cant believe I had 4 paragraph for a nothing post .Well,think I'm gonna stop here .MCR,just released the new music video.I've watched it .So crappy .It totally tore me down ): BYEBYE . Saturday, February 7, 2009, 9:22 PM
Changi Hospital 0.0
Hello .Yesterday was normal .Had band in the morning .The last part of the overture made my fingers ache .Then had lunch at school .Me,huda,jon,shak talked about ghost in school .LOL.How stupid .But fun cz we shared stories.hahaa .Then home .Bathed.Changed .Took a bus to Changi Village Chalet.Its my cousin's child's Bday .He's only one .So cute.But the name is weird ,Akma Danish.Never heard of the name bfor.Hahaa like indian name LOL.I picture of him.So cuteee .Then I asked cousin if he knw BBG .Good he dont know .Then went home .Watched TV slept .Woke up .Onlined. you are super outdated . you are super slow . you are super annoying . You seriously freak me out . You dont need to know who this 'you' is cz I'm not telling . you should mind your own shit . you should stop calling me . you should sleep tonight and go to school tmrw . You should know who you are . Thursday, February 5, 2009, 11:27 PM
Sour people suck .
Hello .This week's school was part okay .Except for thursday which certain somebody really annoys me .Seriously .So Dumb.I'm not gonna say who .No,its not you . Wednesday . Cooking .Sometype of noodles.Me and shanshan changed partners .Dominic partnered Khairul,Jean partnered Gilson,I partnered Marshmallowgirl,ShanShan .She supercute seh . Cookcookcook .Khairul keep on distubing the teacher .Aidil kept talking about Adilah to me . Khairul kept on talking about Norah .LOL.Guys .Talk about girls to me .Stupid .Afterwhich,Band .Yadayadaya . Thursday . The sucky day .T'cher scold class.Class dont want listen.T'cher punished class unreasonably.Class didnt like it,class behaved the next day .Well,yesterday was sucky during school.But,swimming was fun .Band was okay .Ice creamed with Umairah,Roseanne,Ru rong and pu(i)(y) fong .I think .Talked about astronaut shoes.LOL.So funny .Went home .Bathed.Changed.TV.Sleep . Friday . Today was okay.I was late yesterday so I went out alitle earlier .School was okay.History test was okay .Amazingly,I paid attention to all classes.Including math .FTC,amazingly,all of us pulled it off.Everyone tried their best to impress t'cher.And we did.WEE.No staying back today.What about next week.Lets see.Class tee colour,electric blue and black.How ugly.Nevermind.Blue's okay eventhough I dont like it .WTH,from hoodies to V-neck.Stupid siaa. Okay,Byebye . Monday, February 2, 2009, 11:52 PM
MCR needs more Bass !
Hello .Yesterday was supertiring.School was a drag .Every lesson felt so long.And band,whoahh .Took the marching video thing.Stupid Infocom people ran around the place and we had to retake the video while wearing freaking blazers.Everyone cursed at those shitfreaks .Go to hell MFs!Oh,wait you are going anyway .No point cursing . Huda pushed my bag in the bus .LOL.I didnt see orange neither BBG in school.How sad .Hahaa .Class felt like it ended longer than it should be.Maybe I was wishing that I school would end so that I could go home .Shit,I ditched Huda today .Got a bad stomachache .Felt so guilty .LOL .Ahaha I am actually looking forward for band tommorow.But,tommorow is sectionals.Alahh,so boring .But,I can talk n talk with poke machine (: A.K.A syahirah .LOL. . Well,I'm gonna continue eclipse .I know so long ago .Wont kill right .BYEBYE . |