![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 3:52 AM
I feel so bored I feel like vomiting .
Hello .School was boring.And you wont understand how my boring it really was . English was seriously dead .I did my other homework cz I really cant concentrate .Then CME still same teacher.My gosh.And I really mean,My gosh.Then got this really scary thunder sound in the middle of the lesson .LOL.Syakir was outside cz he was punished then he jumped .lol.Recess .FTC . I was complaining to Daisy all the way .I was like,''Three more lessons?Oh my gosh .I dont think I can survive anymore .Math.Then Science,got practical .Was sleepy the whole period.Did the wrong thing .But who cares.Me and Amanda copied the answers.Then afterwhich was Mother Tongue.Boring .Sighs.Discuss some earthquake senario.Syakir and Aidil copied me and sharifah's answer.Pfft. Then band .Blabla.Sectionals.So boring.What a freaking boring day .My gosh.Then they say tommorow got band.And I have Guitar Lesson tommorow .How clever.So,I'm stuck in a decision.Band or Guitar ?Haiyo .Whatever la.I plan to leave guitar lesson at 2.45 pm.So,if I'm late I have an excuse.LOL.Okay so,yeah .I have a very boring life .Sighs. BYEBYE.iloveadamlambert (: Monday, March 23, 2009, 6:24 AM
BBG ? Adam ?
Hello .Believe it or not,I miss BBG .Bleah .I dont want to .Argh .Whatever.He going to go soon so might as well get used to it .Wow,I feel like crying .Heck .Adam rocks. School .What a drag .Lessons .Boring.Missed english cz we have performance .Wee .Was okay but then Some ppl squeak alot .Like seriously,Alot .Then had sectionals.Blabla .,My life feels so melodrama .I want more action .I want to travel.How I wish I could .Tommorow band again .Gosh,7 more days .Hectic siol.I feel the pressure .I feel like crying . Arghh .Why do I even bother.If we dont get anything,bam.Band closed down .Terrible .I dont know how school is gonna be like that .How bad will it be .I'm not a fan of tht CCA .I just love the ppl there .Haiyoo .BBG ?How many months more till your gone ?I feel so suffocated .How much more can I take .Bleah .So emo .And the endless homeworks.I'm gonna really breakdown if Adam gets voted out .I tell you. ILOVEADAMLAMBERTVERYMUCH. Saturday, March 21, 2009, 12:38 AM
I love Adammm !
![]() Hello . Bandddd !Again .It felt like there's no hols at all cz we came back to school like almost everyday .Okay,stop complaining . 9 more days . So,Syahirah ,Aishah n Mei ting didnt come .Arghh .Aishah didnt even tell us why she didnt come .Then practice practice .After band,went to banquet.Then we say Tze Yang.Hahaa.Trainee .He work at Cathay cineplex .Then went home .Ltr going out .And its like raining .Bleah .Nevermind I have my iPod so,nevermind .I'm so addicted to Ring of Fire and Black or White Adam Lambert version tht I repeated the songs from 11pm to 12am plus .I love Adam Lambert.The picture very cute . 9 MORE DAYS TO SYF !WORK HARD ! BYEBYE. Friday, March 20, 2009, 7:03 AM
I love Band ?
Hello .Shit,its 10.05pm ! I'm missing Ghost Whisperer .LOL.Okay so, Band .Gosh.Waste time only .Sectionals .Then polish instrument .I just polish my Benji last week.Then,had to polish again.Then after ''polishing'' Shakinah and huda wanted to hear Ring Of Fire ,So,they listened to it through My iPod .So funny .Then shakinah blasted Cook's songs .Then we switched off the lights .Matt was singing and using the stand as the Mic .LOL.Was so fun .And we didnt do any ''band'' stuffs there .Then after tht ,packed up .Choose design fr band tee .I got the feeling this year's band tee gonna be amazing ,cz well,its purple and we got to choose the design.Then Tcher told us abt the band practice after SYF,I still think its a waste to waste one of the free days for sectionals.No offence . Then aftr band ,me,huda,jon and shakinah went to Macs for lunch .TalkednTalked .Then we went to POP again cz jon wanted to see the Cheena Twilight,unfortunately,tht whole stack of books were gone .LOL.Then Jon went off .Then shakinah's mom treated me and Huda for movie .Wow,my english is amazing .We watched Paul Blart:Mall cop .The movie was okay .Hahaha now I know why Huda so obsessed with Shafiq .LOL.Shafiq so cute .LOL.Then went home .So tired.Gosh,another week of endless band,then judgement day,then freedom . BYEBYE . Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 7:00 PM
Adam what the heck did you do ?
Hello .Fuck it,I dlted the two previous post .So,ystd band .Blabla .Same thing as monday .Played halfway files all blown away cz of the wind .LOL.Still can laugh in the middle of the song .Esha squeak I felt like laughing .The usuals .Then lunch .Didnt eat .Me and huda drank coke .People there loves to CUT Q.Gosh,Motherfuckers. Then went back to school .Sec1s came .But not all did.So little came.The JX really looks and sounds like Pui Yuan .LOL.Then games were fun .Huda lost her voice lol.Then dicussed bandtee colour.Finally finished.Black n Purple !Woohoo ! Then after band me shakinah ,huda n christian went to popular .First thing we saw was a chinese translated Twilight Book .LOL.Then we found a mag .The magazine got Gollum,Adam Lambert,Ugly Betty .All so related .lol.Then went home . Watched American Idol.What the heck .Totally weird.But,I still love him .My brother kept on saying he will get voted out .I feel like bitch slapping him .Arghhh.But,seriously .What he sang was NOT country .LOL.I wish him all the best ?Hahaha .Let see what will happened later .10pm.I'm dreading school.Now its a thursday .How fast.Shit.I still have homework .Sighs. BYEBYE. Monday, March 16, 2009, 5:17 AM
Gollum !
Hello .Had band today and it was freaking fun lol.Everyone was practically obsessed with GOLLUM .LOL.And its me huda christian and Shakinah's fault .So,reached school,helped percussion super heavy lo .Then practice yadayada . After practice,it was raining freaking Stall said no food .Then we ordered Macs when the Carbon Dioxide people came down,got food .Biased freak assshit .But freak cares,macs is so much better.Than we all played really stupid games to waste time till the food arrived .Then we had Macs .Laughed too much when we were eating .Actually we laughed alot the whole day .Christian and I kept on laughing on the most stupidest things. Then after band we went to the Library to return my book .NERD .Nahh,I didnt read it . Then we went home .Ouh,me and christian Bernard laughed cz we saw a shoe sole thingy on the floor.He pointed it at me and we laughed.GOLLUM !LOL .Wednesday we gonna finally get to talk to the sec1s ,WOOHOO !Lets just hope they want to talk to us .LOL. BYEBYE. Saturday, March 14, 2009, 12:55 AM
6th in class much .
![]() Hello .Look at Adam.He super cute .Ignore the stupid GettyImages thing .I'm too lazy to find the picture without it . So,got report book just now .I passed .66% only .I need 4% more to get 70% .And if I get 70%,Next year promoted to Express ! I'm so nerdy right ,I know .Then after breifing,get report book,Band .Wee,the band played to good .LOL.Then we got our SYF badges thing .Good thing March Hols band practice only monday wednesday and Friday .Wee,Wednesday got games day with the sec1s ,I want to know them . I'm freaking 6th in class .Daisy is 1st .I still feel stupid for failing math by 3 marks .Fuck Math .I hate you .SYF in 16 days .I feel like crying .Oh well .Lets do our best .And I wish Adam Lambert is the next American Idol .Wee .I loveAdam . BYEBYE . Friday, March 13, 2009, 4:37 AM
Adam,I want to send you gift lol .
Hello .Today Is Friday the 13th .WOO.Nothing bad happened .We had fun today .So, Thursday , Went to school .Blabla,did the ostinato thingy for music .Then swimming .I didnt swim,I was to lazy to swim lol.Then band .Mr Tan didnt come .So,sectionals lo .So boring.Then after band,me matt,huda,shakinah,christian,Jon and aisyah went to SAS,Singapore American School to see their concert.Their playing were so boring.But We didnt regret cz we get to see some ppl.I saw a guy who looked like Aron,Adam and Willy Wonka .LOL.And Matt Prokop also.And FF too .FlatFace.Me and christian kept on laughing about the flatface .LOL.You wont undertand what I'm saying unless I tell you the story .Then we went home arnd 9+ .Watched American Idol .Adam save,Wee .Then I slept .I know super early . Friday. Friday the 13th much .Had fun today .Lessons were fine .I passed history and geography .Geog was a start .Then band,this time Mr Tan came .LOL.Fun lo.Everyone played so well.Then after band me,Shakinah,Huda,Joycelyn,Grace,Kai lee and Rebecca ran up the hill outside the school.We took pictures too .Then we ran down .Afterwhich,Went home .I felt supertired after that.YAY !I love Adam Lambert (: BYEBYE . Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 12:57 AM
You make me happy,Adam (:
Hello.The week looks like a good week .Just now was okay .School felt so fast forwarded .& I dont want tht .Haiyo.I cant wait for tonight.10pm,American Idol,ADAMLAMBERT !!It better be a good performance,if not I'm gonna go there and hit his head really hard . I was caught again,now hairband .Sheesh,hairband dont disturb studies,please .I'm so freaking irritated by that women who said ''this one's red'' .Freak.Fringe here fringe there .Again,it really dont affect studies .I dont know why some people get so stressed up about it .ARGH. I failed my science Mini test,I couldnt understand tht chapter,Cool,4/14 .I dont know why,my science is dropping .But passed .So,fuck it,I'm gonna work really hard ;) Daisy won me over Home ec by one mark,She got 80 ,so guess you prolly know my mark .I feel like slapping myself really hard,why did I slack last year .Freak.So nerd I know . Huda got picked in the scrabble competition .That was weird.People actually voluntereed to join .HAHA,I should have seen their excitement when they raised their hands.LOL.Shit I'm so bad .People kept on saying Adam looked like Jonas Brothers.UGH,That was disgusting,and I'm insulted .Others said he looked like GERARDWAY when he sing .WEE,That's good .Mom forced me follow her go Pandan Garden yesterday night to return the luggage -__- Reached home arnd 12+ .Yesterday was RJA concert . I'm on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 3:22 AM
Ooh,what's this ?
Hello .Today is such a fun day .Yay !That's a first on a tuesday .Anyway ,Adam Lambert photo and the others got in the newspaper .wee.I was so hyped about it in the first period .Lessons were draggy and forced my eyes to keep open .Then yadayadayada . After school stayed back with roseanne .We talked&talked .I still dont understand her math .Then went back home with Huda .I watched Adam Lambert vids .He so cute during auditions .Should see.LOL.He super cute !Squeamish.AGAGA,I think everyone in my group is irritated .I cant help it .He so cute .I cant wait for tmrw .Tmrw got AI .Omygosh,I hope tmrw is gonna be a good performance .Shits,I love AdamLambert (: BYEBYE . Monday, March 9, 2009, 5:41 AM
I love Adam Lambert :D
![]() Hello . Today is such a fun day .Cz,in the morning I talked about Adam lol.Then I asked everyone in class if they knew who Adam is .LOL.Then I wanted to name the compo character Adam,Sharifah dont want lol.Then recess .Roseanne also know Adam then we High-fived !LOL. Then ppl got scolded.lol.Ate two sweets in class . Then math,drew Adam Lambert name on my hand.Until now finished bathing still have .Then had english,I got so squeamish everytime I see Adam .WEE.A replacement of Gerard Way,No lah .Gerard Way forever .Then APC.Then band.HAHA,Gollem lol.We played outside then got alot of flies,so we went inside.Then after band I showed them Adam Lambert Dance slowmo version .And the Adam Lambert Hairflip .LOL.Then went home .I wish tmrw would be as fun as just now !WEEE.ADAMLAMBERTISTHESHIT ! BYEBYE . Sunday, March 8, 2009, 4:45 AM
A depressing post,makes a depressed person .
![]() Adam's smile makes me squemish (: Hello . I think I'm gonna post something not depressing .So, Yesteday the band had a music exchange at Hua Yi .We were trashed like fuck.Fucked up .Then I did something spontaneously weird in the middle of the song .Good thing BFc didnt see it.LOL.Then second time,we played better,but still fucked up .Then after band,we went to Mcs for lunch .Christine bought everyone ice cream.Thanks .To relieve our stress,we used our tongue and drew faces at our ice cream.Laughed out loud .Everyone there think we just escaped from IMH in a group . Then me,huda,Shakinah and Christian went to the library cz they said something about searching names at the catalogue computer .We searched 'Gollum'' ver 1.name (we typed a name,but not gonna mentioned here) then the searched came out,Catt Poop .LOL.We laughed so bad in the library .Then we saw a magazine with a gollum face,half smiled.You wanna see the picture,go to shakinah's blog.Laughed again .Then we went home . That's something I'd look forward everyday .I named my pet in facebook (not pet society) some other app Adam(: BYEBYE . Saturday, March 7, 2009, 6:19 AM
I dont want SYF .
I am going through a really critical period .Stop presuring me .I hate ________ .Dont worry its not a thing .Or a person .I dreamt Adam Crying .Then I cry .lol.I'm sorry.This is so lame .I dont want to go SYF like this .I'd rather go to school .Everyone acts as if just now was nothing .We were trashed by people .I dont think I want that anymore.Someone insulted someone .That offended me eventhough its not me .Bleah .I want to meet Adam .Friday, March 6, 2009, 8:02 AM
Adam lambert :D
![]() I just felt like posting Adam Lambert photo here :D I wish I could vote for him .Sighs.I'm so sad that Ricky Braddy didnt get through,Alex Wagner too .If Adam gets voted out,I think I'm gonna cry ): & I dont care that he's gay .I dont need to be reminded too . BYEBYE . Thursday, March 5, 2009, 5:44 PM
You stupid .I wish I knew you .
Hello .So,today e-learning day .Just to think today is gonna be good cz there's no school .Almost all lssons have to print .My ink finished already .Some even have to use books and my books are in school .Haiyo .And some idiotic hangman .Yesterday was a alittle bad a day . lessons in school was normal .PE,didnt swim.7 freaking rounds at singapore sports school .After run I felt like vomiting .Then had CIP .Okay lah .Most houses didnt open their houses .Stingy old man .Then band .My legs are so sore .After running now .Tmrw band exchange with 7 other bands.How scary is that .SYF on 31 March .I'm so scared .Haiyo . I didnt get to use the comp for past weeks cz the stupid MIO gave problems .AsknLearn too .I feel like watching movies .I'm gonna miss somebody in months times ): I dont know why,I'm actually concentrating on lessons.Hmm.Coz I'm so frustrated .I'm in top 10 lol .Wee .Nerd . BYEBYE . |