![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Thursday, April 30, 2009, 9:59 PM
Scared to die .
![]() Hello . the picture so sad ): I hyperventilated the whole night while watching american idol.I couldnt sleep cz I kept thinking abt Adam.So,I decided to read Sing to Dawn .Then I cried.Nevermind abt tht.After reading 5 to 6 pages of Sing to Dawn,.''ZZZ''.I woke up,Adam singing,feeling good was playing on my phone.I threw the sing to the dawn book up and it hit my head.lol.I practically screamed while Adam screamed during ''feeling good' then I laughed to myself in my bedroom.And screamed.Didnt know my mom was watching TV outside.I continued to laugh to myself till Aron called.He ''reminded'' me abt Adam Bottom 3 phenomenom and told me to shut up cz I was laughing fr no reason. That's how I spended 3 hours in my room .Right after waking up .I hope Adam wins .Nobody can do anything !HAHAHA,Shakinah,your dream abt us with guess staring, Adam,Prokop,david rocks.I want to steal you dream.Its so cool.How I wish that would really happen though.I want to meet ADAM BADLY !ARGH.Well,gonna continue stupid sing to the dawn again.lol. BYEBYE. 12:32 AM
Holyfuck ,you gotta be kidding me.
Hello .Ohfuckshitfreakcrazyasssuckbitchbob. Adam was in the bottom 3 .Am I supposed to cry or bite my fingernails next week. Matt was out.Oh fuck.I cried just now.How much more bad things can happen in one day. Oh shitfreak,Adam cannot go home.He cant.But..... (copied and pasted) When there was Matt, Adam and Kris standing together in the middle of the stage, and Ryan said"I'm Going to send someone back to safety"he than said:"Kris Allen you are in the Top FOUR!!"Which means that adam was top three, and Kris was bottom two. Stop scaring me,ryan seacrest.I hate you.I hate my mom.I hate school.I hate the world. Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 12:56 AM
Hello .I just watched Adam's performance on the web.Gonna watch it again later on TV (: I'm so happy.He so good and awesome.Gonna support him all the way !hah,Exams.I came almost late to school stupid bus.Made the wrong turn and had to go back all the way so stupid. Took temperature,english paper.Had 45 mins of nothing,so I copied back my whole compo on another foolscap,hah,so idiotic but the original one had to much cancelations.Then break.walkwalk.Go back class.Do english paper 2.So freaking easy/hard ?The compre quite hard.Then summary.Shit seh.Didnt revise on tht cz I thought summary wasnt tested.lol. After school,stayed back.Copied the letter back on other foolscap.Causeway.Went to popular(dont knw why) and took a random magazine.Then got American Idol.Then got ADAM !Readread.Huda found a Magazine got Matt Prokop interview.HAHA,AWESOME DAY !Except fr the exams.Now,I'm gonna watch the performance on my phone now.Obsessed,thank you ! BYEBYE. Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 3:37 AM
Blogsong rocks .
Hello .I'm so frustrated abt the stupid blogsong thing.I cant make it look nicer in a way .Stupid.School HAH !I was writting notes fr every subject.So good seh.Didnt do anything during HE,played some weird games with Sharifah,Daisy,yu jie,gwen and nathalie.haha,Recess.I felt sick after recess .Lesson,lesson.After school.stayed back waited fr Shakinah.We somewhat planned fr the letter haha.Gonna sign off soon.I'm too lazy to type and amazingly,I'm gonna study (: BYEBYE.Oh,I love ADAM ! Monday, April 27, 2009, 3:01 AM
HAHA,spongebob siol
That was retarded .I'm just bored.hahaha,school was boring as per normal.I dont see the point in going to school anymore.Heck.I'm going anyway.I didnt come late today,that's a start .lol.stayed back after school wait fr Shakinah,Went to the library and made fun of book names.With accent lol.Went home .Pathetic.I didnt knw box was that popular.Disgusting.Video is not anything abt 'that' its about spongebob !LOL.Its super retarded.haha. BYEBYE. Saturday, April 25, 2009, 9:22 PM
Chastising myself isnt healthy .
Hello .I dont feel like crap anymore cz I grew taller.What crap,there's no link. Hmm,I finally bought contacts again.Previous one was due fr 1 month and I've been using it fr 4 months.I wanna buy the necklace like Adam's one the lightning kind of thing.lol.So idiotic. There's noting else to say but I cant end my post this short.Hmm,I find someone irritating nowadays.I find Gerard Way a complete snob.I dreamt of Adam in a museum.lol.I'm out of cash.I hate green.Why am I telling you this ? I need someone who could help me revise math with me cz I forgot everything completely.I want to migrate as soon as possible.Haiyo,I hate someone.Shit,I keep telling myself to stop hating,but I still do.Stupid,Stupid,Stupid. I wish there's no school on mondays so I wont be late again.My eyes are swollen.I want to cut my fringe.I tired of getting reprimanded everyday.I need sleep.I feel trapped.Bleah.I'm just talIking nonsense.I wanna buy 'chameleon' lol.I'm bored.Someone,please ONLINE NOW ! I feel like writting a fan mail fr adam.I'll try and think something that's not lame to write,heh. BYEBYE. Thursday, April 23, 2009, 7:22 PM
I feel like crap .
![]() I feel like crap.Everyone around me feels like crap.Maybe we all are crap.Especially box.Adam dont feel like crap.But,I do.Aron says he feels like crap.If I feel like crap,I'm totally defeating the purpose of living.Shitfuck,I'm begining to hate.Stop the hate.Fuck crap.Fruitloops helps. 4:57 AM
Adam simply rocks .
Hello .I've been drinking alot of 100 plus nowadays.And gatorade.lol.And I'll end up being so hyper at home.Mom's been bringing back home 100 plus and I grew to like the drink.lol.Stupid Arsenlearn .I hate e-learning day. School.Been coming to school like super early.PE.Damn PE.Stupid PE.Running .ARGH.Stupid Zombie talktalk alot.Waste time.Had to run under the freaking hot sun.Stupid.I feel like crying there.Literature was okay.Recess.Rahman ate with us,eew.Disgusting piece of EEW.Then English.Got back my compo.The one abt Adam thingy.No You wont know abt it.Then CME,actually supposed to watch movie,but then the projector thingy something wrong then some guy came in and help and we only watched the movie fr 5 min. Then went to watch the basketball tournament.Both Boys and girls.They all super good la.But,other schools were better.Then after tournament.Went home.So pathetic.Got bad headache.And now,I'm drinking 100 plus.Arghh.HAHAHA,Anoop and lil rounds gt eliminated .Gonna watch it again later.HAHAHAHA,So funny. I read Shahrukh's blog.And someone said he's cute.lol.hahahaha,SHAHRUKH !He's such a nerd in primary school.No hard feelings.So funny.Now so different.And,if your'e reading this,who the F is the girl ?Ask her name la.LOL.Adam Lambert rocks. BYEBYE. Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 1:44 AM
Beautiful Adam .OmyGosh.
![]() Ohmygosh,I just watched Adam performance fr this week.Seriously,ohmygosh.I cant wait to watch it later again on TV lol.But,really.Fantastic :D Should watch it .Super hot,waer suit.lol. School.My mom woke me up super early.Reached school at 7am.Crazy seh .Then blabla,mrs yeo came back.Her lectures began.The hall was super stuffy and there's a certain smell inside.Gosh.Class.English.Science.Got test.I didnt knw anything abt it.So anyhow do.lol.Then recess.Blabla.Math .History.After school .Stayed back after school.Went home.lol.I cant make the picture bigger.GGGRRR,And I dont care abt tht stupid ugly Box.Can just throw him away la.Stupid.HAHHA.Aron is so minah lesbian.He so retarded. Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 2:55 AM
My bf is _____ !
Hello .Rained today.Stupid.I came super early.Reached school at 7.15.Ugh.Waste my time .Then I finally finished likely story in class.Didnt bother to care what tcher was saying then.I had to go down find mr Kumar.Blah.So lucky,I told him tht my mom cant come down ask him call my mom then he asked me to wait.So I went back to class .And I think he forgot abt it lol.Then HE the guy who confiscated my phone is the new HE tcher.Dope.Recess. Then blablabla lessons.After school meeting again.lol.Then I got extra tuition frm math tcher.lol.Then discuss2 then went home.Some people thought Aron is my bf.lol.Its him tht forced me to put tht picture of him on my phone lol.And now everybody thinks he is my bf lol.So funny.No way,he so awkward and weird and crazy.He's in love with dengdeng -___- BYEBYE. Monday, April 20, 2009, 3:06 AM
Late so what ?
Hello .Hah,I came late again today.And today,I really blame the stupid bus driver.Still can stop at the busstop when nobody is there.Blind sia.And because of tht,5th times late.Stand at the front again.Stupid.But then ,felt nothing.Then followed Ms Foo to her office.Took our names.Stupid lo.Went up class.Dont knw why me and felicia so hyper. Khairul is rohaishah.LOL. Lessons so fast after school stayed back to discuss on the bandcamp thingy.I dont know why,I've been so sacarstic the whole day and I cant stop talking.lol.I dont know why,I feel like watching hannah montana the movie.O M G.Coz I just watched the trailer and it looks fun.ZZZZ.What's with me.Oh,Gerard featured in some japanese band.I mean he sings with the band.He's so arrogant now.I hate him.Bleah. Saturday, April 18, 2009, 11:53 PM
I'm bored .
Hello .I'm bored so I'm posting .Friday.Headache all the way.Had reheasal at 2pm.We waited outside the hall for dont know how many hours and the people inside are still wasting our time.Others still havent came in the hall yet.And we had to sweat like pigs with band uniforms outside the hall.What MFs.Then rehearsed for ahwhile then we went up ava room. Practiced for ahwhile then we went down to the place again .Waited at backstage for ms Foo to finish the talk.Mrs Yeo didnt come cz of family problems I think.Then we performed.Screwed but people didnt notice.HAH.Then afterwhich went down for the dinner thing.Stayed back with shakinah,huda and made a new Adam Lambert fan friend,Melody !LOL.Then went home.Mr Kumar said we were good .He didnt say awesome ): lol. I'm bored.Aron asked me to scream in the lift if I'm bored.He's just retarded.Adam Lambert rocks :D Oh,I love Carlos's accent .So hispanic and cute.LOL. BYEBYE. Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 3:20 AM
you stupid,I hate you.
You annoy me .You disgust me.You deserve to die.You dont know how much you meant to me.You should know who you are.Whatevs la.He jump down also I dont care.Enough of hate.Lets love more (: Adam lambert rocks.Aika and hayati so cute.So hyper.Radio playing Poker face lol.School so waste of time.English tcher didnt come.History teacher didnt come.I managed to understand math.YAY !I'm almost finished with likely story(storybook)haha.So nerd.Tmrw need to bring band uni ?Shit I havent iron the white blouse whatever it is.Orange so funny.I feel like pressing his head.lol. BYEBYE. Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 3:04 AM
BBG sucked.I hate you.
Hello .School .Had Home ec practical test.Super fun .lol.Eat this eat that not nice also eat lol.Then we only had like 5 mins of recess,ms rab took the ftc period fr us to eat.lol.Then in class people still eat,got cookie gt bread gt cake like picnic in class.lol.Everyone share share food.lol.Then lesson.Math,tcher didnt come so relieve tcher came.MT talktalk.Science,tcher didnt come too.Then after school,I threw my food away.It looked and smelled and tasted disgusting lol .Then stayed back with huda,nadhirah.Waited fr Shakinah and jonathan.Then we went home. Hahaha,Adam is so cute when he said 'Adam' haha .So cute.lol.I keep seeing that ugly freak the whole day.Makes me hate him more and more and more.EEWWW.LOL. ℓαмвєят ℓ♥vєя . BYEBYE. Monday, April 13, 2009, 7:19 AM
BAD DAY + BLUE ADAM = okayokay day .
Hello .Today is a bad day because ; 1:I woke up late but amazingly I wasnt late . 2:I had to stand outside of the class cz I forgot to bring my workbook . 3:MT class was dead boring and I almost fell asleep when the teacher is right behind me . 4:The class had to do essays of some stupid reflection.Curse you . 5:The band got attacked.When we didnt do anything.metalssss . 6:I got a mini sex talk lol. 7:I have a really bad headache . 8:I cried infront of my brother and my mom ): 9:I found out something disgusting about BBG . That is why,I PLEGE that one day ,I will pluck all of your ____ and see you bleed to death.Muahahaha.That is why,I hate school so much,I wished I wasnt born.I will one day so something really bad and very bad to _____ .I'm not evil,its just you.See,I dont even use a bad word in this post eventhough I am very very very annoyed and frustrated.I wont use depressed cz mrs yeo didnt let us.lol. BYEBYE. Sunday, April 12, 2009, 7:10 AM
Gay survey .
So from now on, your going to be asked unique questions, you ready?I guess. Could you handle a long distance relationship? Depends o.0 When's the last time you said you were fine, but really weren't? I cant remember . PIs there anyone who doesn't like you? Of course.Some people can't handle my awesomeness :D Do you laugh a lot? Yeah . Do you consider yourself lucky? Nope . Would you care if you saw your ex kissing someone else? Not really. It's his tongue.It's his dick.It's his life:) Do you think you're pregnant? Uh, I don't think so.I haven't fucked anyone or anything, so I think I'm good. You have to get a facial piercing, what do you get? Lip pierce ! You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get? On my face.LOL. Could you cry right now? Nope. Do you ever think about stuff and start crying? Yeah .Who doesnt In the past week, have you cried? Yep. When was the last time you were really hyper? Just now,Hotdogs rule the world ! Have you ever been awake for 2 days straight? nah . If you were an animal, what animal would you be? I'd be a TIGER !rawrrr Are you mad at someone right now? Yeah . How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking? Often . Do you have an older brother? Yes.EWW. Do you believe in karma? Yeah .Fuck it. Did you have a good birthday this year? Havent birthday yet. Whats your favorite movie(s) I cant think of any .lol. Have you ever been in a hotel room with a friend of the opposite sex? No . Are you okay with the life you live? Nope. How many true friends you got? I dont knw.lol. Do you like hugs and kisses? Lets add CUDDLING to that list.I LOVE TO CUDDLE! Do you still watch cartoons? Sadly,no . Who did you spend your last weeks of vacation with last year? Aron and some other people. Last time you went lasertagging? Never once.Sad. Whats last thing you remember your mom saying? I don't remember.I zoned out. Did you say "fuck" today? Fuck yeah I did.lol. Saturday, April 11, 2009, 8:30 PM
Blogskins are so cliche'
![]() Hello . I've finally changed my blogskin.I got bored of the previous one.Hah.I dont have anything to say but I feel like typing .I want to watch a movie.Harry potter lol.Adam Lambert rocks.I dont give a fuck what you're gonna say.Word. BYEBYE. 1:33 AM
Adam ANSELM lambert ?
Hello ,Yay !I think I found Adam's middle name.Anselm .Weird.I dont know if its true though o.0 . Okay band.Played too much songs till I got so tired.Celtic Carol reminded me of Ring of fire.Adam Lambert then when I screwed up,I looked at aishah and we would laugh.lol.Wee so fun.Played old songs.lol.Then after band ate maggi then went home.Baked muffins with mom.Now AI .I want to watch Adam .ARGHH.I gonna rush my post now cz its him turn now.WEEE. BYEBYE. Thursday, April 9, 2009, 6:13 PM
Happy Belated bday gerard way !
Hello .Happy Belated Birthday to Gerard Way !I cant online ystd cz I reached home very late . School school school .Haiyo.Band was fun .Before band me huda,chritian,aika and heryati was gossiping and found out that the person we were gossiping probably knew then gt scared ourselves.LOL.Then band.Standard of Excellence so nostalgiatic.I felt so sec1 !lol.Then we practice.Sec1s went outside.lol.I want invicta not that boring two scores.ARGH.Then after band went to czway cz christian wanted to buy something.Then I was in the bus and saw my parents.Followed them for dinner.lol.Then came home.American idol.WEEEE.Like finally Scott's out !YAY !I'm happy.lol.Haiyo.I'm so sick of listening to nothing in science.UGH.I dont understand anything in class.F U C K . BYEBYE. Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 1:50 AM
Adam cut his hair,SUPER CUTE !
![]() Hello. Omygosh,Look !Look at Adam's hair !He cut it.Omygosh.So cute. Adam so cute.Okay I should stop.School hmm,boring.I did some stupid letter writting.Then I did science workbook .I scribbled some stuffs on my foolscap.I ate something I regretted eating during recess.The fire alarm rang and everyone went out of the class.I kept on poking people.Then I pay attention during math cz I dont wanna fail.Then I got all my answer correct.YAY !Then I played something on the guitar.Then I did history workbook.Then I went up 4th level. Then I stayed back with umairah,aishah and christian.Then we talked nonsense.Then jon and nadhirah came then we went home.I was miserable the whole day cz my eyes hurt.I got a really bad stomach ache at home.I went to adam's fanpage and I found out tht adam cut his hair and its supercute eventhough I missed his super long fringe cz he gelled up his hair on the previous performance but what the heck its cute anyway.OMG .My post is so childish.I feel like posting like this .I cant wait for the performance tonight.Stupid Singapore 1 DAY LATE ! BYEBYE. Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 2:04 AM
I'm sad .
Hello .Wanna know something,I'm sad.And I dont even know why .School have been boring and boring everyday .People kept on saying this to me ''do you know that adam is gay'' ,like as if I dont know.Argh,seriously.So what?Like I'm gonna marry him.Stop making that such a fuss.Super annoying.I dont know,but everytime someone says that,I hate adam more and more.Argh.Stupid.I hate MT.I dont feel like going to guitar lesson tmrw.I'm frustrated.I failed my math.Stupid.I'm depressed that adam is ___ .Finally I admit it. Monday, April 6, 2009, 5:20 AM
Blondie is his boyf ?You got to be kidding.
Hello .Today is a really BAD day.Caps for BAD coz it really was.Ugh.Woke up,felt like crying coz I was super tired.Reached school late.ARGH,stand at the front there.Stupid.Art.My stone thingy lost.But in the end found it back but had to redo cz something happened to it.Science got test and I dont understand anything.Ugh. Math,normal.Music,teacher didnt come,relieve teacher confiscated my phone.ugh,mother tongue.Blabla.Assembly.Boring.Aidil bled,I felt like vomiting.Somemore aircon.Then band.Tought sec1s Bb major scale blabla super boring.I found out something about Adam that hit me so hard,not literally.But really .BAD day.Then I dont know but something happened also but I forgot. I dont feel like going to school tmrw la.Home ec,sew mygosh.idiotic bodoh.Poke my finger bleed and vomit ah.My foolscap finish.My pen no ink.My homework too lazy to do.My ezlink card something wrong.My phone battery something wrong.My clip everytime lost.Monday sucked.Fucked,I like thailand.I mean the word. BYEBYE. Friday, April 3, 2009, 9:20 PM
![]() I wonder what is Adam's middle name .It starts with an M .So,give opinions if you want.HAH,I found a vote between Adam and Gale harold.How weird.I got stuck lol.Hah,I dont have any idea what to type but i'm feel like blogging.My mom is watching Micheal Jackson music video Cd.LoL.Adam Lambert rocks.I feel like having pancake.Argh.I want band.How weird.Mr Tan is very famous.Shakinah's mom recorded our playing and I surprised we played super loud without over blasting.How cool. I feel screaming BRACE YOURSELF.I dont know why.Gollum aint fun anymore.Let's try Yoda.lol.I feel like watching a ghost movie and scream.I feel like smashing my iPod coz its so small.I feel like hating BBG .Argh.I feel like talking about Orange.I feel like watching a really bad movie with really bad actors and laugh at them.I feel like hugging a really small kid.I feel like quitting school .' BYEBYE. 4:29 AM
Syf sucked.
Hello .Havent been posting for a week .Well,monday was tiring .I cant remember what happened.Then slept super early at 9 plus.Woke up at 3.30am the next day .Left house arnd 4.45am reached school at 5.15am .Practiced till 7.30am.Left.Took the bus .Crapped so much.Aishah was super noisy.I didnt really feel anything in the bus.Still excited.Then the moment we reached SCH,whoah.Pressure like fuck.Then kept on going to the toilet. Went to tuning room thing.Everyone was super tensed.Then backstage,aishah n me wanted to go toilet really badly .But,of course we cant.So,performed.Was controlling from shaking the whole time.Then when finished.Everything went back to normal.Everyone was happy .lol.Then results .Went back school.Pizza.Went to Arcade with Alummi's.Me n joy ride one ride and we were screaming n screaming.lol.Then went home . Wednesday didnt come to school.I was coughing like mad the whole night.So,I didnt come to school :D Then thursday.Went to school.So boring.No band.But,we managed to meet mr tan.He was at thr general office.So we talked.He said mr Mitsuo Nonami said we got High Bronze.ugh.Then talked somemore.Then he went off.Then me aishah,huda n christian stayed back.Today boring again.Ugh.Then after school.Stayed back with aishah,huda.Christian half way.Then met up with jon,kai lee,nadhirah n shakinah.We went to czway.Jon went off.Then after tht,me huda n shak went to lib and borrowed books.Omygosh.LOL.Nerds.Bleah ipraytoCoconutOilpolice. BYEBYE.ILOVEADAMLAMBERT ! |