![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Sunday, May 31, 2009, 10:14 PM
How ?
How do I stop myself from knowing the truth ? I'm gonna stay away from HIS fanpages from now on.I dont know how but I'll try .Adios people.Wish me luck.Something happened to my blog's template thingy.Had to change blogskin.Its so pink.Gonna stick to it till I find a new one.I was over the moon over MJ's songs just now so I decided to chage my playlist to MJ's songs.The playlist looks so awkward there.But heck it,I'm gonna change it when I feel like it.I feel like taking a holiday job.I dont want to rot at home.Tell me if you want to find a job too (: BYEBYE. 3:25 AM
![]() Hello . Believe it or not,that's Danny Noriega :D I feel like posting crap.So,went to My mom's friend's kid's Bday party just now.The kid is freaking 1 year old.And they threw a bday party at some hardcourt.I dreaded going but,Mom forced so I have to go.Its actually a good thing that I went cz,there's this huge chocolate waterfall thingy and you can scoop a handful of melted chocolate and pour it in your cup.I had the urge to do it,but I will look stupid drinking chocolate. I took some and dipped marshmallow and strawberry in it.Super yummy (: And everyone there looks lifeless.I made a new friend(:.I talked about Adam and he talked about Hayley williams.He showed me his collections of Hayley's pictures,songs and videos while I showed my collection of Adam (: We talked like we knew each other fr a long time.His name is AARON,ironic much. Then I had to leave.Got his phone number though.So cool to hang with him.His attitude is so Aron.My new [AE] replacement ?LOL.I feel like skipping math remedial on tuesday and wednesay.So lazy to go back to school.Lets see what reason I'm gonna give.Gerard way is already a dad :) I'm finally happy fr him.His daughter name is Bandit Lee Way.I dont like the name though,I find it stupid o.0 .Danny noriega is cute (: BYEBYE. Saturday, May 30, 2009, 12:23 AM
I'm freaking outttt !
![]() And finally holidays are here.Yesterday was freaking tiring.Damn. So,got back report book .I dropped 9 positions down the class position.Wowness for a moment(in a bad way).But heck it,What's done is done.After getting report book,slacked.Recess.Cleaned the classroom then talked and slacked.Went to meet shakinah and Huda after school.Took the car to Shakinah's friend who is now,my new friend,Adelia :D .We baked cookies(lol)carved(?)alphabets on the cookie.LOL.Melody was there too.Burned the cookies.lol.Then had icecream with burned cookies.Nice though 0.o Then we headed back to school for the astronomy thiny.Helped around for ahwhile.We became ''coke's'' security guard lol.Then walked around.Met shafiq again.Wow.He dont like adam now ?Damn.Then helped around the bookmark store.lol.Played games haha.Was fun but tiring last night.Then we went to wait fr out turn to ''see'' saturn through the telescope.While waiting,we had an ADAM marathon.Finally when we got to see it,its just a tiny ball witha huge ring around it.By far,the worst dissapointment yet,but we only get to see it once in 60 years.So,it was actually ''worth'' the wait. Then went back home.And just now,I woke up late.Came fr band sectionals.I practically wasted time there.Coz,we didnt do anything there just blasted for ahwhile and stare at the score.lol.OMG,I'm freaking out.You'll know why eventually.Have a great holiday people :D BYEBYE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.Adam with glasses.Priceless. Thursday, May 28, 2009, 4:16 AM
I just have to post this :D
I just have to post that video :D So did nothing much today watched a movie during PE,finished up corrections during Literature,Recess.FTC.Syakir told me something so disgustingly weird abt Regene.And he threw his bottle at her and he asked me throw the bottle at her.lol.Me and elsie laughed everytime we saw regene.I have this bad urge to tell Syakir about regene so much.But I'm keeping it a secret.LOL.I cant resist,Must tell Syakir.LOL.Got back math marks.Its still awful. I miss [AE] so much.He's back in Canada fr the whole of June.I feel so guilty fr ignoring him last week.Look,now he's gone ): I'm gonna buy fr him a huge cake when he gets back,eventually.I dont even know if he is coming back to singapore.With the H1N1 flu and all.Gosh.I want to apologize to [AE] now ! BYEBYE. Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 12:44 AM
![]() So you found my blog,big deal (-.-) Damned up day.Woke up early.LOL.Met up Shakinah in the morning.Went to school together.Go through the Percussion emsemble .Then went up class.My Plant grew by a wee bit.Got so excited lol.Then had napfa test.Alar,anyhow lar.Skipskipskip.Went up AVA room fr percussion emsemble.Disastrous,worst then we had expected.People were happily banging on the percussion instruments like they owned them (-.-) Heck it,''Teached'' beats and coordination.Heck about percussion ensemble.Obviously they were oblivious that we wasted time and effort to help them around.Damn SOME of you.Then had recess.Ate went for CCL again.Dumb.Slept again.Waste time only.Then had to ask the canteen vendor fr bandcamp food.Aint that ''job'' supposed to be done by the teachers?You say that you're a teacher and you go around making students do it.And absenting yourself on the torture day.You dont deserve your pay,metalcrap. Then went home afterwards.So pissed with certain people.I dont need sacarstic remarks or insultations to ruin my day.Heck you people.Again,damned up day.I need [AE] now.Why do you have to be overseas and be mad at me when I need you ): Mad world. BYEBYE. Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 1:15 AM
I dont care :P
![]() So,went to botanical Gardens(-.-) at around 8am.Took the bus.Walked around the place took some photos.Walked around somemore.It was freaking hot there.Damn global warming.Saw some weirdly cool shaped cactus.Then a dalmation dog licked Gwen's leg.LOL.Cant find all of the trees that we were supposed to find.Yes,find trees.LOL.Then we went back to school. Recess.Ate then went up MT room.Damn CCL program.Waste my life again.2 hours of nothing.I slept,woke up,listen,talked,slept,woke up.And I did all when I'm in the front row happily sleep.Then tcher didnt care.So waste time.Then after CCL thingy waited fr shakinah.Then went czway.I hate some people who say stuff to make me happy,but dont mean it.Gosh.If you dont mean it,dont say it.Dumb. And, I dont care if he is GAY,coz that dont bother me and if you HATE him so much why care ?That is so not the place for you to say such things.Homophobe.Go home to you straight edge family and read some bible and bless yourself that you dont run into me or him.So annoying.I want to punch you people really badly :/ Monday, May 25, 2009, 4:28 AM
I'm gonna kill you.
Hello. I'm so annoyed at someone right now.I'm gonna freaking kill him when I meet him.GRRR. So,School nothing much.Did some science module thingy for first two period.Me and Amanda named our ''Pasta babies'' Adam Lambert,Some korean guy name,Katy Perry and Lady GaGa.LOL.Yeah we are retarded.Our Pasta babies have 24 chromosomes,they have down syndrome.LOL.Then did some hydrophonic plant thingy next(-.-),recess. FTC,watched the clown ''horror'' movie again.Its so nonsentical,I dont get why classmates find it scary,zzz.Then had the conversational chinese program thiny for freaking 2 hours.I wasted my life there.Learning stuff that I know.zzz.After school,met up shakinah,nadhirah soon after Huda.We watched Night At The Museum 2.lol.Got Amy Adams who played Amelia Earhart.So coincidence(: then we went home.Tommorow going botanic Garden.So lame and disgusting and so... Nature.I just find out that Danny Noriega is well,Gay.Read this its on his twitter,(I'm slow I know.) TheDannyNoriegaGoodnight everyone I love you. Time to dream about my crush.. I love his accent<3 Oh well.Adam is NOT cheeseball.Cheeseball is a code word for Gay.Blablabla.Talk all you want.I hate Aron he hate me so I hate him too.Stupid cheeseball(no he aint gay). BYEBYE. Saturday, May 23, 2009, 5:39 AM
I love adam.He say he NOT gay .yay.
in scI find this totally cool.So I wanna post it.The ('') words are name of the songs adam sang.So,here it is."It's a "Mad World", Adam! You give me a "Whole Lotta Love" while you "Play That Funky Music". I vote forever for you and still "I Can't get No Satisfaction". You can clearly see "The Track Of My Tears" because "If I Can't Have You, I Don't Want Nobody Baby". I'm not "Feeling Good" right now, in fact I’m "Cryin'". But things are never "Black Or White". Adam, it was no "Slow Ride" for me 'cause you pulled me into your "Ring of Fire" right from the start. You were "Born To Be Wild" and believe this "One" thing, a "Change is Gonna Come" for you. And this fan is ever grateful that your career will definitely have "No Boundaries". ADAM, My Rock Heart Will Always Belong To You!" Oh gosh.I'm bored.Got new version of ''Kiss and tell'' and ''Pop Goes the camera'' .How cool.And its so much better that Adam DIDNT win coz now,He can make songs like that (: Oh,I found out Adam got twitter.So cute.Every tweet has a smiley.LOL.Like this :) I'm bored.I'm bored. BYEBYE. Thursday, May 21, 2009, 7:07 PM
No boundaries,Whatthefreak ?LOL.
Hello. Yesterday is crap day.Everything I never thought would happen,happens.So start of in the morning,I sort of had a ''nightmare'' and I woke up 3am and couldnt sleep the whole night.Damn.Then went school.PE,didnt want to run,but oh well.Ran.I dont know why,I blackout after running and pale after PE.Almost vomited.I saw a super bright light(no,not heaven) while tcher was babbling on drinking alot of water blabla.Drank some disgusting watercooler water.Sat down,and I felt better. Literature.Had electric Shock feeling like mad.Left class arnd 9.50am,went up 4th floor.Watched results in Shakinah's phone.Electric feeling + I'm gonna blackout anytime soon kind of feeling.When the winner was announced,''okay,I dont want to hear crap singer sing some crap song,lets go back class''Went back class.Everyone was like,''who won?''Oh just shut up.Okay lame-ness began.I cried with contacts.Awesome right ?Guys in class still can make fun of me .Damn you people.Then we talked abt stuff . After class.Band.That was Mr Tan's last practice til we have money.How sad.Then after band,rained.My coins was eaten up by the fucking vending machine.Fucked too hard,stole my money huh?I got so angry and depressed on how much worst the day can get,I kicked and punched,(slapped?) the freaking vending machine.Saw Mrs Yeo.She helped us ask Uncle krisha to open back gate.Then took the bus.Went to czway.Went to Popular.I dont know why though.Then browsed some magazine.Saw Adam again(: Then went home.Watched finale.Adam rocked with KISS and Queen.Till the results which sucked.Coz they gave it to the wrong person. Flying jaw won.Aint it so superbly awesome till everyone was bawling their eyes out ?Now,I cant wait till Adam's albums hits higher,higher than the jaw could fly.And,''No boundaries'' was a piece of crap.Adam has just signed a record deal with _____ .(I wont tell you who,british guy)I'm bored.I skipped school.I cant find his photos.And nobody came around and tag,I'm sad. BYEBYE. Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 2:06 AM
There are possibilites.
My gut says Kris is gonna win.And I got this bad feeling.I want Adam to win so,people wont come to me and say ''HAHA,adam didnt win !'' That would totally kill me.So,I trust with every inch of my body,Adam is the winner,he will be.I have to stay positive (?)Oh,I failed math really badly.Amazingly,I passed other subjects.I'm not skipping school tmrw.Fuck.I'm going to school.Fuck.There's PE.Fuck I'm missing American Idol results.Fuck.I'm having electric shock feeling again.Fuck bad feeling is coming again.Fuck.I'm being negative. Sunday, May 17, 2009, 11:16 PM
ugh,stop it people.I dont want to hear that petty word anymore.
If I could smash your head inside up,Stupid.I feel like strangling certain people really bad.Cant you just stop,its insulting as it is,and now,you're making it worst.Dumb.Dont underestimate me.I hate you people so badly.Exams are finally over.Thank myself for revising everynight,thank my phone for being there with me if I need an Adam picture motivation everynight,thanks for certain made-up characters for helping me memorize and understand some stuffs.Many thanks to notes from classsmates for sharing them with me at the very last moment.Thanks for my bedroom door lock,for making me deserted in my own home.Many thanks to Anselm who gave me motivation to study.I love Anselm.No you wont know who he is. Oh,gosh.I love Anselm so much.I feel like pinching him. BYEBYE. Friday, May 15, 2009, 8:10 PM
In the night,I hear em talk,coldest story ever told.
![]() Hello.So cute the picture.Still cant believe this two are in the finals (: So,yesterday had math paper 2.Then after exams went home changed went back czway to meet the rest.Then we waited fr some people fr ahwhile then we went to watch the uninvited.So cool,so many of us there.Almost whole class.Then after movie went to take pictures,cant upload the file too big.Then we all went to Macs.Ate,talked.So long there.Then we decided to go to orchard cz dominic wanted to go 'shopping' . Trained to Orchard,went to wisma atria,met Dominic's friend.They look so alike.Then walked around fr ahwile.Then went to takashimaya(?) to eat (-.-)Kfc-ed.Then walked around for ahwhile.Actually planned to go to the beach but then,its super late so cancelled.Then went to take train to marina bay.Waited fr dominic and his friend there for ahwhile cz they wanted to buy jackets(?).Then when the reached,took the train back. The funny part,Amanda smsed xin yi this msg(too wrong to type).Its about the guy ifront of shanshan.Then the guy's friend saw the msg,then he told the guy.The guy scoled dominic.LOL.Then he took out his camera and took photos of us(?) the whole group.Whathefreak ?Then he say he's a reporter and say he gonna write about us in the newspaper?What a freak.Then he went out of the mrt.LOL.So awkward.I felt like taking a picture of him too after he took pictures of us.But,nah makes it worst.Then everyone took off at woodlands.Went home.LOL.I went 'what the fuck is wrong with the guy' when he havent even leave the MRT. BYEBYE. Thursday, May 14, 2009, 8:08 PM
No fucking way .
I am petrified for Adam.I officially hate my mom and brothers.I have had enough of their nonsense whatsoever.I've taken it all in and I have had enough of it.I have had enough of those remarks and bashing.You have no right to tell me who I am when you yourself dont know well enough who I am.I will not tolerate anymore of your sick comments abt him anymore because,I will refuse to care and I will not stop just because you tell me to do so.You cannot change the way I feel for him .You cannot.No matter what you say,or do.That will never happen.So,dream on . 1:13 AM
Adam and Kris for the finale !
![]() Hello .I had tried my best to control my emotions at any period of time,but this time I dont think I can hold it on much longer,well because ADAM IS IN THE FINALS !I have longed to say,well type that in months.And,I've finally done so.I'm so proud of Adam.I cant do anything coz,I'm living in this pathetic little piehole called Singapore.I cant vote for him.But,I will continue to support this amazing gentleman named Adam Lambert till the end. Am I putting my all in exams ?No,I dont think so.Gosh.What's wrong with me.So much for staying in the top 10.I dont think I'll be able to do so.Looking at my performance during examinations and well,before.I think I have failed.LOL.What's with my english today.Sounds so moronic.So british.HAHA.I am so skipping school on the finals .I still find Danny Gokey's hellacious screech/scream nightmarish in a funny way.If you wanna know what hellacious scream I was talking abt,go search it yourself.Tmrw,math paper 2,I'm holding on to the handrails of this roller coaster ride.LOL. byebye. Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 1:02 AM
![]() Hello .Do you know that I love this guy there (up) more more more and more today ?I dont care what you're gonna say about me.AHHHH ! History.I left 3 seconds till 9.30am.Good thing I finished the whole paper but,I think I will loose some marks cz I was writing nonsense in the SBQ part.So stupid.I feel like crying.AHH !History paper so harddd.I practically wasted half an hour in SBQ stupid.ahhhh !Adam .You people have to watch tonight's peformance.ARRR !I actually have nothing to type.Stupid brain.Science tommorow.Oh gosh,I hate science.I think I'm gonna fail alot of subjects this yr. BYEBYE. Like a true nature's child, we were born,born to be wild. We can fly so high,I never wanna die ! (copied and pasted.) Mr Lambert(?) has an extraordinary musical gift. His private life? None of your business. Nor mine. Nor anyone's.He have been given an amazing voice, and that's ALL that matters. Back to your cave, now.Your attitudes come from a dark place, and a dark time.The good thing is,the rest of us have grown up. Monday, May 11, 2009, 9:39 PM
![]() AHA !Geography.I really cant do geography at all.Not my type of subject.So,after geography,went to Macs with Sharifah,Roseanne,Daisy and Yu jie(me and yujie have imaginary bird eyes).LOL.How lame.Ate.Wanted to go to Popular cz I wanted to see EW .And probably buy is cz,Adam is on the cover.Wow,AI havent even finish his face plastered on magazine covers.So cool .But,Popular was closed so we went home.Roseanne wanted to play basketball ?LOL.So,waiting fr her to call.Yay,I ''voted'' fr Adam ! LOL. BYEBYE. Saturday, May 9, 2009, 8:47 AM
happy mom's day .
Adam simply rocks.His mom rocks too.They look alike.That's so cute,this too .So cute.Adam's a weathermen ? Friday, May 8, 2009, 12:28 AM
I will miss this .
![]() Hello .I will miss that up there ): Oh gosh. Came to school with huda and shakinah talked about American idol (: You'd prolly get annoyed by our conversation if you're not a fan of Adam lol.Literature paper first.Was easy/hard .The poem,quite hard.Passage was okay,since I read the stupid book,I managed to do understand some questions.lol.Break.Played with the stupid imaginary bird with Yu jie again.HAHA. Math paper was,okay but I cant do some questions.And guess what,I happily use different method fr diff chapters.Sure gonna fail ): After school,waited fr them.Met up jon and bob lol.Saw ms P,lol.Laughed.Bus-ed.Walked around czway fr ahwhile went home.Just downloaded Adam's songs.Woohoo,awesome much the studio ver of the duet.Gosh I'm so gonna miss Adam+Allison.lol.I'm bored.And no,somebody said Adam looked like Edward Cullen.No,he dont.lol.I'm boredddddddddddddd. BYEBYE. Oh wait,just wanna show you guys this,I was bored.I listened to this again.Oh,he said,motherfuck.lol.I'm bored.So much fr staying away frm youtube-ing Adam XP Thursday, May 7, 2009, 5:25 AM
Mixed feelings .
Hello .I am having mixed feelings right now.Adam was safe,I'm was happy.But,Allison was out.When Adam and Allison hugged at the end,Adam cried.I want to cry,but my family would think I'm a complete lunatic If I cried on the spot.I though stupid gokey would be out.But no,Adam's best friend was out.I feel so sad ): Math and literature paper tmrw,all the best people.I love 2NA7 very much.Eventhough you ppl made me go through shit,I still love my classmates very much.I'm not prepared for literature paper.I'm dead scared.Help me classmates lol.Math,I have no idea If I'm prepared for it.I'm dead scared.I love Adam very much.I hate Aron so much. BYEBYE. Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 3:33 AM
We were born,born to be wild.
![]() Hello . My day is boring and pathetic as usual.Rained in the morning.Went to school with brother.Lessons were boring.Principal came in the class during science.I was doing some telescope gesture when she was just outside the class.Recess,I talked alot.FTC,history SBQ test.Math,nothing really happened.History,tcher didnt come.After school,whole class had to stay back cz we made noise? Hmm,correction.We didnt talk super loud.We did our own work.And it is so exaggerating that you could hear the noise all the way down there.Nonsentical much.So,I drew,revised,math-ed,history-ed,doodle,write,poked my pen really hard on the foolscap,draw more,made a conversation with myself ?I'm bored.Imagine 4 hours of nothing.I dont care if you are reading this,it's better,so you would know how much of an exaggerate you really are.I am through with you.Oh,Aron hates me now because of you.You have officially ruined my life.Okay,thats so dramatic.lol. BYEBYE. Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 1:41 AM
I wished I'm your first friend.lol.
Hello .The video.Adam knows what to say at times like this.lol.I'm bored.School sucks as usual.I have the habit of saying 'dumb' and some people got angry at me bcz of that ): Adam rocks.I cant wait fr tommorow and I cannot wait any longer,stop procastinating !So,what if he has a 'gay' vibe.Should I care ?I'm not gonna marry him.Shitfreaks.Find your own friend to mess their lives with.I'm so annoyed.Ouh,[AE],you still suck and I still havent forgiven you.Shut up.Rest in peace ADAM cook.No dont worry its not ADAM,its David cook's brother.Wait why should you care ?Wait what ?ARGH,nevermind.So sorry for David cook ): I should totally stop watching Adam on youtube cz it makes me feel down down down and down each time ): Why am I so negative nowadays.I'm so angry at me myself.lol. BYEBYE. Monday, May 4, 2009, 5:35 AM
MT sucks.
![]() Hello .I think that picture is so awesome. Rain.School.Swine flu makes everyone's life so hard.First,back gate closed,take temperatures every morning,idk how many announcement there was in school to bring stupid termometers.ARGH,School.Was fine.I talked alot.I just found out that felicia have a game in WII called American Idol.I got hyper for ahwhile.LOL.So funny.We were talking like simon.lol.Science,boring.I hate science.I cant get anything in my head. Math,go through some paper.Music.Got highest fr the music exams.Cool.Mother Tongue,FUCK,for the first time of my life,I failed Mother tongue.I almost cried,Nah there's still composition to help me through.lol.Then had to do literature 'test' for APC,watched Coach Carter fr remaining time.After school.Was amazing. Read the article about ADAM !Got so hyper,walked around canteen with it and showed ppl that article.Stared at the picture like mad.Waited fr shakinah.Went fourth floor.Met grace,Kai lee.Did some revision.Nah,me and huda didnt do anything.Told our amazing dreams.Laughed about nonsense stuff.Went to library to return book.Walked around to find stamp.lol.Went to burger king to finish up the letter.Cant buy Stamp cz needed ATM .ARGH. Fought with Aron for nothing.I hate it when he's like that.I feel like crying.Nah,dont need to bother about that.He have PMS la.LOL.BYEBYE. Friday, May 1, 2009, 11:14 PM
Sad .
Okay this video made me cry,again .American NEED to vote.Like mad.This will NEVER happen.I'll fail if this would happen. And dragging him aint cool,seacreast.Stupid. |