![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
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Monday, June 29, 2009, 6:03 AM
Hello .I'm annoyed.I cant upload a photo here.What's with blogger now.Grr.School was yucky(as always) but it happened super fast.I'm boreddd.I wanna blog but something is wrong with uploading my pictures I have NO mood to post now :/ Whatever .I'm sad.Michael Jackson's dead.Adam's sad too.LOL.Like I know lol.I still have like tons of homework to do and I dont have the mood to do it.I hate school and it feels weird being in school again. Why do I find it depressing waiting fr him to update his twitter now and then ? What the fuck is wrong with me.Its like overboard obsession lol.Is that even a word.I just realised,the way my blogging format is the same way I write my compositions.gah.I'm still annoyed,why cant I fucking upload the picture.grrr.Oh,my birthday is like in 11 days.OMG.That is early.I kept twitting adam that my birthday is coming,doubt he even knows how to use it.gah. I think I'm gonna off my comp now.I think this is where my mom would call the Obsessive-compulsive disorder hotline to see what's wrong with me and twitter.And infamous Adam.He just cant deny THAT,huh ?Stupid blogger.Wait,If I say its stupid why am I even blogging now ? I'm talking to myself.Isnt that moronicly ridiculously outrageously pathetic ? Dont mind me with colours,I'm just fucking bored. Bye fucktards.See ya in hell my homies. Mybe I shouldpost a link to a retarded video of Adam being interviewed in Habbo Hotel,how retarded is that ? I mean,interview using Habbo wth ? And he still can dance dance using the habbo character after the interview ? You should see to believe . http://www.mr-l.org/adam-lambert-on-habbo-com-an-alternative-approach-to-the-interview/ Super cute Like elvis the character lol. Sunday, June 28, 2009, 6:11 AM
gah .
Eww tmrw school.Ewwwww.Gah.I dont care.I dont care I <3 Adam and there's nothing YOU can do about it.Shut up.I dont care what YOU'RE going to say about me.I dont give a FUCK .BYEBYE. Monday, June 22, 2009, 2:15 AM
Boredd,BOREDD !
![]() Hell0.I'm bored.Look at the person up there ^^ .He looks like as if his (plans) are working or something.HAH.What plans ? What the hell,I'm talking to myself.So,I woke up like super duper early today.Like 8am plus ? I think.Then I onlined around 10am ? Super super duper lifeless,I watched ALL and yes,ALL of shane dawson vids.Again and again till I got bored and went on another page.Cannot get enough of him.And I really want him to be on TV .Dont you think ? If you dont have a clue who the heck he is,go search him yourself on youtube.His videos are Amazingly awesome.Then,I watched Fred's videos.The guy who talked with this irritating high pitched voice and run around and talk about random stuff,I got annoyed and irritated by him by 3 videos.HAH.Then I changed my twitter page background and all.Got so bored.I did facebook quizzes.I did this stupid quiz and I got 10% homo.And my gaydar is 99% LOL. ADAM doesnt tweet alot ): His last tweet is about him and Gokey not in bad terms.yuck,dont lie Adam lol.(Why is ''Gokey'' in green you may ask,well because green is my least favourite colour and he got that colour,good for you gokey !)Turns out,Adam doesnt support the HiFi recordings album,so I aint buying it.You guys probably dont get what the fuck I'm talking about so I'm gonna stop.I hope the school extension poll thing really works cz I really need time to do all my revising(Like I even do that) and homework.LOL.Gosh I'm retarded and bored.I'm gonna tweet Shane Dawson again and Adam Lambert .Gonna annoy every fibre of their beings.HAHAHAHAHA :D BYEBYE. Sunday, June 21, 2009, 5:03 AM
Dior Homme perfume.Awesome.
![]() Went to some wedding just now.And there's this group of primary school kids doing some silat stuff there.Pretty cool.The faces of the bride and groom were tired and cant be bothered.I thought that was funny.I want rabbit candy.lol. ADAM LAMBERT :DDDD I dont know.He just makes me sooo fuckiinnnggg happy today .I thought school reopens tmrw.lol.I almost fainted.GAH ! No way.One more week.YAY ! YAY ! YAY ! YAY ! Someone finally has a twiter (: ADAM !ADAM !ADAM !ADAM !ADAM !ADAM !ADAM !ADAM !ADAM ! I'm crazy. BYEBYE (: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 10:08 PM
Fucking annoyed,gokey is a retard.
![]() Hello . I'm literally sick.Fever,blockednose,back aches(dont laugh) .I'm so fucking annoyed at fucking Daniel Jay Gokey.What a fucking freak .Retard much.Went Raffles Hospital again yesterday .Bored out of my mind.People around kept annoying me.Adam has a twitter ? New one ?Dont know if its real or fake.Hope its real .Shytes,there's homework and I havent even do one.So lazy.I'm dead bankrupt.No money yo.To think my hate could get any worst.He comes the bride.Stupid Gokey.Why ? Google it yourself.Gokey is a fucking douchebag who deserve nothing but hate.I've been dreaming weird stuff lately.London much ? BYEBYE. Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 11:37 PM
Miss this .
![]() Hello . I miss that person.Miss the hair.Miss the weird clothes.Miss the genuine smile.Come back .New person won an award.Cover of rolling stones magazine.Nominated in some other awards.Not so genuine anymore.Gah.People can really change in 5 months.Oh.Adam is people's hottest bachelor #4 .Chace crawford #1 lol.Robbert Pattinson is #10 haha !Beat that,Vampire.I'm bored. BYEBYE. Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 11:25 PM
I love my dream (:
![]() Went out yesterday .Watched Ghost Of Girlfriend's past with Jonathan,Huda and her bro,Shakinah and he siblings.lol.Good thing I didnt bring any of my brothers.Yuck.So,movie was alright.Not ammusing.I wanna watch UP or Public Enemies.I dont know why .Saw Cikgu Hirman.lol.CIKGU.Well,he didnt teach me anymore.Primary school anyway.Well,he remembers my name 0.o .I love my dream.Yesterday's and last nights.Its so fun.I wont tell it here.Ask me.lol.Who would bother asking what I dreamt. Canasian guy,[AE] wont be back next week.How awesome.Stucked at Canada cz of H1N1 flu.No he dont have H1N1 flu.Just cant come to Singapore.I dont want Holidays to end earlier.I want more time.I want a new phone.My birthday is less than a month.How exciting ! -.- Why did Adam cut his hair till its super ugly.Ugh.So ahbeng hairstyle.Not saying ahbeng hairstyle is ugly.It just doesnt suite him that's all . BYEBYE. Sunday, June 14, 2009, 10:15 AM
![]() I'm back.Camp okay.Wowness.I was group leader.Yes,me.lol.First day was okay.''Wacko'' was beyong hilarious and fun.lol.Aisyah K Shouted LOLIPOP when she's supposed to shout a person's name lol.I LOL-ED like mad.Played somemore games.Blindfold walk.Treasure hunt.Other groups were running around the school trying to find the clues while walking sausages,our group were walking and sliding our feets trying to find the clues.lol.Then bathed,slept. Day two was tiring like fuck.More games.Played musical chairs.LOL.Syaridzuan won the game.lol.He cheated the first time but played again and won again.Played ''double wacko'' me and other people gt confused with my name and william's name.Soon we gt nicknamed ''ameliam'' -.- lol.Then there's star gazing .WAHHH.I dont get a single shit what ms Uma was talking.Then night drills.Bathed,movie,sleep. Day three.Drills in the morning.POP.Took videos after break camp.So dramatic and weird when there was the smoke thingy.Went home afterwards.Went to Raffles Hospital to visit aunt.Everybody there looks so chinese and weird.Went to national library and waited fr dad.Went back to hospital again.Then went home.lol.So many weird encounter.Sepet Adam,polite Tattoo guy.Disgusting Indian couple hanky-panky-ing .I wanna sleep.Goodnight yo. BYEBYE. Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 2:27 AM
i still do .
![]() Hello .I really need to stop my weird obsession over Adam Lambert,nah.I'm waiting fr his album.Tmrw,bandcamp.Damn,I havent even packed.Okay half packed.I dont wanna go.Adam on yahoo frontpage and MSN frontpage.Newspapers and all.lol.The article.Not quite ammusing.Expected anyway.I dont feel anything.OMFG,30 days to my birthday ! lol.Yes,that's right,its the time in the year again that I will hold my countdown till my bday (: Retarded much,I know.I want my Cheeks TV !Brad bell is amaaaazzziinnngg (: I'm bored.Going out soon.Dinner with family,Ugh. BYEBYE. Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 6:10 AM
Smile all you want.
![]() Monday, June 8, 2009, 6:27 AM
Shut your balls.
![]() Went to shakinah's house and completed half the novel.Dont know where the other part is gonna head but,we'll figure it out soon .Gahness. dont give a freak.Shut your cheeseballs bfr I throw a tantrum :/ You dont need to read my blog and tell me stupid stuff when I clearly know.You stupid A-hole.Freaking Bull-shoot.I'm so fucking annoyed.We should totally send him another letter with a Singapore stamp in it.Gah Rolling Stones Magazine next week.Gah.I'm so scared,for no reason. BYEBYE. Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:18 AM
![]() So,me and brother had to follow mom to go fr someone's wedding.ugh.Whatever about the wedding.Went home.Novelnovelnovel.I have O.C.A.L.D (Obsessive-compulsive Adam Lambert disorder) .Bla,I'm bored.I wanna change my phone.I want ice cream.The weather is freaking warm this days.Damn global warming.I'm having a severe headache ugh.No mom,I'm not socially awkward its just that I dont have money to go out and I hate going out these days cz of the freaking weather. I'm not freaking anti social.I talk with everyone.You have weird things running in your mind.Wth,you cant be Jewish.That's totally beyond,beyond.No wonder you're so wild.[AE] ! He was online last night,say he will be back in a week.Wowness.Cant wait to buy the cake lol.I finally have a reason why I skipped math remedial.It's so fake but if she's dumb enough,she'll believe me (: BYEBYE. Saturday, June 6, 2009, 3:15 AM
You need a bodyguard.
![]() I'm bored out of my mind.I finished a 300+ page book from 11am to 2pm.Had band just now.OAC took AVA room.See what I mean by AVA room NOT band room.People can happily and easily take up the room without permission.So,what's the use of 'decorating' it.It aint ours anyway.Talktalk the whole sectionals.lol. Discussed about the novel just now.We made a new storyline completely different from part I.Tell you,M.A.D World part II will be awesomer and exciting.Make sure you read it.lol.What am I talking.We only brainstorm the story haven even start writting yet.lol.I'm done with MJ,green day past songs songs are addictive.lol.Gah,I fear Adam's safety. Band camp in 6 days.Damn that early.The only thing I'm looking forward for is the nightwalk and treasure hunt.And doubting if they cancel those games also.And substitute it with what ?Oh so important Cleaning of 'BAND' room.Get a life,crap.I feel so socially awkward last night.I barely talked with my cousins.I crapped sms with my fellow sms buddy lol.ugh.And no,FTW is not 'Fuck the what' lol.Damn.I cant wait to start on M.A.D world part II ! BYEBYE. Thursday, June 4, 2009, 8:43 AM
![]() 2.I'm rotting.(wow so cliche,wait Passe (:) 3.Allison's making a new album(YAY!) 4.I think Kris Allen's no boundaries sucked(seriously,I like his voice but the lyrics sucked) 5.DannyGokey annoys me too much.He appears in my dream.Wow,awesome. 6.Stop knocking on my door when I'm crying my eyes off.(lol,jk) 7.I have no idea why I'm typing in point form 0,o 8.I cant wait till BBG graduates. 9.One more of this till the tenth.Lesbians freak me out,but ellen doesnt.lol. 10.Finally the last one.The picture rocks.ImissAronEdwardVeryMuch. I'm done typing like that.Damn i'm boredddddd.Drake LaBry aint hot,yo.Blind.Brad is sooo much nicer looking.Sorry no offence.I'm craptalking.Its 12 midnight.I need a new iPod,mine is'nt working like it should be.I miss AI8.Why aren't you replying our mails ? Damn you.lol.Goodnight.And again,Drake,Aint hot.ugh. BYEBYE. Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 10:27 PM
fine feathers are not proper for the male.
Hello .Wow he can really sing anything :D I'm just bored I felt like posting that.I'm dreading bancamp.I'd rather rot at home and read some nonsentical book and sleep all day then do lame stuff in school.I hate my iPOd lar.Cannot sync songs.So much fr downloading songs.And there IS such a word in urbandictionary as 'AdamGasms' lol.Dont believe,See this.HAHAHA. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Adamgasm YO,I'm just joking about quitting school and moving away.Why do you even believe in crap.I was super bored and made up lame sentences.HAHA.Drake LAbry much ? He has an accent.So cool.Be happy,if not I kill you.I'm talking to myself.I feel like sticking as many stickers I could find and stick it on my bedroom wall. BYEBYE. 1:48 AM
I dont care .
Hello .Went out,met huda and shakinah.We went to the library and got shooed by the freaking security guards lol.Then we went to Macs and talked.Discussed.We talked about really random,deep things.lol.I dont have anything else to post cz my life has been mundane and boring this few days.I finally have the time to tune my guitar.I lost my suicidal letter(lol,jk),I read books and spent being lifeless infront of the computer screen.Until I found out something about Adam Lambert.I'm not gonna post it here.You go search yourself and its up to you to feel disgusted or disturbed. So dont blame me if that happens.I'm dreading bandcamp cz they took away all the fun games and substitute it with something dumb.I'm not looking forward for it and I wont be game for it for the whole 3 days.I just spilled [AE] secret.Hope nothing happens.I still miss him though.Wild.I want to go out really badly.I'm wasting time at home.I'm getting sick,like literally sick.Cough,flu.What more ? No not SWINE flu.Theatre.Random.Cheeseball.Scream.Fuck. BYEBYE. Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 12:40 AM
So cool (:
![]() ![]() Hello .So cool ! I mean the picture.I just felt like posting it :P Its not official or anything.Its fanmade.I'm bored I found this in some fanpage.And again,so much for staying away from his fanpage .Can sell CD's like this.LOL.I'm bored.Woohoo !Probably going out tommorow :D I think I'm a computer addict and I need to stop myself.ARGH.I need a holiday job !I wanna go out tommorow.No more rotting at home.No no no.Madworld novel is almost completed.Its gonna rock.Dont like it,dont read it :P BYEBYE. |