![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Friday, July 31, 2009, 4:03 AM
Jason ?
Hello .The posting bar is back to normal but when I click on it,it doesnt appear.Shitfreak.hah,didnt update fr idk how many days.Ugh,who cares anyway .School nothing much happened.Only came to school to fr C.G (try figure what C.G stands fr,and no,it aint anything wrong.lol.) He's so awesomely adorable.lol.Like really adorable.Gahhh.I slept after completing my english test.And I even DREAMT.How cool lol. blablabla.You know I'll fail my geography test,Mr OO.Dont bother giving me that paper.stupid ass,you dont teach,you type on the fucking laptop the whole period and expect us to STUDY ? Crazy huh ? Freak.ugh.& SOMEONE'S been telling ppl that we dont have enough homework.Dont annoy me anyhow you sick shit.I'm fucking pissed off. ugh.Badminton with sharifah and felicia just now.effing tired.Didnt want to go,but nevermind.The least I could do,hah.I'm so sleeping early today.Fucking tired as hell.I'm neglecting ADAM LAMBERT.Whyyyy ?ugh I hate myself.stupid blogger.I cant upload an image.argh.SHARIFAH said my art potrait looks more like [AE] than Adam Lambert who I am actually drawing.hah.Why not draw C.G ? lol.lame. BYEBYE. Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 3:04 AM
HELLOOOOO ! Today is such an awesome day (: School was somehow fast forwarded.Lesson lesson lesson.Waited fr shakinah,normally it felt super long just waiting fr her but then today felt fast forwarded fr some reason.Then went to Library to actually say hi to kids,okay we ARE weird but then something tells me to go check the magazine department to finally see the Rolling stones mag with Adam on the cover,andddd TA-DA ! I found the MAGAZINEEE !Borrowed it and I'm gonna scan it and print it(: Then we went to causeway and bought Marshmellow and redbull LOL.Played CHUBBYBUNNY !Laugh & laugh .lol.I only could stuff 7 marshmellows,lol.Then I drank redbull shakinah was still stuffing the marshmellows and jonathan was burping,I laughed and the redbull suddenly came out through my nose,yuck much.lol. Aweeeeeesome day.lol.Then huda and I walked home,kinda.Then we saw Keng yip lol.While walking back,I saw aloooot of my primary school friends.Wayyyy awkward waving at them one by one.hahahaha .I'm sooooo happy,I love the magazine,I love the video above,I loveeeee ADAM LAMBERT (: Shut up .hahahahaha :D I'm just hyper cz I had redbull todayyy hahahahahahahahaha (: I think MY twitter is kind of hacked.LOL.Adam's is still hakced and he is'nt doing anything about it ): Stupid.HAHAHAHA.I think I should stop typing cz I'll end up typing shit.LOL.OMG.THE National Library sticker that they always stick on the books there and at the mag,they stick the sticker on Adam's crotch HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.You guy's should see LOL.I'm gonna bring it tmrw HAHAHAHAHA.Okay I'm getting annoying. OHOHOH,SPEAKING OF THE ROLLING STONES MAG,IT'S FEATURED IN THE ABOVE VID FR ABOUT 5 SECONDS (: BYEBYE. Sunday, July 26, 2009, 4:18 AM
Hello new blogskin.
Hello .The posting bar thingy is getting from bad to worst.There's only a tittle box and a post box.Awesome,blogger.So,I dont know what part of me wanted to change my blogskin,hah.Maybe because I'm too bored.So,yesterday went to Orchard to watch Harry Potter,yes I know I'm so slow.Watched it at the lido.BORING MOVIEEEE.And I'm a Harry Potter fan,hah.Then went around fr ahwhile.KFCED,Home. Watching Singapore VS Liverpool while posting.Wonder who will win.Hahaha.Yesterday was awkwardly weird.Nevermind.I have nothing to type anymore.Hmm.Sometimes I wonder if my randomness scares you.Like,Hey I want ice cream !Or,I have weird brothers.Okay random.I'm so gonna get scolded tmrw cz I have no idea how to do D&T project.haha,fuck it.Yikes,there's school tmrw ): Te Amo.Adam Lambert <3 BYEBYE . Friday, July 24, 2009, 6:02 AM
What is wrong with you ?
Hello .I am .Tired.Sad.Busted.Angry.Dissapointed.Apparently,I'm not the only freak who's blogger is giving frikin problems.School was retarded and hellacious .&Khairul is practically telling everybody that I accidently threw my badminton racket while trying to scoop the shuttlecock during PE.Annoying brat :/ After school was dramatic.Shan't elaborate much cz I want my meds.Badminton-ed with felicia and michelle.Rollerbladed.Homed.Someone got another tongue piercing,I think I'm gonna slap his face till the piercing bleeds.Wait,piercings cant bleed.Maybe,I'll slap his face till his mouth gagged out blood and the tongue piercing(s) maggically dissapear.Okay chris Angel-ed too much. I wanna sleep . Te Amo,Adam Lambert <3 BYEBYE. Thursday, July 23, 2009, 6:11 AM
Awkwardddddd .
Hello .And no,my posting bar thingy is stil messed up and this is so pathetic posting like this.Why is it like this ? Did I do something wrong or something ?I wanna blog,but then,I dont feel like it. Nothing much happened,school,school,school.Darn it I hate this posting bar messed up thingy.I'm so frikin annoyed.lol.Okay I sound like some brat lol.Okay I should stop.Oh and WTH with the sorry,sorry song.No offense or anything,LAME song much.I know ALL you KOREAN fanatics are gonna spam me and hate me,hahahahaha. I hate myself fr saying that.But what the heck Its my opinion anyways.Shut the fuck up.Ugh,Why am I still listening to it,I'm alrd annoyed with blogger now I'm listening to that song. HAHAHA,I know you people are gonna hate me and say all the bad stuff abt ADAM hahaha,I dont care :P blabla,dont mind me.I wanna kill you. I took my meds and I think I took too much of it till I feel so loony and I think I'm going to faint and have a realllllly bad hungover tomorrow.I'm practically typing bullshit now cz my brain is'nt working (: I even made a smiley.I'm awesome. I want more COKEaine.Gonna get some soon,soon very soon enough.And I wanna run away from home =)I want to kill you. BYEBYE. Monday, July 20, 2009, 4:14 AM
Darn it.
What the hell is wrong with blogger? I cant post properly .The post bar thingy is somewhere flying in venus and I'm typing this without looking it.Guess I wont be posting for ahwhile.This is nuts.I <3 Adam (:Friday, July 17, 2009, 5:13 AM
The pain I endure,you're my cure <3
![]() After school,met up ASH and watched Haunting In Conneticut.Awesome movie.But the group of indian guys were so noisy behind us.Fucking annoying.They kicked,TALK LOUDLY,and screamed and shouted like mad BARF.Yes,I USED a fucking random word.I'm so annoyed now.Come on,your not even supposed to talk in the cinema.Fucktards.Damn it.Fuck it.Something else. Adam getting new Mustang tmrw.Not fair.His twitter is still hacked.He's so dumb.lol.He dont know any other language.hahaha I know TWO language and half a language(: Okay wth.I'm addicted to paper cranes.Stop me from folding anymore of those origami stuffs.I want,need,to see [AE].I still hate him though.Bummers.<3 ADAM anyway . BYEBYE . Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 3:19 AM
''Dont stop believing''
![]() School,Hmmmm all we did the whole day was fold paper cranes.Sounds stupid but seriously,its addictive.Did like alooooot fr the past two days.Its for charity.At least it benefits.haha.Its fun anyway.Teachers and I mean subject teachers hates it when we fold it infront of them and it makes them tick when we do it.I find that very,very hillarious. Class with LESSONS were extra boring today.Didnt learn anything today.So,I just wasted my day in school folding paper cranes.hahahahaha,MT was hellacious.Did some informal letter thing and my SAHABAT was ADAM(: As in,you have to write tht letter to someone and I wrote to someone with the name ADAM hahaha.The topic super lame.Not gonna tell.LOL.And guess what,someone's twitter was hacked.hahahahahaha.Laughed my face off eventhough I'm suppose to be angry or freaked out.The thought of it is stupid and funny. Why am I so hyper today ?I didnt eat meds today nor did I have coke.Maybe because I didnt use alot of brain power today.Gosh why am I lame.My eyes itches.I wanna scratch it but I read somewhere in readers digest that the more you scratch,your eyes would fall off one day(: HAHAHAHA I'M BOREDDDD :D I wanna read that person's blog.I hate Aron(: I hate school(: BYEBYE(: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 7:49 AM
![]() Hello . Ignore that picture.I was just trying to put up a picture since the day that I cant.Confused,nevermind. AmeliaNorman needs her meds and sleep terribly,but she's on the computer like a lifeless freak trying to find new AdamLambert pictures.Scrolling one by one,reading tweets after tweets.How awesome am I ?She wants a new phone because she's sick of her current phone,she's sick of Adam .Dont get it ? Nevermind.Why am I typing in third person?Maybe because I'm sick and retarded.Maybe I'm GAGA (: (GAGA,in tagalog means retarded,crazy) School is worst than queing up to pay for your groceries.lol.Okay that was way random.My eye itches and tears up everytime I yawn.Dont want to sound disrespectful or anything,but seriously all the lessons are fucking boring and I need to force my eyes to keep open while they teach.Sorry much.Adam is getting a 2010 Ford Mustang convertible ? Wowness.He's twitter is hacked ? Awesomeness.No proof though. Know what,I'm tired and I want to sleep.Goodnight twitterworld.Woops,wrong page.Goodnight bloggingworld ? Okay I'm lame.LAME LAME LAME.Glitter world rocks. BYEBYE. Monday, July 13, 2009, 4:18 AM
Sleep,faggy protesters.
Hello .I have no mood to find a picture or a video to post.I'm too tired and upset to think right now.hahaha,you can get your emotions to stop you from using your brain,I must be retarded.I'm so fugly tired.I want to sleep but I dont feel like it.I feel upset well.I wont say it here .I'm too obsessed till everything I do,talk,get has an Adam Lambert on.And I'm getting sick of him,lol.Today is so gayday.Every lesson has a gay word in it.I feel pathetic and idiotic.Passive agressive much,huh .I have nooo idea about that protesting thing until now.I wanna cry ): Hope tmrw will be better.hmmm. I <3 Adam . BYEBYE, Friday, July 10, 2009, 3:34 AM
Slowwwwww rideeee ?
Starlight ?
Hello . I'm dead bored.Idol's live tour was amaaazinnggg.I watched everyone's performance (: lol.Went to livechat yesterday and 'listenened' to adam's performance live :D How happy ! lol.I'm retarded,I know.School was boring like fuck.The most hilarious part was when Pooshniq went around and talked with huda and I.lol.Fucking hilarilarious,tried my best to control from laughing and Christian was behind there waving like mad.lol.Then lessons blabla. Got scolded during IT class.Well,not individual with the rest of the class.haha.There was no shouting,woman.It's just people talking too loudly lol.*points fingers at ___* lol.Then we missed like 20 minutes of science.That was good.I would die of boredorm if it was any longer.Sighs.Bq and Khairul kept repeating DOG and SNOOPY at someone lol.Okay wont tell why .Its an inside joke.lol.Gahhhh <3>3 DAYS TO MY BIRTHDAY (: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 6:26 AM
Fuck.fuck.fuck.fuck.Just bought The Kube.Went home.Cant transfer songs.Went bck to exchange.Went home.Tried transfering.Again,cant transfer.I'm thinking of either going back tonight or tommorow.I hate the fucking memory card.Its such a fucktard,assbitch.Good thing the 7-11 is like two blocks away frm my house :/ So much fr a birthday present !MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 6 DAYS (: Friday, July 3, 2009, 4:52 AM
Obsessions arent meant to last anyway .
Hello . Thursday, July 2, 2009, 2:20 AM
Hello .I'm dead tired.My eyes can barely open but I'm posting anyway.School was a bother.Fuck that place.I feel sick.I laughed my face off and I almost choked and vomited.Imagine choking on apple juice and coughing while laughing.LOL.That was how funny that JOKE is.Whatever it aint no joke.Its someone who is such a joke.I think I wanna go fr a nap now.I'm soooo tired. Remember folks(lol),MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 8 DAYS (: Comparisons are easily done Once you've had a taste of perfection Like an apple hanging from a tree I picked the ripest one,I still got the seed Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 1:29 AM
Stupid much .
Hello .Oh A-hole.I cant upload a picture anymore.I dont know what happened to blogger now.Soooo school was a drag,again.Met up shakinah in the morning.Went to school.Whatever about the temperature taking again.What the hell,Project work was the first period.New subject much.Skip that,I almost fell asleep.Then science.Well,I slept fr ahwhile.Recess.blabla.Waste money only.lol. Huda didnt come :/ Then felicia keep sayin BJ .Come on,you know the real meaning to it or not ? Keep shouting that around like its a random word.lol.Then kena reprimand whatever,yo.Math,wowness much.I didnt get a single shit what the tcher was talking.Dumb much.MT,yayness.Tcher didnt come.Did homework.That's new right ? LOL.Then went home with Yu jie.Accompany(is that how you spell it ? I frgt) her to czway cz she wanted to buy sushi.lol.Then,home. 9 days to my birthday people :D Just when you think the road is going nowhere Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams They take you by the hand And show you that you can There are no boundaries . -Who are the ''they'',huh ? |