![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Monday, August 31, 2009, 5:09 AM
Damn you.
![]() Hello . So today's a monday.Teacher's day.Went to school with Shakinah.We bought Ferrero Rochers.I bought one for Ms Rab but totally forgot to buy one for Ms Nurul.How dumb.Then we had to 'cheer' for the people who were running -.- pathetic.Then had break.Talktalk with Grace Lau who's birthday is todayyy ! Happy Birthday Graceeee ! Okay then Teacher's Day concert.Quite okay.The first performance was disgusting.lol. Duane Ho performed and he asked us to vote for him in Singapore Idol -.- even Mrs Yeo was screaming and so enthu about him in Singapore Idol.Very pathetic.Then some other people performed.Then went to library to do the M.A.D novel with ASH then Afiqah called me to visit my primary school.So,I called shahrukh to join lol.Then met up and went to the primary school.Wooo,saw so many mats and minahs who weirdly are my classmates bfr.lol. Then we went to the playground we always went to after school.So much have changed 2 years ago.Some parts of the playground was gone.lol.Talkedtalkedtalked.Dont excactly know what time we went home.So,went home and sleep.Was super duper tiredddd.No school tomorrow ! Woooo.Finally I could have a day with proper sleep :P . BYEBYE. Saturday, August 29, 2009, 12:18 AM
Hell o.
![]() Sup people.LOL. So,I could'nt post on wednesday.I dont know why.Hmm.So,I'm trying to post now.So school fr the past days was,well boring.Can't say anything much cz nothing exciting happened in school.Only that I kept on sleeping in class and havind weird nightmares and dreams.lol.I slept alot in class on friday and I kept dreaming.lol.The class had to stay back fr some teacher's day stuff.Seriously,the class can't seem to cooperate.Annoyed to the extreme lol.So,monday no lesson teacher's day ! WOOO.No school on tuesday.AWEEEESOMMME.I think I'm gonna do something crazy on tuesday (; Went fr band in the morning today.Had sectionals.Then I went down.We walked arnd and saw some people jamming or recording stuff in the first floor classrooms.lol.Then we went off earlier cz there was nothing to do there.Went to library to redo our MAD WORLD novel part 2 .LOL.Then went home afterwards.I stil have essay fr camp and blogging fr camp.Haiyo.I think I'm gonna copy paste what I posted here to the camp blog (: lol.Easier. I finally perfected my guitar cover of 'heartless' (: lol.Been weeks since I played sims 3.Maybe I'm gonna play ltr.lol.Seriously,what is wrong with blogger ?It's been going on like this for far too long.lol.Okay I'm effing tired.I'm gonna sleep (: lol.I want my scar on my hand to cure fast bfr any other people sees it.Seriously lol. BYEBYE. Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 3:32 AM
green is disgusting.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 12:26 AM
Like a shitassfreakshit.
Hello .So school was boring.Slept fr all lessons.Too tired.Woke up at 4am.Rained.Class.English.Sleep.Did something but I forgot what.Literature.Sleep again.Some group work.Did nothing.Recess.Walked around.Talked nonsense.FTC.Sleep again.IT class.Did some career thingy.Brother called.Science,sleep.sleep.sleep.She didnt let me go toilet.Everyone fought back.Whatever. Bussed to causeway with daisy.Waited fr brother to reach.Bussed home with brother.Speedy is still not accepting my request.If he is still not gonna accept,I'm gonna fail my CME.I have no idea what to write abt fr the newspaper article.I'm tired but I dont feel like sleeping anymore.I'm thirsty but I can't drink.I want to cut my fringe but I can't. I'm bored.I have no mood to post.But something in me is telling me to.So,I'm typing bullshit here.I can't believe I hate so much people.I found out my best friend just died of a car collision.How awesome.I'll miss him.I abandoned Adam for so long.I can't believe I dont have the urge to go check about him anymore.Maybe I should sleep now.I still hate YOU though. BYEBYE. Friday, August 21, 2009, 3:00 AM
I need a little bit of good luck .
Hello .One of the worst week ever.It's been going on for the whole week.Yipee.okay whatever.Last day of camp(: Okay I actually didnt want it to end just yet.lol.Yeah,me with camps never worked bfr but amazingly this camp was super awesome lol.Seriously.lol. So the bus stop fr the bus was effin far away.lol.Went to school with shakinah.Blabla.I hate YOU anyway.So,whatever about calling my name there just now.Lameass.Went up to the class then went to the camp room.Played this seriously retarded game then our group lost lol.So two ppl frm the grp had to play the biscuit race LOL.Then we won the first time,rematch lost.So,the class wanted both teams to do the forfeit lol. The class tied my group up together along with the other group lol.And they dragged us all the way from 3rd floor to 1st floor.Pain I tell you lol.And someone just have to purposely keep stepping on my feet every one or two steps lol.Then had to do some survey shit.Then went to the indoor sports hall. Played the Dragon game thingy.Dont really remember what the real name of the game is.Very retarded.Cant say it was boring.But seriously my shoulders ache like crazy.People running around tugging on your shoulders while you have to keep your hands tugged on the person infront of you.Painpainpain lol.So many conflict in the class suddenly just cz of tht game hahahahaha.I just dont see the point of putting a wishlist on your blog when those wishes would never get fufil with my amount of luck going on nowadays.It's not getting any better.In fact,things around me are getting fucked up day by day .Thank you god for giving me such a beautiful life to live in (: fuck. BYEBYE. Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:26 AM
Hello .So,I got this nauseous feeling now.Is that even correct.Okay whatever.I feel like vomiting now.hah.Dont know why.Sosososo.Campcampcamp.Funfunfun.lol.We had some debriefing in the morning.Had a really weird but fun game.lol.Then went to the music room to LEARN cpr.lol.Dont know why it was fun,but it was fun.lol.Then it was lunch. Almost vomited LOL.Food was hella spicy.And aft blowing tht stupid plastic dummy fr cpr.I seriously felt like vomiting.Then break fr ahwhile.Walked around.Then it was CRC high elements.Our group was somehow lucky cz we did the leap of faith first.I had trouble trying to stand at the plank cz the wood thingy was shaking like crazy,I didnt see another handle that I could use to climb up.So I was trying to find a way up fr dont know how long.Then when I was standing at tht shaking plank,I literally thought that I was gonna die.lol.Nah,was'nt thinking of tht.I was thinking how my sweating palms could grip on tht rail thingy.Well,I jumped,I griped I let go cz of my stupid sweating palms LOL. Then,I the lower one with the two planks together and I got so frikin scared.Dont know why,I could do the leap of faith,I was effin nervous doing the lower ones.lol.Retarded much.Didnt want to the the highest one cz my palms were sweating like crazy and I felt like vomiting LOL.Then we had a briefing.Took our valuables and I went up to the AVA room fr band -.- .HAH.Then after band,stayed back,did my report and went off .Walked the whole way to czway.Dont ask why.LOL.Then home. Cant wait fr camp tmrw.Effin fun seriously.I want camp again HAHAHA.I dont feel anything anymore abt tht problem.I dont hate him anymore.I dont know why.Maybe because I have a really big problem going around my brain,causing my common sense and emotions to abruptly loose control and turn one whole round,forgetting about the major problem the person caused upon me,reflecting me to be so weirdly excited tht he was online .Am I cool enough now LOL. BYEBYE. Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 4:40 AM
H e l l o .
Hello .Campcampcamp ! HAHAHA. Camp was hella fun.Except fr the fact tht someone is causing so much trouble for me :/ HATE him la.lol.Okay whatever about that shitass.Sosososo.Kayaking for first activity.Damn fun LOL.Daisy and I was so frikin tired.So,we ended up singing random songs and then without noticing,we eventually reached lol.Funfun LOL. Then shower and stuff.Went back to school.Lunch.Grouped with shyane,junnita,poovan,khairul and syakir lol.Blabla.Then 'amazing race' lol.Tiring but was fun.lol.We were the winners LOL.Good syakir can climb rockwall damn fast lol.Then after the race thingy.Briefing stuff.Then went home. Well,that was what I did for day one of camp.lol.I'm not gonna write a report.I'm not gonna talk about that problem.I'm just gonna avoid it and let it rest on it's own.Let him complain to the principal for all I care.I have all the evidence of the world.Gosh to think he was a perfectly normal person.HATE him la. Bet tmrw is gonna be fun again lol.Oh,and blogger is retarded,again. BYEBYE. Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 4:30 AM
stupidcrapholeguy :/
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hello . You have no idea how much I hate you now.And you have no idea how much I really really like you before.Freakkkkkk . Amazing ! Another bad day.Well,not the whole day.Just someone who actually used to turn it around ruins it BIG time.Like seriously.Seriously.Seriously.Oh gosh,I feel like killing him already.Gah.Nevermind about that person.Whatever about that person.pssh.Asshole :/ Tmrw camp ! Oh how exciting -.- ugh .Cant be bothered.Cant be cared mooore than ever.Serious shit,some person is so annoying,If I dont want to tell you my problem,I have my reasons.You dont have to try and dig out the infomation out of me.Gosh. Stupid assholic c.g , ruined my life. HATE you ar. Maybe Adam's new photoshoot pictures help(: Hope tmrw's OH SO BIG NEWS is not gonna affect me during camp ): arrggh whatever la. BYEBYE. Monday, August 17, 2009, 3:23 AM
Fuck off.
Hello. School! what the fuck.I'm so tired but I'm still blogging lol.School was effin boring -.- D&T cannot be any slower and boring.Yawned and yawned the whole day.Like seriously fucking dead la.lol.And I refuse to give any money nor care about that teacher.I have not done any thing bad to her nor disrespect her,so what bullshit is this ? come on,grow up old shit. Annoying fucktard.Whatever about her.Someone aint replying me... Very sad indeed lol.I cant seem to remember what I did in school today.I just remembered yawning and talking and laughing.hmm.Oh,in the morning,myMP3 just had to run out of batt in the bus and when I took it off,there's this group of indian girls who was talking abt some people and they were laughing and talking with that annoying high pitch voice.Seriously,I almost screamed at them,They just cant keep their filthy ass mouth close,ugh. And I aint racist,kay.lol.Or am I.... Okay what the hell retarded.Okay so,after school.C.G.C.G.C.G ! HAHAHAHAHA.Oh well.I sound stalkerish for some reason.gosh.Okay so I have no idea what to type now.I'm bored.I have camp on wed-fri.I have geog test tmrw ): fuck it.You guys should watch shane dawson vid.All of them are fucking epic lol.Okay so I'm dead tired.I wanna sleep.lol. BYEBYE,losers : P Saturday, August 15, 2009, 4:24 AM
yo .
Hello . Yesterday was not a really bad day.Not as bad as thursday :/ Principal talked and talked and ate up our geography period.We were supposed to do the geog test which I didnt study at all haha.So,lucky enough lol.Then history.Test again.Didnt study again.Good thing I remembered the answer (: lol okay what the hell.Then recess blablabla. Math test.Yeah another test yipeee.I cant do it at all like seriously.When I saw the first question,thought to myself 'die la'.gosh.Then it was MT.We were like losers with no class walking around the whole school trying to find a classroom lol.Since 2/6 went to camp and all.We went to one of the benches,and well supposed to do compo ,but we chatted abt the trios.That's what the two of them call 'them' HAHA.Then It was chapel.Shit ass movie. Waited fr shakinah .Principal remembered huda and I.Half of it was that she remembered us from band and half of it was the time she scolded me cz of my hair.lol.Then shakinah and melody came down.Sat fr ahwhile.Played weird games using the lemon tea bottle.LOL.We created a game using the bottles LOL.Very,very retarded.LOL. So,when I woke up this morning.Mom was forcing my brother and I to buy breakfast lol.It was raining and we had a mini adventure trying to buy the stuff and avoiding the rain.Very retarded,again.hahaha.I dont know why.I slept through the day.Was so tired.HAH.I'm bored. BYEBYE. Thursday, August 13, 2009, 5:36 AM
Fuck this day.
Hello . I just had the worst day ever.Woke up.Almost fell.Fucking tired.Cant find my PE shorts.PE first period.Punished by PE teacher.Left alone.Fuck,sat at the corner.Volleyballs kept hitting on my head.Got fucking dizzy and wanted to vomit.PE teacher almost confiscated my phone away.Almost cried in art class. C.G was'nt in school.After school.Principal scolded me.She said something that made me almost shouted at her.Oh well.[AE] said something that made me almost cry in band too.Oh well.That's life is'nt it ?I feel like slapping adam's face.gosh.Retarded freak. BYEBYE. Friday, August 7, 2009, 7:44 AM
Hello . So,vid above was actually performed 1 hour ago US time(: Gah he's so amazing (: National day celebration was ridiculous.Not gonna say how stupid it was cz it might hurt people's feeling.hahahaha.Badminton-ed.Gossip with felicia.Very fun indeed.LOL.Yeah felicia say only want to help.I wanna see you really do it or not.LOL.Gahh ADAM GOT HIS TWIITTER BACK (: <3333 (: BYEBYE. Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 6:40 AM
Hello .Blogger is stupid.Blogger is crazy.Blogger is retarded.Hmmm,today was rather plain.Simple actually.Why am I typing like this ?Oh maybe cz I feel like sleeping and that I had famous amos cookies which took its toll on my fingers instead.Does that even makes sense ?Darn.Okay so I laughed alot in class cz I didnt want to fall asleep.Laughed at the lamest,stupid-est,funniest jokes.I cant believe felicia made up a virus called P.A.V wont elaborate it here,hah you know why. Didnt see C.G.Sad.Sadded.Saddest.Maybe adjectives lessons in english class did pay off.My english is getting better by the second(: Shit I'm retarded.Soooooooo,I'm so presh,there's no homework today.Awesome much.hah.I wanted to photocopy the Rolling Stones mag but the person in the shop was like 'I cant print this' HAHAHAHA.Come on,its only Adam on the cover and it's not even a PORN mag.lol.Ugh.So wasted my time.Let my hopes down.All in a days adventure,we went to the 1$ shop and bought lemon tea.hahahahaha.Then,we went home !wooooo(fullstop) On the lappie and on SIMS 3.Wooooo ! hahaha.My house is sooo awesome lol.I should screencap it LOL.Okay so,I wanna sleep.I hope tmrw will be a better day.I hope I could see C.G tmrw.hah.Gahh okay .<33 ADAM LAMBERT.&No,I havent forgotten abt him YET.hahahaha. BYEBYE. Sunday, August 2, 2009, 6:39 AM
Hello .Something is very wrong with blogger.I think it hates me.Okay,what the heck.I'm bored.School tmrw,how AWESOME !Yikes.My fucking DnT project is still undone.I have piles of homework still happily smiling at me while I type this.hah.I cant seem to install sims 3 .Something wrong with the laptop or that I have no experience downloading games ? Gosh.I didnt know Jewish people get circumsised and fast.HAH.Imagine Adam getting circumsised.Gosh.Dont want to think abt tht.lol.Hmm.Went to compass point just now.Dont actually have a reason just wanted to buy sims 3.& We had to go all the way there.hah. My brother's room smells bad.ugh.Blogger is annoying.What is wrong with it ? Gosh fix it dumbfuckers.I found out my twitter was hacked.HAHA.So I changed the password.LOL.Why am I telling you people this ? Maybe cz I'm bored and I'm waiting fr my brother to come home and install fucking sims 3 in the laptop.I'm scared this laptop cant play the game.I'm scared the salesman cheated.OMG.I cant even get a refund.omg.I'm dead.My mom is gonna kill me.Probably my brother too.Why am I overeacting ?Coz I'm boreddddd.I think I need help.I think I need counselling.Goshhhh . I think I type too much.Way too much random stuff you people should NOT have known.Until now..... Okay I'm retarded.I'm lame.Hahaha.Haters would probably be saying 'HAHA SHE IS LAME AND RETARDED '' Gosh why am I typing bullcrap again ? Maybe because I havent taken my meds yet.Or probably because I havent had much sleep.hmmmI think I should go now.OMG its going 10pm ! okay... I'm just bored.See you people in Christ church secondary school tmrw.Or maybe I'll skip school like last week.Hmmm.OMG,teachers wants a parent letter.Shit OMG. BYEBYE. |