![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Saturday, October 31, 2009, 1:56 AM
![]() Yesterday,last day of school.WOOOOO ! LOL.So,went to school,blah.Got report book.Sec 3 nxt year WEEEE ! Can't wait LOL.Okay wth.Went to shak's house after school.Edited some parts of the superCASHtv vid :D Had band in the morning.No Mr Tan,how sad.lol.Had sectionals and drills -,- had lunch and went to causeway to find the cod fish snack thingy.In the end,we found it at BnS.lol.Ate the fish snack thingy.Went home.lol. Nothing much happened.Adam's first single premiered last night.LOL.The song so effin COOL la WOOOO.I <3 ADAM ! lol.The superCASHtv video is finally UP !Go watch ! Took alot of effort doin it Sooooooo WATCH ! lol.Okay wth. BYEBYE. Thursday, October 29, 2009, 3:55 AM
You and me could write a bad romance.
![]() Hello. I came to school again today.I came only coz we're suppose to get our report books back.But the awesome school decided to postpone the results to tomorrow.How awesome.So,I basically wasted today. I skipped CCM again today.hah.Nothing really bad happened.Just got send back to class.Recess.Then slept in class.Wowness.If I knew they wanted to change the date,I would'nt have came to school,like seriously. Fucktarded mess.Good thing tomorrow is the last fucking day of school :/ BYEBYE. Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 5:29 AM
Adam is HOT.
![]() Hello . I came to school today.hah.Weird ? Yeah.Came to school.Skipped CCM again.Then recess.Ate.Then went up to class.Ftc.Then played scrabble.It was amazingly fun.haha.Ms Rab played with the group too.lol.Then we played a game called ''what if'' with half the class. After school.Met up the group.Went to admiralty park.But there were too many people.So,we decided to go to some park in marsiling.The place is so awesome.Finally finished shooting for superCASHtv first vid.Now,all we have is editing.LOL. Went to MacDs after shooting.Then headed home haha.So fucking tired now.Time to edit the videooooo lol.Tmrw gonna get report book.Omgoshh.Tmrw got CCM ? Whatthefuck.Adam went to the ''This Is It'' premier :D His hair is short now :/ lol Oh well.Expect the vid by this weeeeek ! LOL. BYEBYE. Monday, October 26, 2009, 6:42 AM
Retard of the century.
![]() Hello. Today was a rather retarded day.I woke up early today.HAH.Went to school.Yes,I bothered too.Then assembly.Skipped CCC for the whole 2 hours.Met roseanne too.So hung out somewhere and then it was recess.Ate.Then had inline skating ?I got blisters cz of the fucking skates :/ should have brought my own skates.lol. After school,can't go the the class outing cz I just can't.To kill some time cz I didnt want to go home yet,shoot+plan fr superCASHtv at admiralty park ?Went to the jungle and saw monkeys lol.There were literally monkeys at the park there.haha.Then went home ? Feet was aching like a mother fucker.Had a headache afterwards,dumbfuck. Oh well.I'm skipping school tmrw.Don't ask me why.School is a bore now.I would rather rot at home then rot in school.There's absolutely nothing to do there.I have better things to do.hah.I have a life.Not like THOSE people.hahahahahaha.Okay i'm just being retarded. BYEBYE. Saturday, October 24, 2009, 7:17 AM
Handsome woman.
![]() Hello . I have nothing to talk about.I Skipped school yesterday.YAY.I hate my family.NomNom.I want to change my blogskin.I can't find a nice one.Help me.I'm broke.I'm addicted to Cobra Starship.Hah.Adam Lambert.lol.Random.I seriously have nothing to blog about.But I feel like typing something.Hmmm. This is a very fucked up boring post.OH,Sam has a new video.And it's effed up hilarious.I haven't touch my instrument for 2 months.lol.I am bored.I didnt go out today.I'm thinking of something to type but I have nothing.Maybe I should hunt a blogskin now.I'm coming back later.haha. I am bored to the.extreme I have a crush on you muahaha.I'm.bored.nyahaha.What The Hell Is Wrong.With Me I'm Gonna Add Colours To this post to make it look nice looking haha. BYEbye. Thursday, October 22, 2009, 4:47 AM
i wanna live a life with a new perpective.
![]() Hello . I intended not to go to school today.But I did.Sad.Didnt get much sleep last night.Thinking how my exam overall results are going to end up.Yeah,geek?heh.I went to school with shakinah.Sat through miserably in Chinese conversational class.Recess. Went to class.Bored.played retarded games with the clique.There was no teacher throughout the whole art lesson.heh.Had MT lesson after that.Talked about ghost and shit with the class.Mr Muhammad wanted us to talk about it.LOL.Found out some shitty ass things in class.lol. Stayed back after school.Wanted to plan fr superCASHtv but someone somewhere just had to ruin everything.If that someone somewhere didnt interupt,I would have not saw CG.If someone somewhere would have not came,we would have awesome ideas for supercash.Unfortunately.Life's like that and I'm feeling like a retard thinking about it. byebye. Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 8:22 PM
A video now.
HELLO. I am not entirely upset about my EOY results.Mainly because I flunked only math.And for me it's a good thing because I refuse to care about math.Had to choose next year's class.Darn it.I'm stuck between F&N n Art :/ Went to admiralty park yesterday to shoot the superCASHtv video.Didnt get much coz there were loads of people and they were all very nosy indeed.Got the intro and some other footage.hah.Editing the intro now.I need a better video editing software :/ Grrrr . So,nothing much.Adam's music video is awkwardly cool in a way.Just Saying.Hah believe it or not,his new album is called ''For Your Entertainment'' how very extremely retarded is that ? hah.Oh,someone somewhere gave a speech saying that someone somewhere reads student's blog.Oh,really someone someowhere ?Do I sound or look like I care that you,someone somewhere reads my blog ? Whatever mofo -.- BYEBYE ! Sunday, October 18, 2009, 3:46 AM
Tonight i'm different.
![]() Hello . Today,I feel like posting in this colour.I have no idea what colour this is but I'm certain it's orange ? Hah,no ? Whatever.I don't exactly know what to do now cz nobody seemed to be online and I'm bored :/ I'm not feeling this colour.Hmm This is one of those post that I make cz I'm extremely bored and I just want to waste my bloody time.Yesterday,I went to my aunt's house cz she invited us to ? lol.And it was freaking boring.Took retarded pictures with my brother and my cousin.The only thing ''exciting'' that happened was that there was a motorcyle which lost it's balance and skidded right infront of me lol.Bloodbloodblood.The guy was'nt injured badly though. This colour reminds me of poster paint.Hah,don't ask why.Gonna be shooting the vid fr SuperCASH tmrw.Hah,guess I'll have to charge my video camera tonight.Why am I even telling you this ? lol.I'm so hungry right now.And I wasted my Sunday sleeping frm last night till 3pm.Great. BYEBYE. Friday, October 16, 2009, 4:38 AM
Heavy feeling in the heart ):
![]() For some reason,I have this heavy feeling in my heart.Well,I have reasons,just it's really retarded.Gah.I wanna cry. lol.School.Yipee results.Flunked math badly.No words could describe how bad it was.lol.I passed english and literature.hah.School was fast.Had chapel . Watched fame just now.Was okay.Was expecting something much better.I'm so sad.I'm so freaking sad.And no it's not about my math paper,I'm beyond that know.Jkim is angry at me ? Why just cz Sam tweeted that ? ugh . Come on.I feel so in the middle. I feel like someone stabbed me in the heart like a sadistic retard.And that person is the guy in the picture up there . I decided to read my past post and i found this phrase : I'm on the verge of an emotional breakdown I know how i feel that time.Which is the same exact feeling i'm having right now ): Stupid guy :/ BYEBYE. Thursday, October 15, 2009, 2:57 AM
what i do for sam pelissero (:
THIS IS SAM :![]() I'M JUST SPEECHLESS NOW CZ SAM,SAM PELISSERO MY YOUTUBE CRUSH JUST 1)Commented on my facebook status about him 2)said he loved my grafiti thingy i did fr him 3)he tweeted about me n my drawing thingy 4)he likes headbands just like me ! looooooook ! http://twitpic.com/llhld SamKPel http://twitpic.com/llhld - LOOK HOW AWESOME MY FANS ARE. @AmeliaNorman did this Sam Pel I HAVE SUCH COOL FANS!!! LOVE THE HEADBAND ♥ http://twitpic.com/llhldSam Koalani Pelissero OMFG I LOVE IT!!! THE head band made me smile :D ♥ ♥ ♥ Sam Koalani Pelissero I ♥ Headbands so it was perfect. You're too awesome I WANT TO MEET HIM AND HUG HIM !!! BYEBYE WHILE I GLEE LIKE CRAZY (: Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 11:55 PM
Heya i'm miley cyrus!
![]() Firstly,Examsss are ovveerrr ! Wooo no more studying.No more books.Okay well,until the next year of couse.hah.But whatever.I can burn all my txtbooks now.woooo . The only thing that worries me is my results :/ but everything is determined alrd.So,no turning back now.hah. So,yesterday had math paper 2 .Was managable.What the heck,I cant even do the first question.lol.But I managed to complete it.hah.Then took some pictures after school.Waited fr huda and christian.Then we slacked at the canteen fr ahwhile.Then we went to my house to grab my camera and library books. Then,went to causeway to buy redbull.lol.Then returned the library books then went around to find a headband fr christian fr superCASH lol.Then met up jonathan and shakinah outside boots n shoes.Then some others came along.Made our way to shakinah's house.Partyyy.lol.Nah watched some sadistic horror movies then more people keep coming in.lol then went home around 9pm. Adam said he gonna peform his debut single at the american music awards wooooo.Cant wait ! GAHHH lol. 2012 soundtrack released on 18 october.Wooooo ! Cant wait fr the whole song ! lol. Okay whatever so random suddenly talk abt Adam lol. BYEBYE. Monday, October 12, 2009, 3:33 AM
I'm gonna put you first.
![]() H-e-l-l-o . I have been studying lately.How awesome is that ? I know right ? So,that's the reason why I haven't been on lately :P exams . I can't keep track of what i've been doing lately.Amnesia ? hah.Lame. Saturday.My plans was to , study follow mom to go visit her friend's house then go to my cousin's house.In the end,I studied,computer till I lost track of time and didnt go to anybody's houses at all :P lol.Then went to 7-11 with my brother.Brought the vid camera.Crapped along the way,HAHA. Sunday.Yes,I did study from 10 am till 4 pm LOL.Cool right.Then I took a nap.Then went out to cut my hair with my mom .Afterwhich,returned home.Studied again.What a nerd I am.I just wished it would pay off.lol. Today,had history paper in the morning.Then science paper next.History paper was manageble only that,I forgot what's the name of the first president.So nice right.Just wasted 1 mark -.- but whatever.Science was okay.Was'nt very hard.I practically skipped the physics questions.lol. Tommorow.Last paper.Math paper 2.Hohohoho.lol.Going to shakinah's house partyyy LOL.Okay I'm off to study maybe ? lol.Oh who am I kidding ? lol.bye.I <3 Adam (: BYEBYE. Friday, October 9, 2009, 12:14 AM
I got purpose once again .
![]() I'm just kidding in my previous post.See Adam Lambert again (: lol. Facial hair gone lol. Wednesday,was sick the whole day.I intended to go home but I didnt.I suffered through school with fever,blocked nose and coughing fits.lol.After school took my camera and went to kiddy palace with huda and shakinah to buy for Shafiq his birthday present.Took some footage.Cant take much cz the staff there kept looking at us lol.Than there's this kid who apparently tried to steal something there.lol. Thursday.Had Math and literature paper.Both papers were managable.Just afraid of the end results.I know I'm gonna flunk my math paper.So,no point caring about it anyway.After school.Went to kfc.Lunch.Went to library for nothing.Read nonsentical books.Then went back home.Studied for geography test. Today.Had geography exam.Thought that the paper was gonna be effed up hard,but was manageble.At least.hah.Had to stay back fr DnT make-up lesson after school.Finally finished up my pathetic project.Now I'm left with my drawing lol.Then went home.lol. Get well soon,@AmeliaNorman,@TheDavidCook ,@ShaneDawson.What am I doing ? This aint twitter.lol.Oh and,miley cyrus decided to delete her twitter acc.Like finally.lol.I found something really ironic and weird abt JustJared.lol,I knowyou guys dont understand me. ByeBye. Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 2:46 AM
Who's Adam Lambert again ?
![]() Oh,who's that awesomely hot gentleman up there Amelia ? That's just Chace Crawford.You might be wondering,where is Adam Lambert then ? Firstly,I couldnt find any new pictures of him.And lately,I've been hating on him.I dont exactly know why.So,there you go.No Adam today,happy ? I havent had the time to update cz i've been fighting over the computer with my family.I've been busy with life too.So last saturday.Families came over to my house fr raya.I was'nt enthusiastic about it.I was trapped at home the whole day.My baby cousin looks like Danny Noriega.hah. Sunday.I went out to buy my contact lens.Then I met up with Huda and we went ''skating'' .Then we went home.Nothing much happened after that.Harley's mom called me to come over their house to pay a tribute to Harley and Anna. Monday.School was normal.Of course I remembered it's been a year that day that my bestfriends died.But whatever.I laughed alot in school.Thanks to my fellow retarded classmates.I had lunch with huda and went home.Wanted to go to their house but I doubt my mom would let.So,whatever. Today.School was okay.Nothing much.Lessons was dead boring but I manage to keep my eyes open.Had history remedial after school.Daisy and I kept throwing papers at felicia.lol.Then went to czway with huda and bought ice-cream.lol.Headed home afterwards. RIP Harley & Anna. Friday, October 2, 2009, 8:04 AM
Sonny not Sunny (:
![]() School!Exams!Screwups!Shitloadofrubbish! Haven't had the time to post cz I was WAY too busy preparing for my EOY lol.Yeah,right.Sosososo.There was exams on thursday.English paper .Was okay.Was'nt very hard,but was'nt very easy.My composition sucked like shit.I know I should'nt have chosen that topic.Regret ): But,whatever. After school.Moustache teacher confiscated our headbands AFTER SCHOOL.And he pretended to take a video of me -.- how lame.I got the headbands eventually.I wore three of it lol.Colour headbands.lol.Then I forgot what happened.Went home ? Slept. Aunts and cousins came at 9pm. Friday.Today,had MT paper.I seriously screwed up my composition too.lol.I wrote something out of the box.I hope the teacher really understands my story,coz if he/she does'nt than,I'm done for.lol.Second paper was rather normal.I expected something harder.But I ain't complaining that it's easy.lol. We stayed back fr ahwhile and then went to czway point ? Library and went home.Gah.I went out to Bukit Timah at around 8pm just now.Dinner and came back home around 10pm ? Waste time only.My neighbour just bought a sony bravia.HAH.So weird. Families coming to my house tommorow.I am so NOT looking forward for that,seriously.Those aunts will be so fucking passive-aggresive at me and since I hafta ''respect'' them,I can't fire back at them.How annoying.Okay,i'm done for today.Probably studying ?HAH.Me+studying=disaster. Okay whatever. BYEBYE. |