![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Sunday, November 29, 2009, 3:11 AM
Adam the unicorn.
![]() Hello . Wow,i'm having a massive headache now.yikes.But,whatever.Yesterday,went to outram with mom to collect some stuff(?) then headed to orchard.Shopped for shoes and accesories.lol,went to some hairsalon and made extentions.Two red ones.I think I'm gonna add blue later on. Afterwhich,went to popular and bought a book.Then home.I had three nonsentical dreams lol.Dreams that totall didnt make sense.lol.But,unfortunately I forgotten the story of the dream.I dont get it,you can rmbr how retarded it was,but when you try to remember the dream,you realised you forgotten how it started.lol Well,nothing else to say.I still have no idea which class i'm in.Will someone tell me ? lol.Supercash-ing(shooting+planning) nxt week.Hope it turns out okay.I need to get out of the house often.yay,one more month of holidays,then school D: yikes.Oh well. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Friday, November 27, 2009, 8:18 AM
![]() I'm bored.So,yeah.I can't find anymore pictures.So that's all and I did nothing for this Hari Raya Haji.All I did was sleep,read book,vomit,watch tv and use the comp.Yeah,not an Ideal Hari raya haji day heh ? So,blah.Tmrw going to outram park with mom,No idea why though.lol.So happy thanksgiving everyone :D Eww,someone told me that i'm in 3/8 ): for real.I think i'm gonna cry if it's real.The class sounds like a NT class.psssh whatever. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck You. BYEBYE. Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 11:41 PM
whataya want from me.
![]() Hello . Bored.Nth much.My comp is being such an ass.Something wrong with the connection thingy.pssh.haha,I actually have nothing to say.bleah.Adam so hot.He have a new music video :D Fucking awesome ! lol.Lately,all my post are all about him :P Why ? Coz I dont have a life :/ Trying to find a nicer blogskin but all are seriously ugly ones.gah.So now what.Hmm.Well I'll just post Adam's performance videos like as if you'd watch. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Monday, November 23, 2009, 11:38 PM
![]() Hello . The pic up there, Adam performed at the AMAS & apparently Adam tripped,fell and rolled on stage,lol.N more super retarded(wrong) stuff that he did ONSTAGE,LIVE.Wow.lol.Can't post the performance vid here cz all of them got deleted -.- Oh well. Anyways,while Adam Lambert was busy singing,I went out with shak,jon.Met them at 8.Ate then trained to city hall.Went to HMV.Asked the person when's Adam's album coming,then the person said late afternoon.DARN.lol.So we walked around.Took retarded pictures.Went to esplanade.Walked around.Went to suntec city.Got lost.lol.Then met Huda at the mrt station then we trained to somerset.lol.Went to heeren's HMV.Asked the person again,then he said SOON. We intended to get shak's sister a bag for her birthday but didnt at the end.We ended up walking around the HMV instead.Then watched gaga's and Adam's AMAS performance via shak's laptop.lol.Didnt get to watch the whole thing though.So we waited fr a couple of hours.lol.Then finally Adam's and Gaga's album arrived.lol,we were the first to buy his album there :P lol. Then trained to yishun to get shak's sister's birthday present.Afterwhich,bus-ed home.Watched Adam's performance again.hahahaha.Whattheheck man.He's such a retarded guy(in a good way)So many controversial fr his performance.1,500 ppl complained to the channel that played the AMAS.hahaha.Wow,this post is long.lol.Oh well. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Saturday, November 21, 2009, 10:41 PM
pandamonium on the floor.
![]() Hello . Whoo ! Can't wait for tmrw ! 23 November ! Adam Lambert and Lady GaGa's album coming out tomorrow :D Gonna head to HMV probably with Nate,huda and shak.YAY ! lol.Nothing much to say.I'm bored.Gahhh.Needa get that cat out of my house ! But whatever,can't do anything anymore :/ Oh well.Let's just flood with more Adam's pictures :D I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. (GAHH ! Pictures not in HQ D:) 1:46 AM
Afraid of CATS ?!
![]() ![]() Hello . I do NOT want the cat in the house.I CANNOT stand it anymore.Like seriously.Not only do I have a retarded fear of cats,it's cz I have a life and this kitten needs attention.&My freaktarded brother refuses to give the cat away.Whyohwhyohwhy do I have to suffer along this hellacious drag ?And I am serious.I literally feel like throwing the cat out of the window.Gosh. Not a very awesome week.Was suppose to go out today.But,since it's not an awesome week,plans was cancel.Yipee!Sorry to grumble again but,whenever the cats wants to go out of my brother's room,as retardedly scared of cats,I would run off to my room and lock myself for hours in it.wow,I really sound ultra pathetic.But,seriously.I can't stand this anymore.I need therapy.For real.And my oh so amazing family thinks i'm silly and hysterical.How perfect.My whole holiday's gone. On a brighter note,Adam's album is coming out this Monday.I refuse to stay at home.Not with that cat around.I'm gonna runaway.(yay fr nonsentical excuse)So whatever.Wow,grumbling really made this post longer.PSSSSH.I'm so mad right now. BYEBYE. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. (ps,I know i exeggerated in this post,juz saying) Thursday, November 19, 2009, 12:24 AM
Music Again.
![]() YAY ! Album scans :D Can't wait till 23rd(monday) to buy Adam's album.lol.The rain is crazy today.(Don't mind me,I'm just making small talk) Oh well.Nothing else to say.My cat's name is ''MuiMui'' now since we found out it's a girl :P LOL.My fingernails are getting way too long.Should cut it now.lolz. Androgyny Beauty.(refering to pics above)Yeah.Wondering what's 'Androgyny'' ? Go find it out yourself.Yeah.okay.I really want to change my phone :/ (Phone or iPod?) Hmmmm.I hate my house computer.It lagged for 45 minutes.Awesomeeeee :D bleah.lol. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Monday, November 16, 2009, 11:54 PM
I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you.
Byebye. 5:19 AM
![]() Hello. Nothing much to say.Lady GaGa's latest album songs are freaking awesome.Glee-ing now.hahaha.Adam's on tv again on 4pm everyday.LOL.I have nothing to say.bleh.lol.Have you heard of omegle.com ? It's such a retarded site.So fun to disturb people.Go try it.lol.Aron is going bck to Canada ! AARRRGGH D: I'm sorry that my blog is rather pathetic nowadays.lol.Nothing exciting happened in my life.Soooo yeah. ![]() lol.I am bored.So yeah.A retarded picture of Adam.Oh well. I dont care of what you think :P blablablabla. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Saturday, November 14, 2009, 4:44 AM
master plan.
![]() Hello freaks. I am soooo tired right now.But imma post.For the fun of it.Band in the morning.blabla.Today is such an effin cold day.heh.After band,KFC-ed at admiralty.We we talking about Adam then ''For Your Entertainment'' played on the radio.haha.bleh.After lunch,shoot fr supercash.blabla.Super nonsentical la.lol. Went home.Nobody home,as always.Found out there's a bonus track and another single from Adam? I'm not entirely sure if one of which is a single but i'm hoping it is.lol.Well,it's ''Master Plan'' & ''Whataya want from me(?)'' lol.I have it on my blogsong playlist.It's freaking awesome.So,yeah.Tired.heh. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Friday, November 13, 2009, 12:04 AM
I just wanted to hold.
![]() Hello retards. I got into Food N Nutrition for next year's course.Don't excactly know which class cz the retarded school still has'nt updated the website.Stupid fuckers.But,oh well.I got in to my choice.Only that not much of my classmates are in F&N many prefer POA.haha. But,whatever.What's done is done.So,I'll see more new classmates next yr.And I have nothing else to say now.haha.It's Friday the 13th today.Be scared :P Tmrw will be a long day cz there's band tmrw.And shooting fr Cash.N I'm probably going out :D Wow,I just predicted the future.lol.Oh well. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. ![]() BYEBYE. Thursday, November 12, 2009, 2:54 AM
bad romance ?
![]() Hello. Today was a rather ''exciting'' day.Well,I meet up ASH,kailee and syahirah at causewaypoint.We watched 2012 :D It was an awesome movie.It's scary in a non-horror kind.lol.It's good,should go watch it :P Some parts of it was so sad and frustrating.Well,that's the good thing.Hahaha.The movie was about 3+ hours ? Then Adam's time for miracles was playing at the credits.We waited till the song was over than we went out.haha.Retards. After movie,we went to eat at Macs.Then we saw a freaking creepy dude who kept buying milk and smiling to himself ? Obsessed over milk and glee-ing over his packet of milk.Wowness.Then we went to the Library.lol.And borrowed books.heh.Pathetic.lol.Wow,this is a rather long post.haha.Thanks to shak who treated fr the movie :D lol.I'm liking the picture of Adam up there :) lol.Okay whatever. You should totally watch 2012.It's super awesome pawsome.Especially at the ending :P you know what I mean.lol.So,getting our class results tmrw.Whooo I'm super scared.gosh.Wonder where I'll end up next year :/ & Lady GaGa's bad romance music video is so cooooool.Esp the Alexander Mcqueen's heels ?haha. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 5:55 AM
starlight ?
![]() Hello . Sooooo.LOL @ the Pic above.Okay whatever.Went to Sam's blogtv thingy in the morning.lol.He was like ''Amelia is MA HOMIE YO !'' lol.retarded.Yes.So,I have nothing else to say.Hmmm.I changed the blogsong codes then my whole blog code got messed up -.- so I had to redo everything again.lol. So nothing else to say.Bleh.I'm bored.Gonna watch 2012 .Gonna buy Adam's album.I need money ): Oh well.Dead broke. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Sunday, November 8, 2009, 11:10 PM
![]() Hello. I am bored.So bored that I posted a retarded picture of Adam when he was (younger?) heh.Stupid.So,channel 5 playing American Idol today.4pm.Adam will be on TV :D lol.I slept at 5am last night.Watched Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle with brother last night.I dont think I got the tittle of the movie right.lol. I have nothing else to say.Blah.Are we getting to know our sec3 class tmrw ? As in to check in the CHR website to find out ? I'm dying to know which class I'm going.Yeah,like as if I know which classes are which courses :/ LOL.Okay I'm blabbing nonsense.Eww,there's a huge lizard in my brother's room.FAIL. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Saturday, November 7, 2009, 6:27 AM
![]() Hello . Yeah,I know my previous post is retarded.Deal with it :P Huda and I didnt sleep the whole night last night.We stayed up online and chatting random stuff.lol.Till around 3.30am.Then I slept fr ahwhile and went for band.lol.Band was okay.Mr Tan came :D Then I showed Mr Tan Adam's picture in my phone.I was surprise he actually knew who Adam was.lol.I was expecting a ''Who is this guy ?'' But he was like ''Is'nt this guy from American Idol ?'' LOL.And I ended up high-5-ing Mr Tan,my band conductor.Yes,that's what happens when you only have 1hr+ sleep for the whole day xD Then had lunch at MacDs with the rest.Went home afterwards.Then I slept from 4 till 7.LOL.I think I won't sleep again tonight.haha.Well.I am bored right now.Sorry for the retarded picture of Adam up there.I'm too lazy to hunt more pictures.lol.heh.I knw you hate him :/ I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you.My BAMF ! BYEBYE. (I changed the picture fr this post :P) Friday, November 6, 2009, 1:13 AM
9th month ? Holyfuck.
![]() Hello. I am bored.So this post is gonna be really short. As ridiculous as it sounds,today is my 9th month anniversary.LOL. You guys are probably gonna react like this: You:AMELIA!? What anniversary ?! ME:MUAHAHA.Don't hate me.It's stupid. You:I dont care how retarded,tell me! ME:It's my 9th month anniversary of obsessing over Adam Lambert! You:What the FUCK ? So,there you go.A retarded.Quick post :D I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 11:29 PM
How much I can come and go.
![]() Hello . I actually have nothing to say.But I'll just post for the sake of keeping this pathetic blog alive.I've been getting loads of ''social interview'' responses from friends.And every questions they answer NEED and MUST include Adam in the answer :P lol.I'm honored.lol. Did I post yesterday ? I doubt I did :/ so,ystd,met up ASH and we had lunch/plan fr supercash's next video :B lol.The next vid is really retarded(in a good way) lol.So,stay tuned.I seriously have nothing else to say.There's a dead lizard outside my brother's room.Freaking disgusting.Ugh.I bet if Daisy Wong See Cheng knew,she would come to my house and take pictures of it :P Oh well.I didnt attend Math Remedial again.LOL.I seriously have NO plans for holidays.I need to plan soon.Maybe I'll get busy next week,when Shak's back in SG so we could really focus on SuperCash (: lol.I changed my blogsongs.hahaha.And,oh I've like finally relinked everyone ! If I left you,sorry.Go tag me so I'll relink you :D I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 12:25 AM
Hi.I'm adam lambert.
![]() Hello . I'm bored.I'm watching American Idol now.Hahaha.Yes,I'm watching it again.I can't wait till Adam's turn to audition :P Yesterday,went out and met up with ASH and planned fr superCASHtv's next video.It's gonna be really retarded.Afterwhich,went home.lol. I'm suppose to go to math remedial today.But,I was too lazy to go.I overslept .lol.I didnt do anything today except rotting at home.I wanna go out.heh.I just downloaded time for miracles music video in iTunes and the file is like 256 MB.How very awesome ! lol.Waste only.lol. LOL.I'm so effin bored,I went to photobucket and searched fr Gerard Way and I remembered I used to be freaking obsessed with him xD lol haiz,my primary school days.Bet my primary school friends got annoyed everytime I talked about him :P I got nothing else to talk abt.So, BYEBYE. |