![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 3:06 AM
school in one week ? Oh shit.
![]() Hello . I just realised,school is in a week.Wow,yet eww.That fast.Two months of holiday and then a week of school.Shit.Well,I'm not ready yet.lol.I tried to find a download link for Adam's music video,sadly I cant seem to find any.So freaking frustrated.Curse you,google ! :P Adam watched avatar n I havent.Okay enough about him,Hmm.I still havent buy a school bag yet,I doubt I can.Figuring school is in a week.Gosh.Guess I'll have to stick with my horendously ugly purple coloured book bag then :/ I neglected my phone fr like 2 weeks,every text,every call I ignored.lol.I didnt even charge it :B I still have nothing to say.My blog is beyond dead.Hopefully 2010 will be an awesome year.I just hope it will.2009 has been shit,the only thing good happened is that Adam was on tv.I've been watching ''The Beautiful Life'' on youtube.You should go watch it,its awesome.lolz.I'm still frustrated that I cant download the mv :/ gosh,oh well. BYEBYE. Monday, December 28, 2009, 10:20 AM
hai i'm bored.
Havent been updating,but who gives a fuck,right ? So,nothing much happened.My mom got me an iPod Touch for Christmas.Did I blog about tht ? I dont remember.Hmm,oh well.I went to some buffet restaurant the next day.Shopped around the new mall at somerset afterwhich.I got an iPod screen protector(pathetic) brother got a bag,other brother got a shirt,dad bought an expensive unbrella.HAHAHA. Αδάμ Lambert είναι ζεστό. BYEBYE. Thursday, December 24, 2009, 8:28 AM
just retarded.
![]() ![]() Hello . Yes,the boy with the blue shirt is Adam.lol.Dont judge him lol.Well,went to buy school books with huda and shak in school in the morning.Afterwhich,went for lunch at Macs.Then headed home.Changed,met mom at Causeway point.Intended to go outram,but we went to bugis with my brother. Bought my iPod Touch as a christmas present from my mom just nw :D Can't get iPhone cz my line is still existing.So,yeah.I like either.So awesome,Afterwhich,ate ice cream and went home,lol.Now,I'm downloading apps and I have 4 twitter apps.I'm awesome. Well,Merry Christmas everyone.Happy holidays.Have an awesome year ahead :D BYEBYE. Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 1:47 AM
I dont want to set the world on fire.
![]() Hello , Old pic of Adam.I know I posted this picture before.meh.Had band yesterday.Esha n Nate didnt come -.- After band,went to pizza hut with huda shak chrisB n matthew.Then went to shak's neighbourhood.It rained so huda N I stayed under the void deck telling retarded stories. After the rain stopped,we decided to walk around the place.Almost got lost :/ it was going 7pm.lol.Walked while sharing stories.Walked to causeway point,then went home.Did nothing much.Christmas is coming.yay.lolz.I'm just bored.I feel like posting the lyric to some old song.Dont mind me :P I don't want to set the world on fire I just want to start a flame in your heart In my heart I have but one desire And that one is you No other will do I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim I just want to be the one you love And with your admission that you feel the same I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of Believe me,I don't want to set the world on fire I just want to start a flame in your heart. BYEBYE. Sunday, December 20, 2009, 4:35 AM
![]() ![]() I have nothing to say actually.I woke up at 2pm today.I used the computer the whole day today.I'm getting a new phone by Xmas.I havent buy my school books yet.I have awesome friends.Happy Birthday David Cook.I forgot that I was a huge fan of him last year.Still a fan now.But not as much.Why am I telling you this ? (loser) Well, BYEBYE. Saturday, December 19, 2009, 9:54 AM
call it fuck.
heyhoheyho.I'm posting at 2am.awesomez.Ok well.Yesterday,went to felicia's Bday Party.Had a blast.Drank a lil bit of wine(sshh) and played around with nail polishes.lolz.Afterwhich,hung out with Felicia till 11+ n went home. Today,went to aunt's house cz cousin of my cousin's solemnizing thingy.meh.heh.Did nothing much.So boring.lol.Went home afterwhich.heh.Now what,hmm.I have nothing else to type.pssh.Okay well. BYEBYE. Thursday, December 17, 2009, 6:29 AM
Pwnd my husband.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hello . I'm just bored.Don't mind me and my stretch of Adam pictures above :D Had band in the morning.Met Huda and Jonathan at Macs at 7am.Had breakfast.Went to school.Mr Tan came.YAY ! lol.Then we had a break,laughed and talked like drunkards.lol.Then continued practice. After band,went to the library with Huda to return the books.(losers) Then had KFC for lunch.lol,retardedly,we went back to the library to borrow books(losers x2) Then went back home.lol,was super tired.Did'nt sleep at all last night.haha,crazy. Mom ordered Pizza just now.lol.All I wanted actually was'nt the pizza,just the Pepsi.(loser x3) .Gonna go to Felicia's birthday party tmrw.Whoo.Happy advance Bday felicia ! lol.Cousin solemnizing on Saturday,means I can't go to Huda's brother's wedding.meh. LOL.I'm bored.omg,will I get an iPhone ? Hope I will.Whoo.School in a week ? Shucks,that's fast.Time flies so fucking fast.pssh.Senior next year.WHOOOO.lol.meh.nomnom.I wanna change my blogsong.I'm sick of Adam's voice.(yah,right) .lolz. BYEBYE. Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 11:43 PM
imma pick u up.
![]() Hello . Did I post yesterday ? I doubt I did.lol.Had band yesterday.Mr Tan didnt come -.- So,basically,yesterday was a ''Should'nt have came for band coz I just wasted my time there'' day.Utterly boring.Did nothing much.After band,went to Macs to have lunch then,Huda & Sharkiez went to cut their hair while christian,Jonathan and I waited.lol. Afterwhich,hung at Sharkiez's house,watched American Idol and glee.lol.Then went back home.Followed mom to Sembawang(?) I didnt know there was a Daiso at the mall there :/ lol.Shopped for ahwhile then all the shops started closing.Mom had dinner.Went home afterwhich.OMG,parents considering of getting me an iPhone.but I won't get my hopes up,though ): (This picture is so retarded,but i'm posting anyways :P) BYEBYE . Sunday, December 13, 2009, 8:23 PM
Dont trip off the glitz.
![]() ![]() Hello . Lately,all I've been posting about is ADAM.I feel so irritated with myself suddenly.lolz.(what a loser) hah,retard.Okay I don't make sense.Well,now what,hmm.Did nothing.I watched zombiealand with brother yesterday.It was'nt all gory,for me.Idk why.Don't judge me.lolz.But the movie was good.lol. hah,I have nothing else to blog about.Lady GaGa's ''alejandro'' is playing in my head.meh.Whoo,there's band tomorrow like finally.hah.(still a loser).So I heard ''Singapore Idol'' advertisment(?) used Adam's song ? heh. I should stop the whole ''i love adam lambert.fuck you'' thing that I always put.I'm getting annoyed with myself.haha.(loser x3) I dont' know why there is'nt any spaces when I blog.Something is wrong with my keyboard.meh.So now,my blog looks unorganized and messy.pssh.I'm awesome,I slept at 1am today.And woke up at 4am.N now it's 12.40am.lol.(loser x4) BYEBYE. Saturday, December 12, 2009, 12:32 AM
![]() Hello . Whoo.Yesterday was awesome.Met up with Sharifah & Daisy then we went to the BBQ at Sembawang Park.Almost half the class was there,bbq-ing.lolz.Then we helped a lil,took some pictures and went to the playround to play with the swing.lolz. Then Daisy,Felicia,Michelle and I left to AMK hub to watch New Moon.Felicia and Michelle suddenly didnt want to watch so they went off.lolz.So,watched New Moon with Daisy.The movie was awesome.lolz.Like for real.haha. We intended to go back to the BBQ but it was already late,so yeah.Went home.lolz.Was suppose to go to Changi Airport today with sharkiez,huda and nate,but I can't.Meh.And I was freaking tired anyways.lolz. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 7:34 AM
Hai i am a freak.
![]() ![]() Hello . I have nothing to post about.Been sleeping at 8am in the morning and waking up at 5pm everyday.lolz.Insomniac kills.My computer is being a bitch,my phone is lagging like a retard,my watch broke.UGH.Greatness. Well,heh I'm kind of looking forward fr school nxt year.hah.lolz,the vid below.Adam is such a retarded person :P I actually have nothing else to say.heh.I wanna get a new phone.LG Chocolate ? lolz.(yeah,right) I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Friday, December 4, 2009, 12:29 PM
Can we make believe ?
It is 4.30am right now. & I'm blogging.yay.Nothing much.Watched Glee from 1am till now.I wanted to continue but my awesome computer suddenly lagged on me and I'm too lazy to wait fr the episode to load.meh. I'm trying not to type too loud.Fearing someone would wake up.lolz.So,I'm probably going fr the Class BBQ gathering.I'm not confirmed.But,most probably.heh.What else do I want to say.Oh,right.Nothing.So yeah.meh.bleah.geh.sheh.feh.deh. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Thursday, December 3, 2009, 12:43 AM
I am bored and I have the urge to post that picture.So,heh.I'm watching American Idol right now.I seriously miss watching Adam on TV when he was still a nobody.(actually somebody only not very famous unlike now) . Look at him now :D I'm hungry.meh. I love Adam Lambert.Fuck you. BYEBYE. Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 10:26 AM
hai.i love you.
![]() ![]() Hello . Havent been blogging lately cz i'm extremely bored and tired.I bet no one even reads this.LOL.Oh well.Don't mind me and my Adam-obsessed state right now.Soon,i'll be over.SOON.(or never at all :P) I'm sorry,it's 2.30am in the morning and I've yet to sleep. Soooo,did some shootin fr superCASH juz nw ! Was fun.lol.Laughed our asses off.HAHA.So,what did I do the past few days.Went to shak's house on Monday.Went to her house again after shooting juz nw for the fun of it :P lol.I have nothing to post about.Bleah. Adam was on Ellen Degeneres Show on 1st December :D lol.Don't laugh at me but I dont understand why,at 2am every morning,I would have the urge to make a hot cup of Milo for myself lol.In a month,today.School is gonna re-open and I'm soooo not looking forward,gah.Let's juz make full use of the holidays as much as I can :D I love Adam Lambert.Fuck You. BYEBYE. |