![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
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Sunday, February 28, 2010, 4:59 AM
mitchel ?
I didnt post for a couple of days.haha was too lazy :) Nothing much happened.I went to school on thursday.So many people asked what happened to me.meh.Had two hours of lessons,then firedrill.Funny as heck.lol.Had recess for an hour :D Then had FTC,then went home,i think I forgot.lol. Friday,the ncc people did some FSD thing.meh.Then had F&N test,was frikin hardddd.Then went to the computer lab to do some research thingy.Then MT.Boring like fuckk.Recess.Nothing much then History test.Hardddd ! But I managed :) Then I went home,I think I totally forgot.lol. Saturday,supposed to go for band,but my ear was frikin painful,so skipped.I got reasons.Did nothing at home.hahaha.Slept,eat medicine,ipod,sleep.Tv.Pretty much.Sunday too.Did nothing.I used my ipod the whole day.cool right ? Okay whattheheck.I still havent taken my english,physics and SS test.Grrrrr. Adam is hawt.Adam is coming to Singapore :) ![]() BYEBYE. Wednesday, February 24, 2010, 5:28 AM
glittery wallet
![]() Hello . Didnt go to school again today.Went to the hospital with mom.lol.So frikin shit,my situation was urgent and I had to have an appointment with some specialist today -.- So whatever,checked my retarded infected ear,got some medication thingy and went shopping LOL. I bought this glittery wallet which I fucking LOVE so much :D Then I had a venti white chocolate mocha frappe :))) hahaha.Took a loooong time to find the wallet.Went to some mall at novena.Then to 313 somerset then went to robinsons?Then marina square? lol.Bought my wallet at fourskin.I wanted to buy the crocodile skin design but then I saw the glittery one :DD hahaha. I got an MC from the clinic for ystd and today,and I got another MC from the hospital for today and tmrw.Should I go to school,or not ? haha.I feel like going cz I missed out like alooooot.I heard there's tons of test this whole week and unfortunately I didnt come for 3 frikin days.haha.So,if i feel better tmrw morn,I might go to school.If I don't,then oh well.LOL. ![]() BYEBYE. Monday, February 22, 2010, 7:23 PM
![]() Hello . lol,I wanted to go to school today,but then I found out my ear was bleeding.lol.So went to the polyclinic.So retarded.The doctor said I had to go to the hospital -.- He said something about eardrum membrane torn or something.I dont know.I supposedly have to go for some appointment tmrw,but my mom cant go tmrw so,meh.So frikin troublesome. I got two days MC.And I didnt go to so school ystd.So I basically missed 3 days of school just coz of ear infection.Fucking shit.Seriously.I wonder how many test and lessons I've missed.And how much will I have to catch up on lessons.So frikin retarded uhhh.Totally not the right time for this.Stupiddddd ): Hospital.Yikes. ![]() BYEBYE. Sunday, February 21, 2010, 10:47 PM
![]() Hello . Sunday was stupid.Met shak,nate,aika,hayati and Christian B at the interchange then we went to vista point.Bought bubble tea LOL.Then went to school cz we have chingay performance on that day.Practised for abit then it rained.lol.Went in the bus,then told our performance got cancelled -.- so pathetic.We practiced for so long,then everything went down the fucking drain.I dont understand why some of them were so happy,we wasted time people.Use your fucking brains.lol.Oh well.Then went home.Ear infection.fuckfuck. Didnt come to school today,ear infection.I'm like half deaf -.- I cant hear properly in my right ear.So fucking painful la ): Suppose to go polyclinic today,but dad didnt give any cash -.- so stupid right.So frikin pathetic.Oh well.lol.I lazed around using the laptop with my partly half deaf ear.Might go ot not go to school tmrw.Depends.I miss my table ): Hope when I come back to school,it's not vandalise,like seriously.lol.I have nothing else so yeahhhh. ![]() BYEBYE. Friday, February 19, 2010, 1:47 AM
hearing aids ?
![]() Hello . Did i post yesterday ? I doubt so.heh.Well,yesterday was okay.Lessons were boring,cant remember much.JD lost his goddamn phone ): Freaking sad.Had bagcheck during physics.Cant remember what else happened.Hmm,had band afterwards,decorated my table cz the juniors practiced in my class.LOL.My table is literally full of Adam pictures :P (I dont care what you think abt me (: )Then practiced,then home.So frikin tireddddd. Today,went to the comp lab for F&N.Did research.lol.Then MT,Fucking boring shit.Then recess.Whoo.History afterwhich,had to draw some retarded cartoon to show the treaty thingy.Then school ended.Frikin early WHOOO.But Aishah made huda nadhirah and I stay back cz she wanted to finish her art.lol.Gossiped about so many stupid things,lol.Went home around 3pm ? Yeah,school's retarded and boring.Meow. ![]() BYEBYE. Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 2:09 AM
i laike you.
![]() Hello . The holidays ended so freaking fast.Like zoop,okay bad example.haha.I did nothing for the past 4 days of holiday,sleep,wake up,tv,eat,sleep.hahah.Amazingly,I didnt feel like using the laptop for 4 days.Yeah!(whatt ?) Okay,so school.Went to school with shak.hahaha.School was okay today.Mrs Yeo made us stretch at the parade square,very hilarious I tell you.Then history,was okay,quite boring,heh well it is HISTORY class,no point regretting.pssh.Then SS.I didnt do much,i slept through :) Then MT,had to do letter writting test.I can't remember the frikin format so yeah,heh fail.I slept through again :)LOL. Then recess.Super retarded,then m-m-m-math ): Boring.Freakjeez,there's test tmrw which I dont understand a single fuckshit about :/ Greatness.Then english,got back our essay test.I got 20/30.meh.Tcher asked poovan and I to type our composition then email it to her for some retarded ass composition competition.Oh well.Then EFL,watched the BEP flashmob thingy.hahah so funny. Waited for shak and went to vista point with huda shak and melody to get bubble tea.We ended up buying REDBULL ICE BLENDED.Super sweet.Very nice,but I got a really bad stomach ache afterwhich,lol.Then went home afterwards.haha,Adam says hai :) ![]() BYEBYE. Sunday, February 14, 2010, 12:52 AM
sink like a stone.
![]() Hello. I didnt go to school on friday,haha.Baked cookies with huda for shak's bday present at my house.Was so much fun.So retarded,we blasted Adam's album on the speakers.hahaha.Then yesterday,went to shak's house to give her the cookie and the card that huda and I made for her,then went to shak's new house.hahaha. We went around the neighbourhood coz we're lifeless people :) lol then went to admiralty to supposedly buy something,but the shop was super packed,so we ended up having lunch at MacDs and talked about someone.LOL.We LOL-ed alooot yesterday.hehe. Then I printed more adam picture :) I need more to decorate my table.haha.Then walk around,took the bus and went home.LOL.We wanted to go somewhere else,but time contrained.so heh.Then around 8pm? Family and I went to Adam's Road for reunion dinner.LOL.The names of the stalls were so funny :P Had ice cream,then went home.lol. HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY SHARKIEEZZZ !! & Happy New Year and Happy Valentine's day :) Going to bras basah,swee lee on tuesday to get shak a new guitar,lol.Adam is adorable. ![]() BYEBYE. Thursday, February 11, 2010, 4:38 PM
valentines day
Hello . Past wednesday and thursday was so freaking random and hilarious.lol.Had to join 3/8 for lesson cz my class went for ite and all.They had PE in the morning,then there was a firedrill.So freaking retarded uh.Then MT.Did nothing.haha.Then recess.Then the had math,I did nothinglol.Then english.Slept.GRR,I want their english teacher,so much better than anya -.- retard.Then had Band rehearsal.lol.They gave us dinner,since the school had to close,we ate the food at the basketball court.By all,I meant everyone in band.LOL. Thursday,the other lessons were boring except for physics.The class was so retarded.Havoc uh.They kept disturbing Ms Uma.Hilarious like fuck uh.They kept playing this indian song and clapping,laughing and talking.So different compared to my own class.heh.Then they had POA.Everyone was super quite.So freaking weiiird.lol.Had band practice afterwhich.Skipped school today,(friday) :) ![]() BYEBYE. Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 3:04 AM
Do you know what you got into ?
![]() Hello . Had math in the morning.So freakking borrrring ): then PE.Had to run,then played badminton.lol.Then physics.Blabla nothing interesting.heh.Recess.Then Mother tongue,Boring again,haha.Did nothing really.Then Chemistry,went to the lab and did some retarded experiment.hahaha.Then english.meh.Amanda freaking funny uh.lol. Tmrw,class will be going to ITE.But I aint going.Got chingay rehearsal -.- so had to join 3/8 class LOL.Retarded siaaa.I wonder how school is gonna be uh tmrw.lol.Comfirm tiring,chingay rehearsal from 3pm till 8pm.Crazy shittt.Then still have band on thursday.pssh.I dont think I wanna go to school on friday uh.lol. YAY.SAM PELISSERO IS MY VALENTINE FOR VALENTINE'S DAY :) <3 ILOVESAM :D ![]() BYEBYE. Monday, February 8, 2010, 1:36 AM
I love gays.
Hello . Mondayy ! Was a really retarded hillarious day.haha.Went to school,everybody was asking me why am I married to Adam thru Facebook.Hillarious like fuck uh.Like obviously I made that acount myself and changed the status thingy hahaha.Then math.heh.Nothing much.English.More worst fucking boring.Then F&N.Recess. Then SS nothing much.Very boring.lol.Then assembly.LOL.Some retarded dance group performed.Funny like fuck uh.hahahaha.Then went to cold storage,(for the fun of it) with shak huda and matthew.lol.Looked thru some stupid CNY food.hahahaa.Afterwhich,went home.heh. ![]() BYEBYE. put a (R) on wherever if you support gays (: Saturday, February 6, 2010, 1:03 AM
Down the rabbit holeeee.
Yesterday,friday.Haha.I cant recall much.Went to the IT lab for F&N coursework thingy.Then MT.Recess.Whooo.Then Historyyy ! I wrote really nonsentical shit on felicia's notebook.HAHAHA.Then went to cold storage with huda to survey some stuff so we could buy it later.LOL.Then went to popular to survey some stuff again.Then went home.lol.It rained like fuck yesterday.lol. Today,saturday.Awesome day much ! Went for band.Had to play some chinese new year song which we all took only an hour or so to learn a three page song :D lol.Then went to buy burger.I paid $1 then the person gave me 4 frikin burgers.LOL.I gave three to aishah nate and nadhirah.Freakin weird then shak gave $5 then the person gave her $7 back.HAHA. Then suddenly vivienne told us we could eat the buffet cz there was some talk in school and there was'nt much people and they didnt want to waste the food.LOL.So we kept drinking the orange juice and gossip about some retarded stuff.LOL. Then shak,jon and I we went around causeway cz we were bored and bought coke and redbull haha.Random shittt.LOL.Currently downloading Adam's For Your Entertainment music video in iTunes WEEEE :D lol.Ohh,today's like my 1 year obsessing over Adam Lambert.How retarded am I? I actually remember and bother about the date :P Today was awesome.hahaha. ![]() BYEBYE. Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 11:10 PM
Steal me,
Did'nt go to school today.Massive throbbing headache.Fever,I guess.Too lazy to go to the clinic so I just stayed at home,watched ''Yes Man'' n ''Slumdog Millionare'' . Felt a lil better afterwhich.LOL.I dont have MC.I'll just pray tcher wont ask for one :P YAY!There's American Idol today :D The ai promo used Adam's Time for miracles.HAHA.Awesome or what.lol.Can't wait till hollywood week.Ellen is gonna be on :D lol.I wonder if there's any who looks like adam :P Retarddd. Awesome or what ? Tmrw school ending at 12.45pm :D Like finally a day to go home earlyyy.Whooooo.Not looking forward for it entirely.There's math n English lesson tmrw ): ugh fucking boring.Oh Im rooting for Ben Honeycutt.He auditioned fr ai and he got in.Hopefully they show him on tv.He's awesome :) (Adam is still the best american Idol ever :P) ![]() BYEBYE. 2:27 AM
Heat of the flame,
![]() Hello. Just watched Adam on Entertainment Tonight.He so cutely retarded.I think they'll show an encore of it.I think.Hmm.Wth.School.Boring like fuck as always.But something retardedly funny happened to me today.Had Math first period.Always boring.Then PE.haha.I told the tcher i was sick so he told me to go to the sickbay and take my temp -.- Then I had to stay at the ''sick zone'' for half an hour.Good way to skip class :P Then physics.Recess.Mother tongue was ugh dreadfully boring.I failed my test D: lol.Then Chemistry.Nothing much.Then english.Boringgggg ): lol.Huda had to finish her chem work by today.So we had to find Ms Tay to pass it up.Walked around school just to find her -.- haha.Went home afterwhich.Too tired and lazy anyway. .OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT TO WISH MICHELLE CHUA HAPPY BELATED BDAY :D Oh and guess what? February 6th will be my 1 year anniversary obsessing over Adam Lambert.Cool or what?(no) Been supporting him all the way from his American Idol auditions,to American Idol journey to post-idol .To Idol tour.To album release.To now.Weeee.(Retarded?Very) ![]() BYEBYE. Monday, February 1, 2010, 2:21 AM
hawt = drunk.
![]() Hello . Ahh ! Adam at the Grammys ! lol.School today,ugh.But nothing much happened.Talked for abit with felicia and huda in the morning.Then had math quiz.zzz.Then english,eww.F&N,Teacher didnt come so talked about korean stuff with Sharifah,YES,ME AND KOREAN,WHAA? heh,recess.The noodle taste like plastic flavoured kway teow -.- waste my bloody money.After recess,ftc.Then SS.Did some mindmap thingy.Then APC,did nothing.Absolutely nothing.Like literally NOTHING.heh.Then met huda,went to canteen saw DAISY WONG SEE CHENG :D OMFG I MISS YOU DAIZEHH ! Hahahaha.ILY LA DAISY.lol.Then went home.Suppose to go for band sectionals.Lazy uh.sshh. I have english homework which i'm too lazy to do.ugh.I hate english class now.I love androgynous people.Go search that up if you dont know.heh.Crazy.Eww,there's PE tmrw.ugh.running.Stupid laaaaaaa ): Okay whatever. |