![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Saturday, March 27, 2010, 7:07 AM
nostalgia chills me to the bones.
Yay for fracturing my left toe ! I dropped the laptop battery and charger on my left foot last night and I woke up with a really aching toe :) Had band in the morning,I didnt wanted to come because of my awesome toe,but I dragged myself up and went for band because I know I'm gonna miss out of something.Thankfully I went for band cz we had two new songs to learn,lol.I sound like a hardcore band geek.heh. Huda left first,her parents fetched her so I tagged along grace,aika and nicole,went to KFC and gossiped LOL.Talked about so many random things.Then followed aika to zap it and printed her script thingy,met my mom afterwhich at civics center and had lerk thai for lunch :) Then bought some groceries,went home. Earth Hour ! I didnt do anything i just switched off the lights in my room and listen to music LOL.Does that count conserving energy ?hahah,ahhh Adam I miss you so badly ): hahaha.Weeee glambert outing on 3rd april :D Pool gathering! Cant wait weeeeeeee ! ![]() BYEBYE. Friday, March 26, 2010, 6:11 AM
Adam is awesome.
![]() (AHH HOT HE LOOKS SO PERFECT :D) Hello . Ahhh,finally its friday,gosh.The whole week has been reeeaaalllyyy draggy ): Today was normal tho.Had F&N first period.Went to the IT lab to continue on the research,then had MT.Heh,so boring.I seriously cant take it.LOL.Then recess.Ate food weee.Okay retarded.Then history class.OMG so frikin funny hahahaha.Everyone was so retarded we keep annoying the teacher till she made us changed seats LOL.I'm seating next to Xiang yang HAHAHA. After that,dismissed weeee.Went to the library with shak.Wanted to finish up the F&N research but we ended up googling pictures of fried oreo,fried coke,fried mars bar,fried twinkies.HAHA,LOOKS DAMN NICE OKAY :D Didnt do any research at all.heh.Then it rained -,- so stayed in school and crapped with huda and shak,LOL.Then went home.So frikin tired gahhh. ![]() BYEBYE Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 4:36 AM
Plaid pants rock.
Gosh,my house blacked out the whole day yesterday -.- I was internet deprived.Sad.Nothing much happened yesterday,every class I went to,my head was on the table first,sleeeeeep :) Nothing much today too,had history first lesson,kinda interesting,hitler and all.Meh,then SS.So effin boring I slept thru it. Afterwhich was MT ? Boring.Teacher made us copy one full page of words -,- Then recess.Had macaronni :D Then math,crapshit,there's test tomorrow which I'm sooooo not ready for,gosh.Then had english,had to do comprehension,the text was soooo fudging long,goshh.LOL.Then EFL.Underage sex talk.meh. Had to stay back for MT oral.I was the first -,- so unlucky.But thank god it was'nt very difficult.Didnt stutter much,YAY.I can like totally read the passage without hesitating :)Then waited for sharifah.Syakir was annoying.Harizman was busy talking about MUSE.I was busy talking about ADAM :) That makes the world go round aye? Ok lame. Went home with Huda,YAYY I GOTZ MA INTERNET BACKKK ! (whatever amelia,its only been a day,crazy retardddddddd) ADAM IS HAWWWWT :D ![]() Monday, March 22, 2010, 1:08 AM
Still in cloud 9 :)
![]() Hello . Didnt really feel like blogging the past week,haha.Im still over the moon because I got to meet Adam :) Okay,retarded,amelia stop it.So the past week was ever so boring,I did nothing,online facebook twitter.Sleep.eat.haha,then eventually rushed through homework last saturday and sunday at shak's house,lol. Today,monday.School,yikes.So not ready.I'm still suffering from Adam Lambert withdrawal syndrome,LOL.Went to school with huda,then had math first period,amazingly I didnt feel tired at all,I paid attention to all classes.WOW.Then english,another ''im awake'' lesson,weird.Then F&N,okay weird,I was extrememly restless during f&n.I kept falling asleep after copying the theory hahaha.Then recess. Had ftc after recess,followed by SS.Wow,I paid attention to ss too.Weirdly the classes was kind of interesting today,its just me I know.lol.Then had sexual EDUCATION.LOL.Discuss some stuff and all,had to present with Nadiah,LOL.Then school ended,waited for huda for ahwhile then went home.DOZENS OF HOMEWORK I TELL YA ! UGHHH.So effin retarded la ): OMG I SERIOUSLY MISS ADAM LAMBERT D: COME BACK ADAM ! ![]() Byebye. Sunday, March 14, 2010, 3:37 AM
THIS WHOLE WEEK HAS BEEN THE MOST SURREAL-EST WEEK EVER !NEVER BEEN THIS RETARDEDLY HAPPY EVERRRR :DDDD I was so caught up this week that I didnt have time for the internet.Cause usually I need the internet to see ADAM,BUT RIGHT NOW I ACTUALLY SAW HIM IN REAL LIFE.Like whoah... Went to school on friday,got back my results,kinda retarded but I didnt really care.Dashed out of school with Huda cz we were late to meet up them glamberts.So went home changed and took the Mrt to harbourfront.Went to sentosa and went to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS :D Met up with Eve,Rikei(rikee?)Alan and Tiara and some of the others.Waited there for ahwhile then went in the Universal studios :DDD Had to run to the Pantages Theatre coz I was holding on to Alan's stuff and had to be with him cz he ran so darn fast,gawd.lol.Then waited there.ADAM APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE INSIDE THE PLACE HAHAHA!Then went up to the theatre.AND OMG THE PLACE WAS SO EPIC ! LITERALLY AWESOME ! Then ADAM came in,Glen Ong taught Adam SINGLISH HAHAHA.Adam said ''Wah piang eh,kiam sia(kam sai?) paiseh'' and one more i forgot LOL.Adam thought PAISEH meant DRUNK HAHAAHA. Then the showcase started.He performed 6 songs :D He sang Music Again,whataya want from me,sleepwalker,broken open,mad world and Down the rabbit hole.GAHH AWESOMEE! Didnt get much footage cz the securities didnt let us take a picture or a video -.- gahhh.But i sneaked in some.LOL.After the concert met up Huda's parents and took their car,they sent me home :D Saturday,today.Had the meet & greet :) Waited with Shak,huda and Eve.Then it started raining -.- lol.We watched movies in my iPod,talked crap,talked about how we met adam(ridiculously retarded but it was fun :) ) then ADAM CAME :DDD The autograph session was ridiculously funny and surreal.He was signing my album booklet then I was pulling it away (dont ask me why i was just being stupid at the most surreal-est moment) then he was gripping it back :D HAHA.I mean he was gripping it using his side wrist while I was pulling it really hard LOL.While he was signing my booklet I FRIKIN SQUEEZED BOTH HIS HANDS :) IT WAS HARDROCK BUT SMOOTH OMGGGGG.AHHHH !!! Then I told him I love him and thank you,then he replied WELCOME :DDD AHHHHH ! Then we met Lane,His manager so we took a picture with her.LOL.Then cabbed to Adam's hotel to hopefully get a picture and hug with him,but sadly he left ): We waited outside the hotel but then he left -.- LOL.Huda,Eve and I was so retardedly depressed we walked around city hall crying and laughing while holding on to Eve's banner LOL.We tore it :P we look drunk and retarded cz we could hardly walk LOL.Kinda stupid and pathetic.But oh well.I cried like fuck last night.But oh well.I mean I managed to frikin talk to him,meet him and squeeze his hand :D We stalked him,we were the first fans to see him,i got to talk to him,I met him again and he took the card we made,I saw him sing Live infront of my very eyes,I met him again the next day and talk to him and squeezed his hand.Then we were the last ones to see Adam in SG :) Proud k.Surreal.Awesome.I love Adam so much.The things I do for Adam,tsktsktsk.lol. Thursday, March 11, 2010, 5:53 AM
I have more pictures but I'm too lazy to wait for it to load :/ HELLO , OMG I TOTALLY MET ADAM LAMBERT JUST NOW :D I took every picture of him up there :DDD,HE WAS THAT CLOSE :P Okay,so went to the airport last night,but he went out of the airport at the VIP exit -.- didnt meet him last night,but met so many awesome glamberts :D Today,WHAT A FUCKING AWESOME DAY ! Met shak at Bns and took the mrt to City hall and met Alan And Eve.Afterwhich we walked all the way to the hotel where Adam was staying which was Ritz Carlton.lol.Then met Tiara,she went out of a cab so the valets assumed she had a room in the hotel so they let us in the frikin hotel !!! Then we stayed at the restaurant in the hotel.Then suddenly we saw MONTE ! Adam's guitarist.He was looking at the food at the buffet.LOL.Then the receptionist called us up.THE NEXT THING I KNEW,I SAW ADAM LAMBERT AT THE LOBBY LIKE 20 FEET ACROSS ME.HE WAS TALKING AND LAUGHING RIGHT INFRONT OF US.OMG !! So then,he was frikin kind enough to stop by and sign autograph and take pictures,I asked him if i could hug and take a picture,then he was pulled away by someone ): Then we went to the Mediacorp radio gate :D Waited for Adam there,he was'nt supposed to go out of the van but,HE DID ! I didnt managed to take many pictures,he however took the card that we made for him :D He was signing my album booklet halfway then he was pulled by someone again -.- SO,my album cover only had less then a quarter of his signature, BUT HE CRUMPLED THE TOP PART OF THE BOOKLET OMGGG.LOL.Then went home afterwhich,OMGGGG AND GUESS WHAT,I'M GOING TO ADAM'S CONCERT/SHOWCASE TMR !!!! THANK YOU TIARA !! OMG ADAM IS FUCKING CUTE OKAY ! ![]() BYEBYE. Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 5:39 PM
![]() Hello . Yesterday was insane.hahaha. Had Math first period.Nothing much,boringgg.Then PE.I didnt participate,again :D I'm so happy.Then physics which was boring and I slept through the whole lesson :/ Then recess.Then Mother Tongue.Boring,as always.meh.Chemistry was boring too.LOL,then english,Had to read some asian book thing.I didnt read at all,I slept through again :D Afterschool,took my clothes and went to meet Shak at BnS.Went to shak's house then.Then huda came.We actually wanted to shoot a cash video,but sadly it was late and we were tired.haha.Then had dinner then played CHAT ROULETTE ! HAHAHA,So funny my goshhh.We made friends with really awesome people :D We were suppose to meet Adam at 4.30am but he was still in Melbourne last night,So heh. Adam's coming to Singapore TONIGHTTTTT !! AHHHHH ! I'M GOING TO THE AIRPORT TO ''FETCH'' HIM :) Gah I cant frikin WAIIIITTTT !!! CANNOTTTT WAIIITTTTT !!! :DDD ![]() BYEBYE. Monday, March 8, 2010, 2:11 AM
I cant wait.
![]() Hello . AHH,Monday -.- Monday frikin blue,psssh.Went to school with huda,lol.Passed up my SS mindmap thingy then went to the parade square.lol,3/8 had to sing the National Anthem.haha,then had MATH -.- I failed my test miserably.That ALIEN,AKID kept laughing at my marks,LOL.Patheticly,I improved by one mark for my retest.hahahaha.Then had english,amazingly class was rather fast :) Then F&N.Theory as usual.Nothing much,then recess.Something weird happened.I didnt have money LOL.Totally forgot to ask parents for money -.- how very clever.Then had FTC.I need to pay for class tee and school handbook.grr.Waste my money only.Then had SS test.I scored 19/20 :DDD LOL. Then Assembly.Boring like fuck.Police talk thing.Frikin lame.Dismissed kinda late,fucking hell.Then stayed back with aishah,huda and shak for ahwhile then home afterwhich,my monday was boring but I laughed alot,for no reason,of course.haha. When I meet Adam,the first thing I'll do is to smell him,then hug him,scream at him then take a picture with him :) I'm gonna ask him if he likes my wallet too HAHAHA.I cant waittt !!! 3 MORE DAYSSS !!!! Aww,so cuteee :) ![]() BYEBYE. Saturday, March 6, 2010, 3:27 AM
Deluxe album ?
![]() Hello ,
Today was awesome :) Went for band in the morning.Practiced some songs for the exchange next weeeek,AHHH scareddd.Then after band,took the train with Huda,shak,Christian B and Nate.Then chris went off first.We headed to Somerset. Reached 313 then headed to HMV.Got our awesome reserved Adam Deluxe album :DDDD LOL.Then walked around the place for ahwhile.Took the train.Went to KFC for lunch.haha.Then went home ? I think.Was soooo tired.hahahaha. YAY I'M MEETING ADAM :) I'm so retarded. 1 year 1 month obsessing him today.Awesome right? (No,that's very lame Amelia)Gahh I love himmmmm <33333> Friday, March 5, 2010, 3:37 AM
![]() OMGGGG.I'M MEETING ADAM NEXT WEEK :DDDDD Okay moving on,School was boring.Wait,school was always boring.heh.Had F&N today.Did theory then practical ! WHOOO.Baked sponge cake.Then Sharifah and I made Icing :) Had mother tongue formal writting afterwhich,then recess.haha.Aishah,huda,shak and I ate the cake.lol. Then had history.I failed my test for the first time of mah life ): Kinda sad but I didnt show anyone.hahaha.Retarded.Anyways,then waited for Huda with Aishah and we watched ''Valetine's Day'' on my iPod.Then huda went to my house.LOL. BOOKED ADAM'S DELUXE ALBUM AND BUYING ADAM'S DELUXE ALBUM SO WE COULD MEET HIM AND GET AN AUTOPGRAPH AND MAYBE WIN THE CONCERT TIX :) SUPER EXCITED.Next week shall be a jam packed awesome week,I can tell :D The photo is from a magazine,kinda ridiculous but I like so heh.haha he soo hawwttt :) ![]() BYEBYE. Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 1:12 AM
Arse ?
![]() Hello . Was lazy to post,for those other days.hah.Nothing much happened.I'm actually lazy to post again now.heh whatever.School was boringgg.I finally took all my test yesterday :) LOL. Today was rather mundane.Weather was fucking hot.Someone broke the fan in class.meh.Did some weird introduction thing during history.Got back my SS test paper just now.Then MT.Boring. Talked about Adam with Aishah and Huda the whole recess period LOL.Then had math,teacher didnt come again.Slacked with Sharifah.Then english,filing.meh so boring.Then EFL.Mrs Yeo talking againnn.bleah. Waited for Christian B then took the bus with Aishah huda ChrisB and went home.Was soooo frikin tired.haha.I'm like soooo meeting Adam :) Skipping school and meeting him.The things I do to see Adam.Comeon,it's been a year since I was obsessed with him,I'd do whatever to meet em right ? (Oh god Amelia just shut up already.) I can't wait to meet you,Adam :) ![]() BYEBYE. |