![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 1:56 AM
![]() Hello . EXAMS ! GAH,There was english exam on monday.The composition question was awesome,there was 6 choices but the 5th choice was ''Describe the person you admire.'' OMG.Like obviously I chose that question and wrote a two page composition about ADAM LAMBERT :P HAHA.Awesomezzz.I almost sounded like I was bragging about adam in my compo,kind of retarded.hah.The paper two was retarded and boring,heh not fun.It rained so we stayed back in school for ahhwile.Went home with Aishah,huda and shak. TUESDAY..Mother Tongue papers.HAHA.The choices were effin lame and boring,so I chose the one about going support and watch a soccer tournament.I changed my the story a lil bit.I said that the star player was ADAM HUAHUA.LOL.Paper two was effin boring and quite hard.I hate MT la.seriously.waste my bloody time.Today didnt rain WOW.Today was BLAZING HOT.Went home with Aishah,huda and shak again.lol.Fucking hell school as per normal tmr -.- UGHH. OMG I seriously miss this guy with his super long hair ): So effin cute :D ![]() Sunday, April 25, 2010, 6:37 AM
I love my boyfriend.
![]() Hello . Ignore my previous posts.So stupid and retarded.hahaha. Last friday was awesome :) School was fast,huda didnt attend school,lol.F&N did some questions from the txtbook afterwhich MT was boring but I managed not to doze off,haha.Then recess.History was next.History was fun cz I was paying attention,ok dont make sense. After school,had lunch.Then went up ava room to practise and stuff.Supposed to have last rehearsal but cancelled so we ended up practising till 6+ and went down to the hall.Waited backstage.Then performed.Was fairly good.After performing.Help percussion instruments and all.Afterwhich dismissed then we went to the canteen for ''dinner'' we went down quite late,so we didnt get much food ): Alot came up to huda and I cz huda was the person who played the drumset and I was the nearest at the stage(?) ok nvrm.Got alot of compliments and feedbacks (Y) ! Then talked to Mrs Yeo for ahwhile,took a picture with her again,LOL and hugged her :P She's so darn cute okay! HAHA,it was alrd 8pm so we decided to get out of the school. Walked to the busstop,saw Ms Foo,high-fived her LOL.Then walked to vista point with Aika,huda,shak,joycelyn,grace and nicole.LOL.We ended up sitting under a void deck and gossiped about certain someone,veryvery funny.Then took 900 and went home arnd 9pm LOL. Speech day was super fun hahaha.My saturday was very boring.Did nothing.Slept and had a nightmare,lol.Then I studied for ahwhile.Then went back to sleep.Dad bought a new phone.Sunday was boring too.haha.Good luck everyone for mid terms tmr ! :) ![]() BYEBYE. Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 8:33 PM
what do you see ?
Dear Amelia Norman,
you know what's annoying ? You sulking so much.Get a life. I dont know what's wrong with me.Maybe I need therapy,haha.
A D A M L A M B E R T <3
:) 2:34 AM
life is not short,and I wont live it.
I have no mood for school.No energy for anything,really.I shall not study and give up for mid-years.Dont ask me why I'm being so negative.I just feel like it.Maybe I should just quit school.That'll be better.hah. Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 3:13 AM
We need a little push so we could go further.
![]() Hello . TUESDAY.Cleary sucks.I dont know why,every tuesday must always suck.Gosh.The CHINA people sang their national anthem,hahahaha.Then math.Tired,I dont get a single thing teacher was teaching LOL.PE was next.ugh.I ran,and I passed,I'm awesome.I HATE PE I TELL YOU,Gosh,if it's games then it's okay,but running ? COME ON. Physics test afterwhich,which was double the suckiness.Didnt study anything at all.heh.Then had lesson,which I didnt bother listening to cz I was dead tired,lol.Recess,nothing much.Mother Tongue,finished up my test,chemistry.I can die of boredome.Fuck,gosh TUESDAY SUCKS.Then english,thankfully we were not stuck in class.Went to the mac lab and did asknlearn -.- Went home with Huda afterwhich cz I was felt rather apathetic and sick ): LOL.I'm not lying I really am sick,but people just dont believe me :/ Heh,whatever.I seriously hope tmr wont suck as badly as today.hahaha. ![]() BYEBYE. Monday, April 19, 2010, 4:49 AM
Take my hand,take my whole life too.
![]() Hello . MONDAY . Gross.School.Came almost late,haha.Had math test in the morning.English class was funny and fun :D Laughed alot hahaha Aliff kept making lame jokes which are funny somehow haha.Then had Health screening.Took blood pressure only.Then recess.Talked alot with shak,lol. SS was next.Copied down the notes,which I dont understand actually.haha.Then Ftc and APC.I was stoning and reading my book.I look so loser and loner-ish so pathetic.hahaha.Ms Gan didnt let me sleep tskk.Then after school,huda came then it rained so waited for ahwhile then shak ended school and it was still raining -.- so we stayed for ahwhile till some person turned off the lights. Walked home afterwhich LOL.So nonsense.I feel really sick now,I dont wanna go to school tmr ): HAHAHA.I realllllyyyyy wanna skip but I doubt I can,but I dont feel like skipping suddenly.Mid Years around the corners.goshh :/ ![]() BYEBYE. Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 7:08 AM
nothing really matters to me.
![]() Hello . Today turned out so much better than I thought it would be :) Went to school with shak,the frikin idiotic bus came super darn late -.- then assembly,sat next to huda,the Arts department tcher said that we have to have perfect ettiquette and be silent in theatres.Then huda and I kept laughing cz of the time we went to Adam's concert,at Pantages Theatre,and we were LOUD.(others too :P) . Math first period.Did some workbook questions then test papers ! I finally passed my math ! Woohoo ! Ms Toh said she's leaving soon D: NOOO,I really like her ): Then had PE.Mr Yap didnt come,YEAH ! Mr David substituted our class,he saw my table and he said Adam is HOT AND HANDSOME :DDDD LOL.Then had physics.LOL,Ms Uma's reaction is darn funny.LOL. Recess,ate nothing,just watched some international people perform on the flipside,lol.Then MT,so frigging boring,my gosh.I kept sleeping and waking up,lol.Chemistry next.I paid attention,yet I didnt know what the heck we were supposed to do.LOL.Copied Noydalyn's answers :PPP Someone next to me is not a help at all,tsktsk.Then english,teacher didnt come too :D Weeee,talked and read my book for ahwhile,then did my history essay LOL. Waited for shak after school,then it rained heavily,so we ended up staying back till 6,left the school and went to causeway point cz she had to buy her sister assesment books,LOL.Huda and I dared to talk with a british accent.And we did,and people really believed us HAHAHAH.Went home afterwhich. AMERICAN IDOL TMR ! WATCH ! ADAM IS MENTORING WEEEEEE :DDD Monday, April 12, 2010, 4:29 AM
![]() Hello . Ahhh,monday.Start of the week,today was kinda retarded and funny actually.Had only half an hour of math,kinda okay I understood :D YAY! lol.Then english,checked how much we got for the compre test then tcher asked us to read the comic thingy LOL.So retarded and childish,but was fun coz the people who were reading as the characters made funny voices LOL. F&N was next.Essay agai -.- kinda miss Mrs K ): AHH,I dont want any essays anymore,I didnt know what to write so I ended up writting crap hahah.Then recess.Some people from NT performed,cant hear much heh.Then SS.I tried to pay attention but the guys where so frikin noisy,but I ended joining their convos LOL. Then assembly.WHOO ! The people from St Andrews christchurch in New zealand peformed for us.They were in choir?hahaha,awesomeawesome.They can reeeaaallly sing ! The two people who sang the duet,sang the same song Adam sang with some girl I forgot.LOL,they even performed BOHEMIAN RAPSODY.whoo !Stayed back with AISHAH ALFRED BS after school,played the piano with her LOLOLOL. Then it rained so ended up waiting in school with HUDA HENRY and SHARKIE SAMUEL.You people prolly wont get why there's a male middle name :PPP inside joke HAHAHAH.(Okay lame,Amelia.Nobody is laughing.....) AHH GOSSSHH I CANT WAIT FOR WEDNESDAY ! ADAM ON TV AGAINNN !!!WEEEEE !!!! ![]() BYEBYE. Saturday, April 10, 2010, 7:06 AM
imma sleepwalker.
![]() Hello .
I'm way too lazy to post everyday,so I'll just post when I feel like it,hahah.Friday was funny.Had lessons as per normal.Then after school,speech day rehearsal.Aishah and I were the last ones to get on the stage so we kept singing and singing LOL.Then rehearsed and all that shit.WHOO! There's a drumset now :D Bet Huda is darn happy LOL. After rehearsal,stayed back in school for ahwhile cz it's raining.I brought along my camera,so I ended up taking random candid pictures,LOL.Uploading em in facebook nao.LOL.Then took a picture with Mrs Yeo HAHAHAH.Walked home with nate,shak and huda. Saturday,today.Had band.Didnt wanna go,but I forced myself to go :/ lol.Funny sia today.Especially when we used the initials of our names and turn it to either girls or boys names.haha,you prolly dont get me :P Funfun.I dont know why.haha,aika and I kept disturbing someone.So mfing annoying.Jx was funny,he shared his glasses with mirza LOL. Brother bought iPhone,so I'm using his previous phone :P HAHAHAHA.Went home with mom,brothers after band.lol.Adam is so HAWWWWWWT :D ![]() BYEBYE. Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 3:45 AM
I taste it all,the tears.
![]() Hello . Finally I'm blogging,again,HEH.I neglected this blog for a week,I think ? Too lazy to update.haha.I didnt want to blog,but I felt the need to keep this blog alive,eww. History first period,LOL,the couselour went to find Felicia,LOL.Then she left me alone,haha.Watched a video of Hitler,then did some worksheet,Yujie,Michelle and felicia,copied my answers -.- LOL.Then had SS test,anyhow do.lol,well teacher did say we could ''bluff'' our answer :) Then MT,Had to do composition.Sucks,I wrote nonsense,hahaha. Then recess.Then had to change to band uniform cz there's photo-taking,HAHA.Changed at the first floor toilet,where the lower secondary kids were at LOL.Then took the picture,kind of retarded,with band uniform and all.pssh.Changed and went up class.Nothing much,had english,afterwhich EFL.Principal talked and talked. Stayed back with huda and Chris B,waited for shak,then went home :) LOL.HAHA,I'm bored.So dead tired goshhh.School is draining so much ennerrgyy,(ok that was very lame and idiotic,Amelia)Ahhh Adam <3 BYEBYE. ![]() |