![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Sunday, May 30, 2010, 9:36 PM
When I'm a billionare....
![]() Hellooooo. Holidays,whoooo. I seriously need to start a timeline throughout this holiday.And make sure I follow up to what i planned.Dont wanna waste my holiday doing absolutely nothing.lol.All I've been doing this past 3 days is lying in bed sleeping,rofl.See,wont wanna end up like last year.Doing nothing at all and end up regretting LOL.Okay I'm just rambling in this post.hahaha. :( I dont understand you at times,eventhough I obviously know that some things are better not discovered or known,I'm just curious,and it always leads to something bad,but you always try to cover it up,knowing that THAT certain truth or a flaw of yours is finally showing.But I choose to accept you just because I know that deep down you have that sense of love,knowing that people actually care about you and that you shouldnt be hurting the people around you anymore.I cant express to you because its hard to tell,literally.I think you should find out the mistakes that you've been doing that changed the person I thought is different.Yes,I still am going to support in whatever decision you want to make but at times,those decisions are going way to far,and I dont think I can keep up to that.But nevertheless,I still love you like how I always do. ![]() Bye. Friday, May 28, 2010, 6:10 AM
![]() Hellooo .
Bintan was AWESOME ! 3/6 <3 First day.
Came to school with shak,reached at 7? Then refilled my water bottle then changed to long pants,bussed to the ferry terminal,then took the ferry,sat next to sharifah linxia and Mrs K,reached bintan,had lunch there,then bussed to the gunung BINTAN.Climb the stupid mountain,afterwhich bussed in the low-class bus to the hotel.WHOO!The hotel was awesome !Had dinner in the hotel room.Discussed the CIP thing with the class for ahwhile and went back to the hotel.My whole body was super sore from the climb so I didnt go around the hotel much.lol.
Second day.
Woke up,bathed change.Then had breakfast w the class at the hotel restaurant(?) then there were no more seats in the class bus so sharifah,aliff,joel,akid,irfaan and I including the Jean(s) who was barely noticed,we took the smaller van,Funny shiiit,bussed to the top school in bintan,sang along and I took videos of the bintan kids performing and all in their classroom.Then their marching band performed for us,fucking awesome ! Seriously.Then bussed back to the hotel for lunch.Had lunch.Was suppose to go to the orphanage but it rained so we visited the landfill.We were in the van then Joel wanted to pee really badly.Funny shit,Aliff kept making stupid jokes in the van and he played the guitar and changed the lyrics in the songs,bussed to the water village.Its so creepy there seriously.There was barely enough space for many people to walk along the houses.We kept freaking out coz anyone can just fall over the muddy water,LOL.We bussed to the seafood restaurant for dinner.Damn awesome ! The food there is so freaking delicioussss :D Then bussed to the orphanage.Had campfire.Damn fun actually.But I was'nt in the mood,dont know why D: Surrounded by funny people.Syakir,khairul,sharifah,jie di,joel,aidil and all.Then bussed back to the hotel.HAHAHA,In the van,the six of us we kept singing and singing,sang an elvis presley song,majulah singapura even the school song and some malay song epic shiiit.Then aliff sang the lollipop song,hahaha.Slept right after I bathed.Damn tired,heh.
Third day.
Last day ): Really wanted a longer camp.Damn fun ! Woke up bathed changed breakfast at the restaurant again,took pictures then bussed at a different bus to the ferry terminal ): Not the crazy van with the 6 people lol.Slept in the bus.Reached.Waited for the ferry.Slept in the ferry hahaha.Finally reached SINGAPORE ! LOL.Then bussed back to school.Slept for a little.Reached school.Did some reflection thingy then released.Met up shak and huda.Went home bathed then SLEEEEEP.LOL.
Last day of school yesterday.CCA day :D Then had FTC.Got back report book ): Terrible marks.Seriously I dont even wanna think about it lol.After school,intended to watch a movie but was too lazy so we went home instead lol.Going out next week,HOPEFULLY.Sooooo Yeaah. ByeBye.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 7:50 PM
If I had you.
![]() Hello . I forced myself to open my eyes and go to school on wednesday.Probably because of the fact that I would finally get to see how horrible I did for my history paper.It rained while I was heading to school.To top that off,history was the first lesson.Got my exam paper.I did mediorce,just passed.I knew I could do better,lucky for me Felicia was cracking up really random jokes that made me feel a little better.We kept singing the Super Mario theme song and laughed our asses off at the back of the class. Social Studies was next.Sharifah sat next to me,we doodled on our supposed ''test'' papers that Mr Yap gave us to complete.lol.After which was Mother Tongue,we didnt have mother tongue,dont exactly know why,so ended up in class talking,watching kick-ass in my iPod and watching the guys in the class performing a ''mini concert'' hahaha.Math was next,as soon I received my paper,I turned the pages purposely avoiding to see the number of marks that I got,Its kinda dumb to do that,counting the fact that It's my own fault for not studying.heh.Did corrections. English was after math,something that made me smile.I got back my composition paper.I did rather well,wrote about Adam in my composition and I got 23/30 for my composition,very elated.I was first in class for english,which is really random.Had EFL,nothing much,I could barely remember what happened.Went home with huda,lol. I didnt attend school today simply because of the fact that I woke up late and I cant find my PE shirt and there's napha test which I'm totally not looking forward to,haha,Booyah :)So far,the subjects that I failed are math and chemistry,so yeah.Suprised how I managed to pass my combine humanities,lol. Byebye. Monday, May 17, 2010, 2:42 AM
They dont really care about us.
![]() Hello . Last saturday,huda and I went to the town and went to the merlion LOL.And we stood where Adam Lambert stood last 2 months ago HAHAHA.Lifeless,then went around met Tiara then bought drinks,hahaha.Went home soon after.Sunday did pretty much nothing.Slept alot cz I was super tired idkwhy,lol. School today,it Rained in the morning LOL.So went up the class then heard KrisAllen's No boundaries,GROSSSS,LOL.Then got back exams results,dont even ask about my math marks,beyond terrible LOL.English was next,passed weee,LOL.Then F&N,heh.Not even gonna elaborate,freaking dissapointing. Recess then SS.There was only 2 people who passed the paper and the two people was Noydallyn and I HAHA,I didnt expect at all,lol.Then FTC,discuss about the bintan trip.Afterwhich was sexuality education,Freaking boring I wrote about ADAM hahahaha.Then after school,went to Civics Macdonalds with Huda and Shak,crap alooot,lifeless.Tsktsk,went home afterwhich. OMG ADAM NEW PHOTOSHOOT PICTURES ARE HAAAWWT :D Byebye. Thursday, May 13, 2010, 3:37 AM
![]() Hello . Havent been posting much lately,exams duh.But exams are finally over :) I went to collect my passport on tuesday this week and afterwhich I ended up around Ritz Carlton hotel,bugis junction and the merlion -.- (its the places that Adam went while he was in SG,btw) I dont know why,it's so heartbreaking to be/see/think of the place ): haha.I'm just retarded.I took the train home,ALONE.Really terrible train ride home.gawd. Ihad physics and SS paper on that tuesday,was okay,the physics paper used the name ''Adam'' and ''David'' hahahahaha.Had chemistry paper the next day,which was manage-able but still hard.haha.I went home with sharifah,poovan and gilson,bussed home and went to sleep.freaking tired,haha.Last paper today,which was math paper 2.Was terrible cz I hardly studied,lol.Well,I'll still fail my math even if I study,lmao. Waited with Huda for Shak,while waiting gossiped,crapped alot,hahaha.Huda didnt come to school for like two days so we had alooot to crap about,lol.Retards.Why is everyone asking if I have a crush on someone right now ? I dont coz I'm still obsessed over,Adam.Hello,pretty obvious right ? rofl.(yea well Amelia,that's pretty pathetic either) Byebye. Monday, May 10, 2010, 2:45 AM
I'm so obsessed with your sexiness.
![]() Hello . What's up ? lmao.It was Mother's day last sunday haha.Went out with mom and brother.Brother had to bring his iPhone to the Singtel shop,so followed him there,fucking unfair,they changed his iPhone to a new one cz his previous one had problems -.- Like so easy. Then went to beach road.On the way there,saw Ritz Carlton,bugis junction and the merlion.Damn,totally nostalgic,Adam was at those places not too long ago ): I dont know why,heartbreaking when I saw the places again,hahaha.Had dinner at the hawker centre then went home. Had History and math paper just now,history was fucking difficult,ugh.Didnt have enough time,darn it ): Scribled alot at the last essay.Gawd.I'm so dead,but I'm confident for that paper :D Afterwhich was math paper,dead.I didnt even revise nor study at all.All I did was write crap on the paper :) Most probably failing terribly LOL.Tmr's paper,Social Studies and Physics,Good luck Amelia,and the rest of em :D ![]() BYEBYE. Thursday, May 6, 2010, 10:56 PM
There will be an answer,let it be.
![]() Hello . Dead.F&N paper just now.I just flunked it :/ Everything that I studied for didnt come out in the test AT ALL.Fucking hell.I wrote a bunch of shit in my paper,regret.Most of the questions were from the first chapter,I didnt study it much,fuckfuckfuck. Oh well,its over,I'll fail it for sure,lol.Even the essay,the second question,I was totally clueless.Gosh.Flunked for sure ): Next paper,History and Math.I'm okay for history,but math,no way in hell.Probably gonna fail math terribly.lol.Grrr. Ate lunch w Syafiqah,huda and khalilah.Then the rest left,left w Syafiqah.ZiHuan joined us,waited for another Syafiqah LOL,then walked to the 901 busstop then went home.Super tiired.Lol.So lazy to study,but I have too,if not the same thing will happen :/ lol.Okay kinda looking forward for the Bintan trip,but not the mountain.Fucking lazy to climb it ): lol. ![]() Byebye. Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 2:46 AM
Let's fall inlove again? Nah.
![]() Hello , Woke up late on Tuesday,lmao.I woke up at 7am and I was still sick so I didnt go to school,haha.Did nothing,rest at home then went to czway to meet Huda for fun,lol.New Mio set up box at home now,nothing much.Still nothing fun on tv . Today,went to school.History first lesson.It's Ms Ashreena's last class with us,so took pictures then lesson,she gave us all lollipop.hahahaha.Then it was SS.Boring,I forgot what I did,lol.Then MT,I slept thru the whole period,lol.Then recess.Then math,went thru some worksheet.Then english,went to the library.Played pictionary for ahwhile.Then went to the prayer hub fr Bintan trip briefing,kinda not looking forward for it tho :/ Met up huda and shak after school.Finally got our class tees.Fucking ugly,fuckshit.Really.Kind of a waste of money -.- Oh well.Fucking hell,there's no school for the express stream -.- fucking unfair.Ohmygod,Adam's new photoshoot pictures are fucking haaawwwt :DDDD ![]() BYEBYE. Saturday, May 1, 2010, 2:45 AM
panadols dont work anymore.
![]() Hello . Been a week since I last posted haha.Was too lazy to even use the laptop.lol.I'm super sick right now.Fever,coughing and sneezing,you name it.So freaking irritating.bzzz. School was okay.Sharifah was rather miserable and I have no idea how to help,cheer up woman ! Everything will work out soon.lol.I cant recall what happened in school.Did the F&N research for 2 hours in the lab,lol.Then watched annoying orange using Aliff's computer,lol.Random.Mother Tongue was so freaking boring.I read my book for like 5 minutes,then I went to sleep,HAHA. Recess,nothing much.Finally huda and I ate at the western stall after months,hahaha.Then history.Damnit,had SBQ test,which I was'nt prepared a single bit,lol.Then went to chapel,lol watched ''over the hedge'' . Went up to art room with shak to meet huda,then Mr Vernon was telling ghost stories,till he mentioned my story,the one that I saw,then I was like ''THAT'S MY STORY' lmao.Wow,the story spreaded to so many people,whoah. Went home afterwhich,cz I felt really sick,hahah.There's exams soon and I'm retardedly sick,gosh I hate this ): I had the most stupidest dream just now,HAHAH. ![]() BYEBYE. |