![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
I dont link accordingly,I prefer it random :DESHA [GAYshrek] Sabrina Amanda AmandaLUM Daisy[THE COW] Ru Rong Gwen Syakira Emilyza Izzdin Shakinah[COOKIEFIED?] Jonathan[NateGAGA] Aika Hayati Christian Bernard[DRAMAKING!] Kiki KaiJun Christian Marie Yu Jie[BIRDIE!] Pei Ying ShanShan[Marshmellow!] Melissa[GAYPARTNER] FELICIA![BUNNY?] Hajar Shahrukh AMEER Michelle Yean lin Nicole[TORRES!] Umairah Huda [PROKOPIE!] CHR BAND [HANCOR-EST BAND] Aryanti LKY [JUSTIN] Roseanne [Crappartner II] Nadhirah Milo Pink Syarmin Sharifah [SHASSY ?] Grace [ASTRONAUT!] Pei Jia Afiqah!
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Monday, June 21, 2010, 3:07 AM
![]() Hello . Havent been posting for like 2 weeks ? I guess.Well nobody would even come around and read my blog so who cares right ? lol.Didnt do much this holiday.Sleep in the whole day pretty much.I'm always an insomniac in the holidays,so if you follow me on twitter,you'd see my tweet at the most randomest hours of the day.Haha.School soon,in like 6 days ? Okay to be honest,I would rather go to school then wasting time at home,but I'm really not looking forward for the horrendously boring lessons D: So yeah. Follow me on Twitter if you have one : Adam won an Award at the Much Music Video awards :D YAY FOR ADAM.LOL.He shaved his right side :/ Kinda cool actually very (unique).lol.I'm so sick of facebook.Might delete it soon.Maybe not sure.Seriously Facebook is getting really fucked up.Its like the Myspace of like 2010 hahaha.I'm making crap up.I should go I have nothing else to talk about.See ya in school :) LOL. Byebye. Sunday, June 6, 2010, 2:55 AM
#Adam's side shaves are hot.
![]() Hello .
I havent been updating this blog for like 6 days ? Hahaha.Like finally I went out on thursday lol.Met up with Shak and Huda and trained to Ang Mo Kio and bought tickets to watch ''Killers'' and ''Furry Vengeance'' :D Killers was freeeaaaking awesome,Love that movie ! Ashton Kutcher is in the movie so that's one of the many reason I absolutely love that movie lol.Bought food then went to watch Furry Vengeance afterwhich,storyline of the movie was really lame tho,but we watched it just cause of Matt Prokop,Huda is totally obsessed w him so I didnt mind watching the movie lol.Went home around 11:30pm . So yeah. Did nothing on Friday.Sleep and bought random food at the groceries store with brother,hahaha.Had band on saturday which was really boring,had one hour of sectionals and since Aishah went off to Japan,I got really bored,lol.After band,went to KFC for lunch then Shak asked if we wanna hang at her house so Huda,aika,Jonathan,Hayati,and I went to shak's house.Gossiped,played this crappy game on the tv and youtubed random things.lol.Went home arnd 7:30pm.Was super tired. GLAMNATION TOUR STARTED :D ADAM FTW ! hahahaha.and OMG If I had you music video premiering next week AHHH ! Cant wait.I'm just scared it'll premier on Monday or tuesday coz I have camp on those days ): LOL.Speaking of camps,band camp tmr,dang it.Ugh.Adam <33333 Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 11:55 PM
![]() Hello . In today's post I shall grumble and type absolute bullshit again,kinda like yesterday's post.I dont know why I'm posting everyday.I was bored so I read my previous/past posts.I read the post about meeting Adam and going to his showcase and squeezing his hand and stalking him,blahblahblah then I wondered if any random person,would read it,would they believe it ? For me I feel like it's sounded so surreal and unbelievable.(it did happen)Because even meeting him was somehow coincidental.Not even lying.Going to his showcase,I didnt freaking win the ticket,my friend gave(?) it.Its kinda like everything is fated.I know I'm freaking fortunate that I could actually see him face-to-face.Talk and all that.But thinking back,it's somehow stupid. [[I dont even know why I'm even talking about something that happened almost 3 months ago.Sometimes its fun and it makes me all flaily thinking about it,but at times I feel like it shouldnt have happened and I shouldnt be obsessing over someone like Adam.]] Anyhoo,there's BAND CAMP next week.I'm having second thoughts about going,heh.Whatever I'm forced to go anyway.lol.Again I'm rambling about things that NOBODY cares hahaha.I'm an insomniac again,slept at 5am in the morning last night,well technically this morning lol.What am I talking about again,okay nevermind I wouldnt wanna dwell on that again.I have nothing else to say.I think I'm posting again tmr lol.Rambling about crap nobody cares. ![]() Bye. 3:33 AM
![]() Hi. I'm retarded ! I am still bored.I did not do the timeline/timetable thing that I promised I would do yesterday.I am already rotting at home doing unprogressive things and it's only the 1st of June,lol.I dont even know why I'm blogging haha.I feel like I should quit Twitter,Facebook or might as well just quit the Internet.Hmm.Why must the weather be so hot ?(okay random.) I'm fucking bored.Ask me questions at : http://www.formspring.me/AmeliaNorman I dont even know I just typed that :/ Oh 3 days till The Glam Nation tour :) Eventhough I'm not going to any of the concerts,I'm fucking excited for it :D Haha,(nobody cares,Amelia)For some reason I want school but I dont want to wake up early and suffer in really horrendously boring lessons.I'm taking a really long time trying to make this post seem longer.rofl.Actually I'm not even ''rofl-ing'' I just thought it would seem less lame to add an abbreviation.heh.For some retarded explicit reason,''Billionare'' the song,is constantly playing in my head. I think I shall stop rambling and typing crap in this post.In conclusion to today's post ; Amelia is just bored out of her mind.(And she think's Adam Lambert is fucking hot :D) ![]() Byebye. |