![]() Amelia Norman Playlist
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Monday, September 27, 2010, 4:16 AM
Adam's concert was BEYOND BELIEVE.
![]() Hello .
25TH SEPTEMBER 2010.BEST FUCKING DAY EVER. Couldnt resist I just have to post about it.lol. On the 24th,managed to go to the airport to welcome Adam to Singapore ! (Y) He looked very tired ): Rushed back to school after seeing him,had to sit for an oral examination,I know so retarded and so ANNOYING.Atleast that kept me away from stalking him again lol.So,Adam stayed at SwissHotel,reason being,he's part of the F1 lineup,and all of them stayed there,but I didnt wanna go there,lol.Bought my outfit for Adam's concert after school,then again,resisted going to CityHall.lol.
25th,woke up at 10am,got ready for the concert and left my house at 12PM.Met up with the Glambert Gang ; Denise,Tiara,Tashi,Elaine,Liwen,Rikei.It was raining and we didnt want to get soaking wet so,Huda,Denise,Tiara and I used a plastic mat to cover ourselves from the rain LOL.Epic shit I tell you :P Upon reaching,had a bag check and got our Fan Zone wristbands,then "queued" for Daughtry/AdamLambert's concert. - Glambert gang !From Left ; Rikei,Denise,Me,Tiara,Liwen and Tashi <3>
Walked around Zone 4 and bought random stuffs there.Damn expensive and we can literally buy a $6 cup of beer LOL.Soon the que got really really long lol.Watched Daughtry's set,Denise and I was literally jumping up and down and singing along to daugtry lol.Then we did our glitter make-up,soon after,we had to get in to the fan zone for Adam's co ncert *.* Damn lucky,I was fucking front row.AAAHHH.The most funniest highlight of the day was that NEI L LAMBERT,Adam's younger brother suddenly appeared at the stage(before adam's set) then he started taking pictures of everybody LOL.Firstly,Denise and I was smiling to his camera,then he kept taking and taking the pictures so we made retarded crazy faces at his camera and he simply laughed,DAMN CUTE.Then we waved at him,SURPRISINGLY,he waved back with an EFFIN GRIN.WOW.I was flailing already LOL.Then we waved again,then neil was like ''NOPE,NOOOOOO,NOPE! :P" what he meant was that he isnt gonna wave back anymore LOL.Adorable! Then soon after the freaking concert started,I was of course,high on life,jumping here and there,screaming and singing along.Literally flailing.Adam kept grinning at my side of the stage.HOTTIE.I seriously am lost of words to create a perfect sentence to describe how amazing and lucky I felt,everything was surreal.I seriously cant explain it.(wow was that cheesy?,lol.)Adam performed his full set.I was singing along and having the time of my life,like duh.My beloved is directly infront of me.Concert ended,waved bye to Neil again and he waved back like a little kid,DAMN CUTE.(He's 24 btw,lol.)
Went to eat McDs with Rikei,Elaine and Liwen.Chatted a little while and took a cab home.I was literally numb,from the over-excitem ent that I felt,the adrenalin e rush,the literal fatigueness and the body aches I suffered from the running jumping and flailing.HAHA.I didnt wanna disturb Adam so I decided not to stalk him this time round.Didnt get to see him anymore yesterday(sunday) and didnt get to bid farewell to him today ): Oh well.I'm just grateful I had the chance to c atch the concert live,met him thrice and watch him perform twice,what more do a 15 year old broke ass want ?
I love you AdamLambert.Thanks for delivering an amazing concert.Thanks for visiting Singapore <3> Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 11:59 PM
Baby you're a firework.
![]() Hello . 10 D A Y S T O A D A M' S C O N C E R T ! I'm bored.I'm sick so I didnt attend school.Finally had enough sleep.I feel like going down to the groceries store to get some food,but the weather is horrendous right now,so I'll go a little bit later. ----------------------------------------------- I want to rant,and I want to rant about Wesboro Baptist Church. Seriously,what is their problem ? They did burn the Qu'ran.like seriously,as if burning it would make ANY Muslims lesser of a muslim.How retarded ? They preach hate,tell lies about religion,yet they say whoever SINNED is going to hell.Now,HOLD YOU'RE HORSES.IF preaching HATE is right,then what is morally correct ? The people in WBC have OBVIOUSLY lost their minds and was never listening to the words of god,god would never say preaching hate is the right thing,it's kind of ironic on what they think is right or wrong is'nt it ? So they hate the Jews,homosexuals,muslims,america and STRONGLY believe that those people in particular would burn in hell,YET they say GOD HATES THE WORLD,meaning,they would also burn in hell.So what are you trying to comprehend ? What bullshit nonsense are you workshiping ? Its all lieslieslieslies.Satan has OBVIOUSLY overpowered and manipulated the many of the members of WestBoro Baptist Church.Because of them,the world is rightfully ending.What is wrong is practiced and what is right is called a SIN. ![]() Bye. Monday, September 13, 2010, 1:41 AM
After a hurricane,comes a rainbow.
![]() Oh Hello. Today was rather exciting.Had school.Wasnt all that bad.Free period for F&N class,then Aliff,Sharifah,Aidil and I talked about ghost stories when we were in Malaysia,and I tell you,there are really fucked up scary ones that gave me goosebumps pretty much the whole time they were sharing the stories :/ But it was interesting on the downside.
Recess.Food again,heehee.Math was tiresome and BORING to say the least.Thankfully I completed my assignments last thursday :D PC period.Nothing much.Read my book then chatted with Sharifah till end of class.Met up with huda and headed to causeway point. I must have been lagging in life to just realise Causeway Point was in renovation and most of the shops are closed.LOL.Pre-ordered the FYE : GLAMBOX :D I only bought it right now cause theres a chance for a meet and greet with ADAM and win a pair of F1 tixs for his concert.So yeah.Hope for the best :) Then Huda and I bought envelopes and stamps,and mailed our contest forms :) Hopefully we get to win the meet and greet :) That would be fucking awesome.Then bought bubble tea and went home lol. I CANT WAIT TO SEE ADAM LIVE AGAIN <3 ![]() BYE. |